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Member Since: 20 Oct 2008 02:47pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 56447

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Hey the names Lauren
I blow out the candles on November 7
I am sporty girl;Soccer, Basketball, and Softball
I love witty and shopping!
And of course my friends!
Check em' out; Feisteymeister09, Dangflabit07, omg its zoox13, ktucka3, and zadasoccergirl8!

  1. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2009 1:38pm UTC
    i do request

  2. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2009 11:20pm UTC
    I wish i was seven again
    because all he had to do was tag me and i was it!

  3. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2009 11:17pm UTC
    all i need is just
    one chance, one kiss, one night to show you what you
    mean to me, one chance to spend the day with you && to
    show you how were so alike, one kiss to prove were
    more than just friends. && one night to hold you tight

  4. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2009 11:11pm UTC
    pretty smiles && make up
    hide so much these days

  5. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2009 12:31pm UTC
    Everyone has a wild side
    But me and my friends just prefer to make
    ours public

  6. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2009 3:41pm UTC
    There comes a time in life
    when you have to let go of
    all the pointless drama
    & and the people who create it
    & and surround yourself with
    somene who makes you laugh
    so hard that you forget
    the bad and focus solely
    on the good. after all,
    life is too short to be
    anything but happy!

  7. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2009 11:15pm UTC
    <A>lways texting?
    most of the time
    <B>een with your best friend today?
    <C>alled someone in the last hour? Who?
    yeahh emily
    <D>umped someone in the past week?
    no i have not
    <E>ver been in love?
    <F>orgotten something today? What?
    yeahhh my jacket at my friends house
    <G>otten to go out of the country before?
    <H>ow's your day been?
    <I>f Brad Pitt asked you to marry him, would you say yes?
    <J>uice flavor?
    <K>ill a spider or let it go outside?
    let it outside
    <L>ast time you watched TV?
    this morning
    <M>ilk or orange juice?
    orange juice
    <N>umber of kids at your lunch table?
    not sure
    <O>ne wish?
    to have stick straight hair
    <P>erson who texted you last?
    <Q>uiz time! Cinnamon Rolls or Cinnamon Pretzels?
    cinnamon rolls
    <R>ush hour or run to school?
    rush hour
    <S>wim or skii?
    <T>ina Fey or Dane Cook?
    dane cook
    <U>nited States or Canada?
    united states
    <W>ho's your best friend?
    too many;; but i've known katie the longest
    <X>ray's you've had in your life?
    wrist, toes, and arm
    <Y>our fave food?
    turkey wrap
    <Z>odiac Sign?

  8. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2009 10:39pm UTC
    Michael Jackson

  9. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2009 9:11am UTC
    <> <> <> <> <>
    Just keep swimming
    The orange things are suppous to be fish didnt know how to make fish

  10. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2009 9:24pm UTC
    Me without you is like
    abercrombie without the moose
    aeropostale without the butterfly
    american eagle without the eagle
    hollister without the seagull

  11. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2009 9:16pm UTC
    Don't stress out everynight
    picking out that perfect outfit
    just for him. Wear something
    that fits you. I know I've done this
    and trust me that guy still doesn't
    even notice me.
    sorry just venting

  12. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2009 9:15pm UTC
    How many windows are in your room? 2
    Do you get ready for the day in your room or the bathroom? both
    What size bed do you have? twin
    What does your comforter look like? blue and orange
    Is your room big? kinda
    Is it clean? no
    Do you have a ceilling fan? no
    Do you have a night light? no
    Do you have the following in your room:
    desk yup
    more than 3 sources of light yup
    phone no
    chair/dish chair yup
    book shelf yup
    dresser yes
    TV yes
    CD player/stereo yes
    bean bag chair no
    laptop no
    posters yes
    paintings yup (1)
    pictures yes
    walk in closet yup
    large mirror yes
    bed yes
    drumset no
    bathroom in my room no
    clock yes
    clothes on the floor yup
    box of tissues no
    guitar no
    lava lamp no
    smoke detector right outside the door
    piano/keyboard no
    bongos no
    a bin yes
    locking door no
    can of soda yupp
    bottle of water yup
    playstation or another game source no
    a blacklight no
    something about your own country no
    medals yup
    trophies yup
    awards yup
    water polo ball no
    soccer ball yup
    softball stuff yup
    beach ball no
    over 100 cds no i have an ipod
    surround sound no
    sofa no
    empty liquor bottles no
    flag no
    stop sign no
    caution tape no
    paintball gun no
    dog bed no
    picture of your gf/bf by your bed no
    calendar no

  13. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2009 9:22pm UTC
    i do request!

  14. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2009 9:17pm UTC

  15. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2009 5:21pm UTC
    Pick up line by Nick Jonas:
    Slow down sugar because
    im a diabetic!

  16. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2009 5:14pm UTC
    Summer '09
    is gunna be fine

  17. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2009 9:18pm UTC
    Your the star to my burst
    You're the rainbow to my skittles
    You're the M to my M&Ms
    You're the pop to my rocks
    You're the tootsie to my pop
    You're the hershey to my kiss
    But most importantly You're the
    Best to my Friends!

  18. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2009 1:54pm UTC
    Be Back Later
    Text the cell
    sorry really boredd

  19. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2009 4:59pm UTC
    How much are you worth??
    Natural Hair Color:
    Blonde-$50 ***
    Black - $15
    Bald - $5
    Total: $100
    Eye Color:
    Brown - $50
    Green - $75
    Blue $150***
    Hazel $100
    Total so far: $200
    Over 7′ - $200
    6′8″ to 7′ - $175
    6′0″ to 6′7″ - $150
    5′5″ to 5′11″ - $75
    5′4″ to 5′10″ - $85
    Under 5'4 - $ 95
    Total so far: $295
    50 to 56 - $175
    46 to 50 - $150
    41 to 45 - $125
    31 to 40 - $100
    26 to 30 - $75
    21 to 25 - $50
    19 to 20 - $25
    0 to 18 - $100
    Total so far: $395
    Birth Order:
    Twins or more than twins - $750
    First Born - $320
    Only Child - $250
    second born - $150
    Middle child - $100
    Last born - $100
    third born - $550
    fourth born - $300
    fifth born - $400
    sixth born -$215
    Total so far: $715
    I did like once - $400
    Only Holidays - $250
    Sometimes - $215
    YES - $200
    only weekends - $300
    Every other day - $50
    Once a day - $15
    I live from the bottle - $Bankrupt$ [[back to $ZERO]]
    No - $600
    Total so far: $1315
    Shoe Size:
    13+ - $300
    12 and a half to 13 - $250
    7 to 10 - $500
    11 to 12 - $400
    Under 7- $450
    Total so far: $1815
    Favorite Colors (two):
    Red - $600
    Black - $100
    Yellow - $475
    Brown - $300
    Purple - $225
    White - $400
    Aqua - $350
    Orange - $300
    Blue - $300
    Pink/Hot pink - $100
    Other - $500
    Total so far: $2,340
    Did you use a calculator to add it all up?
    Yes - $0
    some- $750
    Total: $3,090

  20. xogangstaox37 xogangstaox37
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2009 4:50pm UTC
    I want a boy who;;
    will love forever
    will make laugh whenever
    will think about me all the time
    will tell me he loves me


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