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  1. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2011 8:18am UTC
    You can't judge my choices without understanding my reasons

  2. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2011 1:42pm UTC
    Instead of trying to find a way out focus on making your way through.

  3. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2011 8:31pm UTC
    It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that when on part of your
    life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces.

  4. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2011 1:40pm UTC
    This has everything to do with him. This is about knowing
    the difference between right and wrong, between the truth
    and a lie. He took that away from you and if you can't tell
    the difference, then you can't trust anyone. And if you can't
    trust, you can't love.

  5. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2011 9:34pm UTC
    The feeling of a person being "okay" does not imply that the
    person has risen above all their faults and emotional
    problems. It merely implies that they refuse to be
    paralyzed by them.

  6. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2011 9:26pm UTC
    You have to be brave with your life so others can be brave with theirs.

  7. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2011 1:21pm UTC
    Find the good in everybody. Think positive, do positive.
    Break the rules and take the chance of getting caught.

  8. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2011 10:45pm UTC
    I can't promise you a perfect relationship without arguments over our differences
    and trust issues, however, I can promise you as long as you're trying, I'm staying.

  9. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2011 10:34pm UTC
    Don't ever use someone's past against them. You're just reminding them of the mistakes they
    made back then. If you see the look on their face, then you'll see the hurt in their eyes as they
    reminisce everything that happened. Never use emotions as a weapon, it strikes deeper
    then you can imagine.

  10. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2011 5:21pm UTC
    She's never been one to wait around. She's always moving and dancing and running.
    But for some reason, with him, she's patient. She'll wait. She'll wait for nobody, and
    nothing else, except him.

  11. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2011 5:36pm UTC
    It only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy trust.

  12. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2011 5:06pm UTC
    I'm too stubborn to forget. You're too proud to apologize.

  13. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2011 4:16pm UTC
    I keep letting you back in. How can I explain myself?
    As painful as this thing has been, I just can't be with no one else.

  14. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2011 4:07pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2011 7:38pm UTC
    That terrifying moment when you realize you're starting to get attached to someone.

  16. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2011 1:22pm UTC
    Don't be too confident when someone tells you they like you. The question is till when?
    Because frankly, just like seasons, people and feelings fade.

  17. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2011 1:13pm UTC
    I forgive you. Just know I lost all my respect for you.

  18. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2011 10:37am UTC
    Somtimes it's better to be clueless about what's happening
    around than to know every bit of information that would silently kill you.

  19. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2011 12:34pm UTC
    Try walking in my shoes & I bet you'd fall & hit the ground even harder than I did.

  20. xoxoloveya xoxoloveya
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2011 9:18pm UTC
    Sometimes, you've just got to figure out what and whose
    worth fighting for, and just forget about the rest.


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