Witty Profiles

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  1. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 10:20am UTC
    I'm in my first play EVER today... :)

  2. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 9:25am UTC
    A - Available? Yep..
    B - Birthday? July 16th
    C - Crushing on? ....:)
    D - Drink you last had? Vitamin Water
    E - Easiest person to talk to? Jenna.
    F - Favorite song? Between Two Lungs- Florence+ The Machine
    G - Gummy bears or gummy worms? Worms
    H - Hometown? Bethel, CT
    I - In love with? nobody.
    J - Jealous of? girls prettier than me..
    K - Killed someone? Not that I'm aware?
    L - Longest car ride? like 12 hours..
    M - Milkshake flavor? Vanilla
    N - Number of siblings? Two brothers
    O - One wish? For her to fall of the edge of the earth..
    P - Person you texted last? Jesse
    Q - Question you are always asked? "Are you okay?"
    R - Reason to smile? I'm alive.
    S - Song you last listened to? Tomorrow, from Annie. I'm in the show.
    T - Time you woke up? 8, cuz I have the show again later.
    U - Underwear color? Hot pinkk. (:
    V - Violent moment you had? Nervous breakdown.
    W - Worst habit? picking at my nails.
    X - X-rays you had? mah heel; lax.
    Y - Yoyos are? Annoying..
    Z - Zodiac sign? Cancer
    Repost :)

  3. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2011 10:29pm UTC
    Thirty Day Challenge!
    Day 1 - Your Best Friend.
    Day 2 - Your Crush
    Day 3 - Your Parent
    Day 4 - Your Sibling. (Or Closest Relative.)
    Day 5 - Your Dreams.
    Day 6 - A Stranger.
    Day 7 - Your Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Love/Crush
    Day 8 - Your Favorite Internet Friend.
    Day 9 - Someone You Wish You Could Meet.
    Day 10 - Someone You Don't Talk Too As Much As You'd Like Too
    Day 11 - A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk Too.
    Day 12 - The Person You Hate Most/Cause You Alot Of Pain.
    Day 13 - Someone You Wish Could Forgive You.
    Day 14 - Someone You've Drifted Away From.
    Day 15 - The Person You Miss The Most.
    Day 16 - Someone That's Not In Your State/Country.
    Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood.
    Day 18 - The Person That You Wish You Could Be.
    Day 19 - Someone That Pesters Your Mind. (Good Or Bad.)
    Day 20 - The One That Broke Your Heart The Hardest.
    Day 21 - Someone You Judged By Their First Impression.
    Day 22 - Someone You Want Too Give A Second Chance Too.
    Day 23 - The Last Person You Kissed.
    Day 24 - The Person That Gave You Your Favorite Memory.
    Day 25 - The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times.
    Day 26 - The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise Too.
    Day 27 - The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day.
    Day 28 - Someone That Changed Your Life.
    Day 29 - The Person That You Want Too Tell Everything Too, But Too Afraid Too.
    Day 30 - Your Reflection In The Mirror
    All I have when I go to sleep are nightmares, so I'm gonna talk about ambitions. I want to travel, and learn, and leave everyone and everything behind me. That's all I have to say.

  4. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2011 10:22pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 8:51pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 8:32pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 8:26pm UTC
    Oh no, it's okay. I'll just blame myself.

  8. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2011 3:46pm UTC
    Do you know how unbelievably
    gorgeous you are?
    Your girlfriend is pretty stunning herself.

  9. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2011 3:31pm UTC
    Thirty Day Challenge!
    Day 1 - Your Best Friend.
    Day 2 - Your Crush
    Day 3 - Your Parent
    Day 4 - Your Sibling. (Or Closest Relative.)
    Day 5 - Your Dreams.
    Day 6 - A Stranger.
    Day 7 - Your Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Love/Crush
    Day 8 - Your Favorite Internet Friend.
    Day 9 - Someone You Wish You Could Meet.
    Day 10 - Someone You Don't Talk Too As Much As You'd Like Too
    Day 11 - A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk Too.
    Day 12 - The Person You Hate Most/Cause You Alot Of Pain.
    Day 13 - Someone You Wish Could Forgive You.
    Day 14 - Someone You've Drifted Away From.
    Day 15 - The Person You Miss The Most.
    Day 16 - Someone That's Not In Your State/Country.
    Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood.
    Day 18 - The Person That You Wish You Could Be.
    Day 19 - Someone That Pesters Your Mind. (Good Or Bad.)
    Day 20 - The One That Broke Your Heart The Hardest.
    Day 21 - Someone You Judged By Their First Impression.
    Day 22 - Someone You Want Too Give A Second Chance Too.
    Day 23 - The Last Person You Kissed.
    Day 24 - The Person That Gave You Your Favorite Memory.
    Day 25 - The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times.
    Day 26 - The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise Too.
    Day 27 - The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day.
    Day 28 - Someone That Changed Your Life.
    Day 29 - The Person That You Want Too Tell Everything Too, But Too Afraid Too.
    Day 30 - Your Reflection In The Mirror
    even though you're only 6, I feel like you understand so much of what I have to deal with. I feel a little bit better every time you stand up for me; we're just on the same page. I love you so much, and even though we don't always get along I know that you're there for me.

  10. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2011 7:04pm UTC
    Thirty Day Challenge!
    Day 1 - Your Best Friend.
    Day 2 - Your Crush
    Day 3 - Your Parent
    Day 4 - Your Sibling. (Or Closest Relative.)
    Day 5 - Your Dreams.
    Day 6 - A Stranger.
    Day 7 - Your Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Love/Crush
    Day 8 - Your Favorite Internet Friend.
    Day 9 - Someone You Wish You Could Meet.
    Day 10 - Someone You Don't Talk Too As Much As You'd Like Too
    Day 11 - A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk Too.
    Day 12 - The Person You Hate Most/Cause You Alot Of Pain.
    Day 13 - Someone You Wish Could Forgive You.
    Day 14 - Someone You've Drifted Away From.
    Day 15 - The Person You Miss The Most.
    Day 16 - Someone That's Not In Your State/Country.
    Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood.
    Day 18 - The Person That You Wish You Could Be.
    Day 19 - Someone That Pesters Your Mind. (Good Or Bad.)
    Day 20 - The One That Broke Your Heart The Hardest.
    Day 21 - Someone You Judged By Their First Impression.
    Day 22 - Someone You Want Too Give A Second Chance Too.
    Day 23 - The Last Person You Kissed.
    Day 24 - The Person That Gave You Your Favorite Memory.
    Day 25 - The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times.
    Day 26 - The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise Too.
    Day 27 - The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day.
    Day 28 - Someone That Changed Your Life.
    Day 29 - The Person That You Want Too Tell Everything Too, But Too Afraid Too.
    Day 30 - Your Reflection In The Mirror
    we fight all the time, and it's not fair how you treat me. you honestly make me want to die, every day. but somehow i still love you. i have nothing else to say.

  11. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2011 9:16am UTC
    Thirty Day Challenge!
    Day 1 - Your Best Friend.
    Day 2 - Your Crush
    Day 3 - Your Parent
    Day 4 - Your Sibling. (Or Closest Relative.)
    Day 5 - Your Dreams.
    Day 6 - A Stranger.
    Day 7 - Your Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Love/Crush
    Day 8 - Your Favorite Internet Friend.
    Day 9 - Someone You Wish You Could Meet.
    Day 10 - Someone You Don't Talk Too As Much As You'd Like Too
    Day 11 - A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk Too.
    Day 12 - The Person You Hate Most/Cause You Alot Of Pain.
    Day 13 - Someone You Wish Could Forgive You.
    Day 14 - Someone You've Drifted Away From.
    Day 15 - The Person You Miss The Most.
    Day 16 - Someone That's Not In Your State/Country.
    Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood.
    Day 18 - The Person That You Wish You Could Be.
    Day 19 - Someone That Pesters Your Mind. (Good Or Bad.)
    Day 20 - The One That Broke Your Heart The Hardest.
    Day 21 - Someone You Judged By Their First Impression.
    Day 22 - Someone You Want Too Give A Second Chance Too.
    Day 23 - The Last Person You Kissed.
    Day 24 - The Person That Gave You Your Favorite Memory.
    Day 25 - The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times.
    Day 26 - The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise Too.
    Day 27 - The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day.
    Day 28 - Someone That Changed Your Life.
    Day 29 - The Person That You Want Too Tell Everything Too, But Too Afraid Too.
    Day 30 - Your Reflection In The Mirror
    Mariah, I still consider you my best friend. You really hurt me last year, leaving me for all your new friends. But you came through, as you always do, and I love you for that. I'm just kind of scared to see how much you've changed; how much I've changed. A lot has happened since we've had our last deep conversation. I don't really know you anymore. But then again, I don't really know anyone anymore. I miss you so much.</3

  12. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2011 8:04pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2011 7:39pm UTC
    No, you're right.
    I mistook our endless conversations, your sweet texts, the compliments, and our amazing moments for you liking me.
    My bad.

  14. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2011 7:33pm UTC
    When a girl is silent, that’s pretty dangerous. She’s either overthinking, tired of waiting, about to blow, lonely, needs a hug, falling apart or crying inside. and most probably all of the above.

  15. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2011 7:10pm UTC
    For her situation, I believe in love at first sight.
    Because he definitely didn't fall for her personality.

  16. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 7:24pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 7:12pm UTC
    ~Princess Quiz~
    [] You’ve kissed someone your friends didn’t like
    [x ] You’ve been lost in the forest
    [x] You love to read
    [] You are not shy at all
    [x] One of your family members is a bit weird
    [x] You have done volunteer work
    [x] You have a wild imagination
    [x] You love to take care of people in need
    [x] You’ve had guys like you only because they think you’re pretty
    [x ] You’ve rejected at least one person when they’ve asked you out
    Total - 8
    [ ] You’re an orphaned child or have an evil step-mother
    [x] You have many different hobbies to keep you busy
    [x] You can get really bored
    [] You have very long hair (at least mid-back length)
    [ ] Your hair is bright blonde
    [ x] You’re an artsy person
    [x] You’re childish
    [x] You can’t wait to stop the same routine each day and start living
    [x] You care about others and their feelings
    [ ] You like to follow the rules
    Total - 6
    [] You have/had a pet rabbit
    [ ] You love to play cards
    [ x] You constantly know the time
    [ x] You get in sticky situations
    [ ] You have been to a court
    [x ] You have fallen asleep while doing homework
    [ x] You have had a tea party
    [ ] You like hats
    [x ] You’re late
    [x ] You know how to play croquet
    Total -6
    [ ] Your dad is rich
    [x] You are very clever
    [ x] You’ve been with someone way different from you
    [x] You’re unique and different from everyone else
    [x ] You’d never marry someone just because they were rich
    [x] You have set a lot of goals for yourself
    [x ] You don’t have a lot of (good) friends
    [x ] You’re independent
    [ ] You are wealthy
    [x] Your parents try to control your life
    Total - 8
    [ ] Your boyfriend is strong
    [x ] You have gotten involved with the wrong people before
    [x ] You are very convincing
    [ ] You have fallen in love before
    [ x] You have had your heartbroken
    [x ] You find an interest in Greek mythology
    [x] You lie sometimes
    [ x] You pretend to be someone you’re not
    [x] You have been used
    [ x] Purple is one of your favourite colours
    Total -8
    [ x] Your parents expect a lot from you
    [ x] You really try to follow the rules, but it’s hard for you
    [ x] You’re a bit of a trouble maker
    [] You’re the youngest in your family
    [ ] You have a lot of sisters
    [x ] You collect something
    [x] You have/had long hair
    [x ] You are adventurous
    [x] You’re extremely curious
    [ x] You believe everything people tell you/you’re a bit gullible
    Total - 8
    [ ] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents
    [x ] You almost died at a very young age
    [] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful
    [ x] You have a decent singing voice
    [x] You like to sleep in late on the weekends
    [x ] You spend most of your time outside
    [ ] You’re adopted
    [x] You’re very romantic
    [x ] Pink is one of your favorite colors
    Total - 6
    [ ] One of your parents is dead
    [ ] You are expected to do a lot of chores
    [ x] You love to dress up
    [x ] You love animals
    [x ] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming
    [x ] Your mom is really strict
    [ ] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you
    [x ] You’re afraid to speak your mind sometimes
    [x ] You have left your shoes at a friends house before
    [ ] You have blond hair
    Total - 5
    Snow White
    [ ] You know that you’re beautiful
    [ x] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you
    [ x] You’ve almost been killed
    [] You have at least seven good friends
    [ ] You’ve had food poisoning
    [x] You have/had short hair
    [] You get along with almost everyone
    [x ] All of your friends are different
    [x] You love to have a good time
    [x}You’re happier when you’re out of the house than in
    Total - 6
    [ x] You get jealous easily
    [x] You loved your childhood
    [x ] You like to fly
    [ x] You believe in magic
    [ ] You’re 5’2 or under
    [x ] You hate pirates
    [ x] You love sparkles
    [x] People underestimate you
    [x] You get angry easily
    [x ] You have/had a treehouse
    Total - 9
    [ x] You love to walk around and explore big cities
    [x ] You are more spiritual than religious
    [x ] You’ve been in an interracial relationship
    [x ] One of your family members is dead
    [x ] Your parents are very protective of you
    [x ] Someone you know has been in war
    [x ] You love nature
    [ ] You have/had black hair
    [x] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful
    [ x] You’re very adventurous
    Total - 9
    [x] You can be a tomboy sometimes.
    [x ] People wish you could be a bit more girly
    [ x] You’ve pretended to be someone you’re not
    [ x] You’ve had a physical fight with someone
    [x ] You have/had considered running away from home
    [x ] Your parents try to plan your life out
    [x ] A lot of your friends are boys
    [ x] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations
    [x ] You love your family so much that you’d do anything to protect them
    Total - 9

  18. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2011 10:30pm UTC
    I have a boatload of problems.
    and guess what? none of them have to do with boys. none of them. because really, there are a lot worse things in life than not having a boy love you back. TRUST ME. i would know.

  19. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2011 9:14pm UTC
    I want someone to play with my hair and draw circles on my back.
    I want someone to cuddle with on cold rainy days.
    i want someone to kiss my forehead softly.
    i want someone to play pretend with.
    i want someone to tell me i'm cute.
    i want someone to hold my hand.
    i want someone to tease me.
    i want someone to hug.
    i want someone.

  20. xoingly xoingly
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2011 8:52pm UTC
    i've honestly lost just about all of my friends.


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