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  1. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2011 11:44pm UTC
    i speak the truth.
    but, i guess that's a
    foreign language to some people.

  2. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2011 8:46pm UTC
    Imma be what I set out to be,
    without a doubt undoubtedly
    And all those who look down on me
    I'm tearing down your balcony

  3. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 9:02pm UTC
    i'm expecting something
    absolutely amazing
    to happen on
    11/11/11 at 11:11

  4. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2011 6:30pm UTC
    who do you think you are?
    running around leaving scars,
    collecting your jar of hearts.
    tearing love apart.
    you're gonna catch a cold
    from the ice inside your soul

  5. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 1:31am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 1:26am UTC
    Those who criticize our generation
    forget who raised it.

  7. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 1:25am UTC
    It's funny how someone says they love you,
    you can't really feel it. But when they don't love you anymore,
    you can feel every ounce of pain.

  8. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 1:24am UTC
    The best way to avoid disappointment is to not expect anything from anyone.

  9. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 1:22am UTC
    When you have to make a hard decision, flip a coin. Why? Because when that coin is in the air..you suddenly know what you're hoping for.

  10. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 1:22am UTC
    i'll sleep when i'm dead.

  11. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 1:21am UTC
    you know what's wrong with the word "sorry?"
    it gives people the wrong idea that
    any mistake can be forgiven with a single word

  12. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 1:18am UTC
    merry crisis
    and happy new fear

  13. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 1:17am UTC
    that awkward moment
    when Rihanna forgets her name,
    when she's the only girl in the world

  14. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 1:15am UTC
    when you're stressed,
    you eat ice-cream, chocolate, cake, and sweets.
    because stressed spelled backwards is desserts.

  15. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2010 8:27pm UTC
    let it be.

  16. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2010 8:22pm UTC
    but, we know that no matter how many knives
    we put in each others backs
    that we'll have each others backs

  17. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2010 8:10pm UTC
    inhale breathe steady,
    exhale when you're ready
    if you're ready or not

  18. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2010 7:31pm UTC
    i just wanna live my life like its the 90's,
    like its a T.V. show.
    there could be problems,
    but we would solve them,
    on next week's episode.

  19. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2010 6:08pm UTC
    She’s the type of girl
    who responds to guys who smile at her
    because she wants to be friendly.
    She is the type of girl who stare hard at the board
    when she does not understand what the teacher is teaching.
    She is the type of girl who acts like a kid because
    she misses her childhood.
    She is the type of girl who rather gets hurt by truths than lies. She is the type of girl who wishes
    for good things for people she loves.
    She is the type of girl who stay loyal to one guy
    when she learns how to love.
    She is the type of girl who hold on to memories even if it hurts. She is the type of girl I am

  20. xoklp xoklp
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2010 6:05pm UTC
    i'm a good enough person to forgive you.
    but, not stupid enough to trust you.


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