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  1. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2010 7:10pm UTC
    Dear Mr. Vernon,
    We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us…In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question?
    Sincerely yours,
    The Breakfast Club

  2. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2009 5:28pm UTC
    When You Break Up With
    Your Boyfriend Say:
    "I have some good news and bad news.
    The bad news is I hate you. Go die!
    The good new is I stole your $20 so I'm rich!

  3. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2009 2:06pm UTC
    In the beginning was the Word,
    and the Word was "Arrrgh!"
    - Piraticus 13:7

  4. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2009 11:03pm UTC
    Happiness is a butterfly,
    which, when pursued,
    is always just beyond
    your grasp,
    but which, if you sit down
    may alight upon you.

  5. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2009 2:36pm UTC
    If they were easy,
    they'd call them something else.

  6. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2009 12:50pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2009 11:15am UTC
    is someone just like
    Santa that someone
    forgot to tell their kids
    isn't real.

  8. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2009 5:53pm UTC
    I'm not your average teenage girl.
    I don't listen to what's on "the charts."
    I don't cheer.
    I actually try in school.
    I don't tan.
    I could care less what I look like.
    I'd rather be smart than beautiful.
    I'd rather be myself than a clone.
    Very few are like me. I'm part of the minority.

  9. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2009 5:16pm UTC
    I'm fun-sized and double stuffed.
    Two for the price of one.

  10. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2009 6:52pm UTC
    A few day ago we took a test
    in my history class. Today we got our
    tests back. My friends and I were looking at
    each others papers to see how we did.
    On it we had to list the 10 commandments in order.
    My friend put:
    "Do other gods before me"
    as the first commandment.
    I love her to death.

  11. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2009 5:42pm UTC
    Today my friend looked
    at her phone.
    She looked at one of the pictures.
    It was blank.
    Then it said:
    "Dude! Someone out there
    really likes
    She laughed for five minutes straight.

  12. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2009 5:43pm UTC
    One Day in Algebra
    My friend fell asleep without anyone knowing.
    She had her head on her hand.
    While our teacher was explaining our assignment, her arm slid off the table.
    When she woke up, she put her arms up (like cops tell you to put your hands up) and screamed “I was asleep!” when it was dead silent.
    Everyone laughed.

  13. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2009 9:16pm UTC
    It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
    Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart
    You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
    You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes
    You're paralyzed
    'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
    And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike
    You know it's thriller, thriller night
    You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight
    -Michael Jackson-

  14. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2009 3:51pm UTC
    Rewriting history
    Creating a diversion
    Eliminating surplus labor
    Feeding the arms industry
    Environmental degradation
    Increasing the budget deficit
    Maximizing fear and control
    Eroding personal freedoms
    Squandering resources
    Spreading famine

  15. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2009 2:37pm UTC
    Spongebob Squarepants Amazingly Awesome Quote #6
    Patrick: Spongebob, look at my new paper ghost. Ooh! Scary...
    Spongebob: That is it, Patrick!
    Patrick: What's it?
    Spongebob: What's the difference between that ghost and me?
    Patrick: Uh...no, no, no, wait, don't tell me. D-D-Don't tell me, I can do this! I can do this! Don't tell me, don't tell me! DON'T TELL ME! Okay, tell me.
    Spongebob: I've got a square head, and a real ghost has a round one. All we have to do is make my head round and boo! I'm scary.

  16. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2009 12:52pm UTC
    Spongebob Squarepants Amazingly Awesome Quote #5
    Mr. Krabs: Every year on Halloween night, the Flying Dutchman descends on Bikini Bottom, in a pirate ship, just like this. Only bigger!
    Spongebob: Excuse me, did his ship look like a Krabby Patty?
    Mr. Krabs: Like I was saying, The Flying Dutchman swoops down and starts stealing people’s souls.
    Spongebob: Do souls look like pickles?
    Mr. Krabs: Aye, as a matter of fact, they do. And he puts them where you can
    never get them: in his soul bag.
    Squidward: I’ve come for your pickle!
    Spongebob: *Screams*

  17. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2009 3:25pm UTC
    You’re only as tall
    As you’re heart will let you be.
    And you’re only as small
    As the world will make you seem.
    And when the going gets rough
    And you feel like you may fall
    Just look on the bright side
    You’re roughly six feet tall.


  18. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2009 2:02pm UTC
    Spongebob Squarepants Amazingly Awesome Quote #4
    Squidward: "People talk loud when they want to sound smart, right?"
    Plankton: "CORRECT!!!"

  19. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2009 1:14pm UTC
    & have you noticed that
    Chuckie Cheeses is just gambling
    For Kids?

  20. x_forbidden_x x_forbidden_x
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2009 1:05pm UTC
    Spongebob Squarepants Amazingly Awesome Quote #3
    Patrick: "Are you Squidward?"
    Fire Hydrant: " "
    Patrick: "That's okay, take your time."


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