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Member Since: 24 Feb 2009 05:28pm

Last Seen: 2 Dec 2015 08:00pm

user id: 68527

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Hi, my name's Nikki, I'm, laid back and funny. (: I play Softball and Tennis and love to just be active and have fun!!

  1. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 10:23pm UTC
    Why do eating disorders have to exist..?
    Everyone is beautiful

  2. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2011 8:44pm UTC
    Just wondering...
    Do you think the world will actually end in 2012? If not favorite this. If so, leave a comment saying how you think it will.
    2012..Who If you think not, favorite. If so, leave a comment saying how you think it'll end. Thanks<# thinks the world will actually end in

  3. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2011 11:26am UTC
    If you're going to act like a tool, go sleep in the shed.

  4. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2010 9:48pm UTC
    Day 1- 10 things to say to 10 people.
    Day 2- 9 things about myself.
    Day 3- 8 ways to win my heart.
    Day 4- 7 things that cross my mind a lot.
    Day 5- 6 things I wish I'd never done.
    Day 6- 5 people who mean a lot to me. ( No order.)
    Day 7- 4 turn offs.
    Day 8- 3 turn ons.
    Day 9- 2 emoticons expressing my life at the moment.
    Day 10- 1 confession.
    Day 4.
    1. Doug ♥ :)
    2. Jenny's anorexia.
    3. My OCD.
    4. Songs :)
    5. Plans with friends
    6. Family.
    7. Kelly hurting Wesley.

  5. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2010 9:58pm UTC
    Day 1- 10 things to say to 10 people.
    Day 2- 9 things about myself.
    Day 3- 8 ways to win my heart.
    Day 4- 7 things that cross my mind a lot.
    Day 5- 6 things I wish I'd never done.
    Day 6- 5 people who mean a lot to me. ( No order.)
    Day 7- 4 turn offs.
    Day 8- 3 turn ons.
    Day 9- 2 emoticons expressing my life at the moment.
    Day 10- 1 confession.
    Day 3. - 8 ways to win my heart♥
    1. Get me Chocolate covered Strawberries for Valentine's day :)
    2. Give me notes. :)
    3. Put me first.
    4. Treat me like the most valuable thing in the world.
    5. Jewelry. :) :)
    6. Cuddle with me.
    7. I love when guys hang on to me forever and don't let go.
    8. Smell amazing. ♥

  6. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2010 10:11pm UTC
    You know that it bothers me. It does. So stop. <//3

  7. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2010 3:09pm UTC
    Day 1- 10 things to say to 10 people.
    Day 2- 9 things about myself.
    Day 3- 8 ways to win my heart.
    Day 4- 7 things that cross my mind a lot.
    Day 5- 6 things I wish I'd never done.
    Day 6- 5 people who mean a lot to me. ( No order.)
    Day 7- 4 turn offs.
    Day 8- 3 turn ons.
    Day 9- 2 emoticons expressing my life at the moment.
    Day 10- 1 confession.
    Day 2- 9 things about myself.
    1. I love my boyfriend Doug. We've been dating for 1 year and 5 months.
    2. My best friend has anorexia.
    3. I'm a Virgo, and hate the picture thing for it.
    4. I love dogs and actually want to be a dog breeder when I grow up. ( Weird career choice?)
    5. I hate my physics teacher a lot. And she hates me back.
    6. I don't wear much make up.
    7. My two best friends in the whole world are sisters.
    8. I have a book where I write down all of my favorite Witty quotes.
    9. My favorite color is orange.

  8. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2010 8:00pm UTC
    I have my whole life planned out. You're the puzzle-piece to complete it.

  9. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2010 7:41pm UTC
    Babe you're my world,
    And I'll love you forever.
    And ever..
    I promise. :]
    And I'll love you forever.

  10. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2010 7:24pm UTC
    I'm really excited for Christmas :)

  11. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2010 7:12pm UTC
    Day 1- 10 things to say to 10 people.
    Day 2- 9 things about myself.
    Day 3- 8 ways to win my heart.
    Day 4- 7 things that cross my mind a lot.
    Day 5- 6 things I wish I'd never done.
    Day 6- 5 people who mean a lot to me. ( No order.)
    Day 7- 4 turn offs.
    Day 8- 3 turn ons.
    Day 9- 2 emoticons expressing my life at the moment.
    Day 10- 1 confession.
    Day 1.
    K.N- I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop using Wes. He is a better person than you treat him as, and I know you only date him cause I'm dating his twin.
    J.D - Stop effing up your life. Eat and weigh over 90 pounds, I don't want to be without you.
    K.D- You deal with so much and I love you. Best friend.
    D.H- Your my world and I don't know what I would do without you. I love you more than you know.
    C.G- Stop being controlled by your boyfriend.
    J.H- I hope you never actually smoked pot that night.
    D.B- You screwed with my head and almost ruined my relationship.. It hurts to be your friend.
    W.H- Why do you want her so bad? She paints her face and is not a good person.
    J.G- Stop asking me to hit you. If I hit you, you won't wake up. Leave me the hell alone.
    K.K- I love you mom, you amaze me♥

  12. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2010 11:31pm UTC
    It's never a mistake to care about someone.

  13. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2010 11:25pm UTC
    You're beautiful. No matter what anyone else may say.
    Love yourself because if you do, it helps others love you even more.
    Love yourself because if you do, it he

  14. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2010 11:10pm UTC
    My heart is locked up with a thousand chains.. Your love is the key.

  15. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2010 10:55pm UTC
    When a boy tells you that you're beautiful, I don't think they understand how much we girls take it to heart
    When a boy says he likes us, I don't think they understand how much we girls take it to heart
    When a boy says "I love you" they better mean it, because us girls take it to the heart.
    So if you say something to me, think of my heart.

  16. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2010 10:46pm UTC
    Take my heart if you like the beat..

  17. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2010 1:08pm UTC
    Of all the fish in the sea, you're my Nemo ♥

  18. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2010 8:33pm UTC
    Of all the fish in the sea, the only ones i see are you and me.

  19. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2009 8:50pm UTC
    it's hard to say i'd rather stay
    awake when im asleep cuz
    everything is never as it seems...
    **fireflies:.:.:.: Owl City**

  20. xox9xox xox9xox
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2009 2:43pm UTC
    Do You Believe In :::...:::.. Magic :::...:::..


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