Witty Profiles

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  1. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2012 8:03pm UTC
    & I Wonder;
    How Long I'll Be Puting 2011 On My Papers

  2. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 5:10pm UTC
    so i was just at christmas mass& before i went up for communion, i saw this kid. i knew i knew him from somewhere& for some odd reason, i got butterflies in my stomach, but i didnt know who he was. we locked eyes for a few seconds & i just smiled. when we got in the car, my mom told me it was a boy named david from preschool.. he was my best friend & i had the biggest crush on him. it was so weird cuz i got those butterflies.
    i just kinda felt like sharing.. sorry to waste your time..

  3. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2011 12:16pm UTC
    I wanted to call you to say I love you but your numbers no longer in service. I tried the operator she said sorry I have no number for you. I tried to go to your house but you no longer lived there. The post office has no forwarding address. I guess HEAVEN is just too far away..I love you and miss you..you are in my heart always love ones gone but never forgotten. Merry Christmas to all those in HEAVEN. Repost this and add their name if there is someone you love who is spending christmas in heaven and you wish was down here with you. May you Rest In Peace !!!♥
    Nana Shirley
    Papa Lou Lou
    Auny Jenny
    Uncle Charlie
    Grandma Mary

  4. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 9:04pm UTC
    "Fave if you get it :p"
    Do I Get It?... Yes
    Am I Going To Fave It?.... Nope

  5. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2011 8:52pm UTC
    It's bitter sweet to see you leave. I've had a lot of memories this year & a few firsts. I found my true friends & im finally getting settled with them. I found a few mr wrongs. There were smiles, laughs, crying, & crying from laughing so hard. As 2012 comes I hope to write something like this again.. you know if im alive.. so thankyou 2011 may there me many more years like this.
    fave if you had a year like mine.

  6. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 3:00pm UTC
    Sure A Lot Of Girls In My School Say I'm Pretty
    but i wanna hear it from a guy..

  7. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2011 2:52pm UTC
    Puncuation saves lives;
    "Come on! Lets eat grandpa!"
    "Come on! Lets eat, Grandpa!"

  8. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2011 10:32pm UTC
    & Today
    No One Noticed I Almost Bursted Into Tears

  9. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2011 8:19pm UTC
    I Hate When People Judge Me About The Guys I Like Just Because They're Not The Best Looking.
    It's Not Up To You, It's Up To Me, & I Pick Personality Over Looks Any Day..
    Looks Are Just A Bonus

  10. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2011 9:56pm UTC
    I Have My Perfect Dress;
    Now I Need My Perfect Guy.

  11. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 8:31pm UTC
    so let me know what you think..;
    so im on my schools basketball team, have been since 6th grade. im in 8th grade now,&im 1 of the 4 captains. i work hard in practice, even though i mess up a little. so my teams had 3 games so far..ive started once. the 3 other captains start,& 2 7th graders.. i get so mad&discouraged.. i feel like i dont belong to the team. i dont even know what to do.. i was almost crying today..i played legit..3 minutes while a 6th grader played a whole half& 7th graders were in& out..
    does anyone else think this is wrong?
    sorry big vent..

  12. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 3:47pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 12:46pm UTC
    *on the computer*
    " I want food"
    *eats* *45 minutes later*
    "I'm still hungry.."

  14. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 1:12pm UTC
    30 day letter challenge :)
    Letter 1: Your bestfriend.
    Letter 2: Your crush.
    Letter 3: Your parents
    Letter 4: Your siblings.
    Letter 5: Your dreams.
    Letter 6: A stranger.
    Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend/love/crush.
    Letter 8: Your favorite internet friend.
    Letter 9: A person you wish to meet.
    Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.
    Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to.
    Letter 12: Person you hate the most.
    Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive.
    Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from.
    Letter 15: The person you miss the most.
    Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state.
    Letter 17: Someone from your childhood.
    Letter 18: The person you wish you could be.
    Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad).
    Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest.
    Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression.
    Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to.
    Letter 23: The last person you kissed.
    Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory.
    Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times.
    Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to.
    Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day.
    Letter 28: Someone that changed your life.
    Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to.
    Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror.
    Dear Monica,
    we've been talking for a few months now, & have been kinda close. ii dont really know a lot about you, but your really nice. sorry ii dont answer very fast, im busy :p
    love mia(:

  15. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 1:08pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2011 8:28pm UTC
    30 day letter challenge :)
    Letter 1: Your bestfriend.
    Letter 2: Your crush.
    Letter 3: Your parents
    Letter 4: Your siblings.
    Letter 5: Your dreams.
    Letter 6: A stranger.
    Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend/love/crush.
    Letter 8: Your favorite internet friend.
    Letter 9: A person you wish to meet.
    Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.
    Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to.
    Letter 12: Person you hate the most.
    Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive.
    Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from.
    Letter 15: The person you miss the most.
    Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state.
    Letter 17: Someone from your childhood.
    Letter 18: The person you wish you could be.
    Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad).
    Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest.
    Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression.
    Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to.
    Letter 23: The last person you kissed.
    Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory.
    Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times.
    Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to.
    Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day.
    Letter 28: Someone that changed your life.
    Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to.
    Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror.
    Dear Ex(s)
    there are only a few of you, cuz guys dont like ugly girls.. so theres a reason we're not together.. one of us lost intrest.. usually it was you..ii hope you guys are happy& have new girlfriends, while sitting home with my family.. doing this.. for most of you, ii hope youre still my friend..
    love, mia

  17. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2011 7:01pm UTC
    30 day letter challenge :)
    Letter 1: Your bestfriend.
    Letter 2: Your crush.
    Letter 3: Your parents
    Letter 4: Your siblings.
    Letter 5: Your dreams.
    Letter 6: A stranger.
    Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend/love/crush.
    Letter 8: Your favorite internet friend.
    Letter 9: A person you wish to meet.
    Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.
    Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to.
    Letter 12: Person you hate the most.
    Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive.
    Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from.
    Letter 15: The person you miss the most.
    Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state.
    Letter 17: Someone from your childhood.
    Letter 18: The person you wish you could be.
    Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad).
    Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest.
    Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression.
    Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to.
    Letter 23: The last person you kissed.
    Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory.
    Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times.
    Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to.
    Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day.
    Letter 28: Someone that changed your life.
    Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to.
    Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror.
    Dear Stranger,
    um yeah.. ii dont know you.. but maybe if we eve do me, youll be my friend. if your a boy, possibly a boyfriend.. you never know..
    love mia

  18. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2011 9:29pm UTC
    30 day letter challenge :)
    Letter 1: Your bestfriend.
    Letter 2: Your crush.
    Letter 3: Your parents
    Letter 4: Your siblings.
    Letter 5: Your dreams.
    Letter 6: A stranger.
    Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend/love/crush.
    Letter 8: Your favorite internet friend.
    Letter 9: A person you wish to meet.
    Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.
    Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to.
    Letter 12: Person you hate the most.
    Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive.
    Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from.
    Letter 15: The person you miss the most.
    Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state.
    Letter 17: Someone from your childhood.
    Letter 18: The person you wish you could be.
    Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad).
    Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest.
    Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression.
    Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to.
    Letter 23: The last person you kissed.
    Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory.
    Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times.
    Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to.
    Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day.
    Letter 28: Someone that changed your life.
    Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to.
    Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror.
    Dear Dreams,
    please come true...&fast
    love mia

  19. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2011 9:20pm UTC
    30 day letter challenge :)
    Letter 1: Your bestfriend.
    Letter 2: Your crush.
    Letter 3: Your parents
    Letter 4: Your siblings.
    Letter 5: Your dreams.
    Letter 6: A stranger.
    Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend/love/crush.
    Letter 8: Your favorite internet friend.
    Letter 9: A person you wish to meet.
    Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.
    Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to.
    Letter 12: Person you hate the most.
    Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive.
    Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from.
    Letter 15: The person you miss the most.
    Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state.
    Letter 17: Someone from your childhood.
    Letter 18: The person you wish you could be.
    Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad).
    Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest.
    Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression.
    Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to.
    Letter 23: The last person you kissed.
    Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory.
    Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times.
    Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to.
    Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day.
    Letter 28: Someone that changed your life.
    Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to.
    Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror.
    Dear Dreams,
    please come true.. & fast
    love mia

  20. xomiaxo1198 xomiaxo1198
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2011 9:15pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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