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Member Since: 16 Feb 2004 08:41am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 2816

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my name is gabby.. im 14 years old. yeahhh and all that good stuff. the bands im into: story of the year, rufio, brand new, yellowcard, thousand foot krutch, less than jake, blink 182, switchfoot, five for fighting, avril lavigne, muse, maroon 5... and i cant think of any more soo ill get back to ya.
  1. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2004 11:27am UTC
    when you like someone, and they dont like you back..
    you just wish that for once this person would give you
    just one chance to be with them. but sometimes it doesnt
    work out that way. maybe they dont like you. but that doesnt
    mean to give up on life and everything else you once had.
    just try harder and maybe youll succeed the next time you try that hard
    for something that you really want.

  2. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2004 7:08pm UTC
    im goin out of control
    i thought you would be there
    to tell me im not alone
    but thats what i was
    everything starts out so great
    then it eventually breaks down
    to the point that i thought
    everything looked too perfect
    i found a love thats better than you
    you were never there for me
    and never stayed true
    so this time i gotta say
    screw you
    i thought you liked me
    i guess i was wrong
    you took my heart
    then passed it on
    (c) original.. by me!

  3. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2004 7:05pm UTC
    one wish is all i want
    but if its about you
    it will never come true
    (c) made by meee

  4. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2004 7:04pm UTC
    sometimes i wonder if this life i am holding onto
    is really what it seems. my arms are too tired to hold
    on but when i see you ... all my problems fade away
    & loudly scream at me all at once. i am lost in
    this long hallway and dont know which door to
    enter ... sometimes i wonder if i should hold
    onto this thing ... this thing that i dont have ... this
    thought that haunts my dreams. should i finally
    agree that you and me will never happen? ...
    or should i continue to run from the truth? </3
    nOt made by me..

  5. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2004 1:04pm UTC
    I WaNnA bE y0uR * 0 N l Y . 0 N e * !!!

  6. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2004 1:02pm UTC
    my heart is full and my door's always open
    you can come anytime you want *
    - - - - - not made by me.. i found it on here though - - - - -

  7. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2004 1:01pm UTC
    When you fall in love you should be speechless ...
    Because words can't express true love ...
    ·nOT mADE bY mE!:o)

  8. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2004 12:16pm UTC
    you still have :: all of me <|3

  9. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2004 3:42pm UTC
    i <3 him

  10. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2004 11:41am UTC
    so you ask me, are you okay with it? no im not okay with it. especially when you shattered all my hopes and dreams. now theyve just become a memory. thanks alot for your love
    This heart is bleeding desperation
    And these dreams are still worth fighting for
    story of the year
    Has there ever been a tyme
    when someone asked you
    whats wrong and you say
    i jus dont feel too good and
    when they ask what hurts
    all you wanna say is "my
    heart" but you just dont. ?
    looks cute as a profile

  11. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2004 11:40am UTC
    ~*H0w caN y0u l0ve s0Me0ne s0o muCh an n0t hAve thE w0rds t0 tElL thEM,y0u g0 byE evErY DaY Waiting f0R s0mE0nE t0 CoMe aNd JuST taKe Y0u aWay*~
    for all you desperate gurls out therre.. =)

  12. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2004 11:39am UTC
    * -:¦:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:¦:-
    ¸.• . •´")) ׺ OnE ׺
    ((¸¸.•´..•´ ")) -:¦:-LoVe -
    -:¦:- ((¸¸.•´ *-°fOrEvEr°-*
    (¨`•.•´¨) (¨`•.•´¨) »¦«AnD »¦«
    `•.¸(¨`•.•´¨)¸.•´ -a.l.w.a.y.z.-
    × ×`•.¸.•´ * -:¦:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:¦:-
    i didnt make it up but its cool

  13. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2004 11:39am UTC
    when the weather gets hot
    and the sky gets hazy....
    ×place to be: summer 2004
    where ima go crazy!!!!!!
    (c) original

  14. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2004 11:37am UTC
    im scared..
    im shocked.
    im cheerful
    im loved <3
    heh its kinda gay but hey. it fits me
    put it in the font trebuchet ms font size 8 and bold im loved<3 it looks cute.. in black and with the heart hot pink

  15. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2004 11:36am UTC
    i tell you now my friend
    ill stay truthful until the end

  16. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2004 11:35am UTC
    If tEaRs CoUlD bUiLd a StAiRwAy
    AnD mEmOrIeS a lAnE
    iD wAlK rIgHt Up 2 hEaVen
    anD BrInG u HoMe aGaIn
    bUt mEmOrIeS ArE JuSt MeMoRiEs
    AnD tEaRs arE jUsT tEaRs
    and sO i WiLl MiSs u tHrOugH tHe yEaRs
    BeCaUsE w/OuT uR sMiLe oR LaUgH
    iTs 2 MuCh pAiN tOo cArRY oN
    ~not made by me! ×
    you are in my memories <3love you

  17. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2004 11:34am UTC
    No matter how hard you try to get over someone you once loved
    you'll still have feelings for them. Remembering the way things used
    to be & how they are now...And sometimes you still want to every
    thing to be how it used to be, erasing all the bad things that happened..
    Time is supposed to ease the pain but it's not that easy when it comes
    to love. Even though we have been apart for a while, I still can't help
    but wonder how you're life is because we used to be so close- And I
    can't help but wonder if your heart beats a little faster, like mine
    does everytime I think of you...
    its not made by me so dont take credit for your work nor mine

  18. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2004 11:33am UTC
    Please dont take any offense on this
    but If you died right now
    I wouldnt cry
    because you never loved me anyways
    (c) original

  19. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2004 11:32am UTC
    people told me
    hes not worth it
    move along
    but they dont understand
    that i tried
    and im not that strong
    (c) original

  20. xoLiLbUcCiox xoLiLbUcCiox
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2004 11:31am UTC
    i cant guarantee that
    ill make your life perfect
    but it can get soo close to the point that
    you wont have to face the problems alone
    I/M if ya want more
    ItalianHunii03 .. *


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