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  1. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2011 1:56pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #29
    Justin calls himself "Kidrauhl" because his
    father had the nickname "Lordrauhl."

  2. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2011 2:01pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #30
    Justin's friends claim that they randomly receive
    text messages from Justin saying,

  3. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2011 2:06pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #31
    When Justin was first born, they ran out of
    blue blankets so they had to use a purple one.

  4. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2011 11:26pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #39
    Justin once had a candle on his shirt
    and he ran around saying
    "Blow me, Blow me!"

  5. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2011 7:32pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #56
    In an interview, Justin said in 20 years,
    he sees himself marrying a beautiful belieber.

  6. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2011 9:17pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. JBieberFacts JBieberFacts
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2011 6:20pm UTC
    Justin Bieber Fact #74
    Justin says he doesn't like chocolate,
    but he would not refuse a twix.

  8. elizabethdoug17 elizabethdoug17
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2011 9:09pm UTC
    Admit It,
    You Facebook Stalk "Him". You silently freak out on every girl that writes on his wall. You keep the Online Friends tab open to see if he gets online. You over think your facebook status just in case he reads them. & You constantly look at all of his pictures. (even though you have seen them all before)

  9. yesiyesy yesiyesy
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2011 12:35am UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. ImCheyK ImCheyK
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2011 12:11am UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. xxrockergrlxx1 xxrockergrlxx1
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2011 9:25pm UTC
    My Favorite lyrics
    Hear them haters talk
    but theres nothin' you can
    tell 'em. ♥
    We're smiling, but were
    close to tears. ♥
    We're like fire & rain,
    you can drive me insane. ♥
    Who says your not perfect. ♥
    If i had you,
    that would be the
    only thing i ever need. ♥
    Maybe it's not my weekend,
    but it's gonna be my year. ♥
    We just wanna make the
    world dance, forget about
    the price tag. ♥
    Of all the things i still
    remember, summers never
    looked the same. ♥
    I'm lucky i'm in love
    with my best friend. ♥
    Here we go again,
    I kinda wanna be
    more than friends. ♥
    You make me happy,
    weather you know
    it or not. ♥
    Love me, or love me not. ♥
    The words me&you
    never sounded so cool. ♥
    I might drive myself
    insane if those lips arn't
    speakin my name. ♥
    Do you know your unlike
    any other, you'll always
    be my thunder. ♥
    I'm beautiful in my
    way, cause god makes
    no mistakes. ♥

  12. wittygirl2010 wittygirl2010
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2011 9:31pm UTC
    My heroes don't wear their
    underwear on top of their pants,
    nor do they wear a cape;
    Mine wear combat boots and dog tags.
    Fave this if you love your soldiers

  13. alexxoxo101 alexxoxo101
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 11:16pm UTC
    Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't?
    Try hard to fight your feelings but you know you couldn't?
    You fall deeper with each passing day,
    But try to hide it in every possible way..
    He's only a friend, and nothing else--
    That's the lie you keeping telling yourself.
    You keep on saying he's just a bud,
    But deep inside, you're falling in love.
    You get so giddy when you meet his eyes,
    But keep reminding yourself it isn't right.
    A simple glance turns into a stare,
    But you pretend that you don't care.
    It's "not right" for you two to be
    Is that why you hide it so no one can see?
    But how long will you pretend?
    Keep lying that he's just a friend?
    Perhaps your feelings you can never show.
    Perhaps it's "wrong" for him to know.
    Your friendship can't be risked over this,
    So being his girl is an impossible wish...

  14. EdwardScissorhands EdwardScissorhands
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 3:06pm UTC
    You know that feeling?
    When you're just waiting. Waiting to get home,into your room,
    close the door, fall into bed, and just let everything that you kept
    in all day, out. That feeling of both relief, and desperation.
    Nothing is wrong.But nothing is right either.
    And you're tired. Tired of everything, tired of nothing.
    And you just want someone to be there, and tell you it's okay.
    And you know you have to be strong for yourself, because no
    one can fix you. But you're tired of waiting. Tired of having to be
    the one to fix yourself and everyone else. Tired of being strong.
    And for once, you just want it to be easy.
    To be simple. To be helped. To be saved.
    But you're still hoping. And you're still wishing. And you're still staying strong
    and fighting. Even with tears in your eyes, you're fighting.

  15. fallingapart75 fallingapart75
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 2:52pm UTC
    I can’t be another girl you text, charm, and then forget.
    Not again.

  16. JordanLea JordanLea
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 9:31pm UTC
    I wonder if he ever stops and says,
    »»Damn,I miss her««

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. Baby_Brown_Eyes_2014 Baby_Brown_Eyes_2014
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2011 10:41pm UTC
    I heard you're a player.
    So let's play a game.
    Lets sweet talk.
    Let's play fight.
    Let's talk 24/7.
    Let's tell each other good morning && good night every day.
    Let's take walks together.
    Let's give each other nicknames.
    Let's hang out with each others' friends.
    Let's go on dates.
    Let's talk on the phone all night long.
    Let's hold each other.
    Let's kiss && hug.
    And whoever falls in love first?

  20. oxemmaox3 oxemmaox3
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2011 8:56pm UTC
    You were such
    a damn waste of time.
    But you're still my
    most beautiful mistake.
    - - - - - - - - - - ♥ - - - - - - - - - -


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