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Member Since: 30 Jan 2009 06:15pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 65498

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my name is MelanieMarie.
im about to blow my 16 candles out on January 3rd.
im in 10th grade at LCN.
i love running track.
i love playing tennis.
i love swimming.
i love riding my horses.
and i love my friends.
Im an extremely active girl.
i have naturally dark brown hair,
 i died it blonde for awhile,
but now its back to dark brown.
my friends/family makes fun of me saying i should be a natural
blonde, cause im not the brightest one around.
im single,and loving it.
i dont plan on having a boyfriend anytime soon.
i dont need a guy to make me feel beautiful.
Im in love with music.
*because everyone is asking about my horses ill just tell you more about them,
i have 2, Joker, and Flame
ive been riding sense i was 2 years old
i show 4-h,the fair, and class A Michigan All Morgan shows,
ive been to regionals, and also nationals and i place very well.
Joker and Flame are both Morgans, and both liver chestnuts
Joker is 5'4 hands, and Flame is 5'3 hands
i ride western,hunt,and saddle seat.
ask more if ya wanna knoww*

pink-purple-shutter-shades.gif Sunglasses (>..)> image by klair_luvs_joos

  1. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2009 9:24am UTC
    i want a guy who loves me.
    i want a guy who i can be myself around.
    i want a guy who could tell me he loves when his friends are around.
    i want a guy who would tell me im beautiful, not hot.
    i want a guy that would hold my hand.
    i want a guy that would would watch movies with me, and when i got to scared, he would move closer to me.
    i want a guy that would make me laugh.
    a guy that would talk about anything, just to want to hear my voice.
    but most importantly i want a guy who will be there for me, whenever i need him.
    but, i think i lost him.

  2. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2009 4:36pm UTC
    You N' your friends are tight?
    Me N' my friends are as tight as the "JoBros" pants.
    ♥[friends.names.here.] ♥

  3. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2009 4:15pm UTC
    ≈So kïss :Me: -->goodbye.<--
    [Honey], I'm gonna make it out <alive>
    ≈So Kïss::: me►--> goOdbye.<--
    I cAn::: s e e the \\¤venom¤// in :::YoUr eyes
    Snakes on a plane-Cobra Starship<3

  4. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2009 1:31pm UTC
    everyone has a secret..
    and mine is that im still in love with my ex.

  5. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 8:40pm UTC
    its more than a word.
    its a feeling.
    srry if already on here.

  6. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2009 11:54pm UTC
    almost all of the sports are in the
    Olympics, including horseback riding<3,
    therefore, you cant tell me its not a sport.
    lazy with color, srry
    all minee
    please rate high
    i wanna see howw many
    people agree with me
    that ppl need 2 know that
    being an Equestrian is a
    sport! :]

  7. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2009 10:59pm UTC
    I wore swiMming goggLes for the first time undeRwater.
    The vieW was so brEathtaKing thaT i -gasPed-iN amazement.
    Bad mOve.

  8. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2009 10:43pm UTC
    Today me and my mom got into a fight. My mom then defriended me on ---->facebook<----
    srry if its on here
    i liked it so i just
    thought i put it on here
    please fav.
    took forever

  9. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2009 10:33pm UTC
    Today, my boss told me I could leave work early if I wanted to. He walked by 5
    minutes later, saw me still at my desk, and looked at me questioningly. I told him I
    was "finishing up what I was working on" and he looked impressed. I was really
    finishing up my solitaire game so I didn't mess up my winning streak.

  10. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2009 10:17am UTC
    Well I was shopping for a new car, which one's me
    A cool convertible or an SUV?
    Too bad I didn't know my credit was whack
    'Cause now I'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact.
    F-R-E-E, that spells free-
    Credit report dot com, baby
    Saw their ads on my TV
    Thought about going but was too lazy
    Now instead of looking fly and rollin' phat
    My legs are sticking to the vinyl and my posse's getting
    Laughed at
    not all my fade, most mine
    srry if its on here already.

  11. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2009 10:14am UTC
    F to the R to the E to the E
    to the C to the R to the E D I T
    re to the port to the dot to the com
    come on everybody grab your bike and sing along,
    its easy
    took foreverrr
    hope ya like itt

  12. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2009 10:41pm UTC
    look i think that everyone is taking the Kayleemarie3(idk if the name is right) thing way 2 far, i dont believe her but im not making a big deal about it, so maybe she does just want attention, she is getting it by everyone exploding about it, maybe if everyone would stop she would say sorry or something, and that cancer isnt something 2 joke about. but really? telling her 2 go die cuz she lied about it is kinda extream. maybe some people dont agree but im just stating my opinion. there is such thing a karma. but u shouldnt be wishing that she gets cancer. i have had many family members die from cancer so dont tell me that im sticking upp 4 her and that i dont know what it feels like 2 lose someone from it, cuz i do. i just think that if everyone stops making it a big deal, then maybe she will say something im not completly sure but she better. and you dont have 2 agree with me, cuz this is just what i think.
    but fav. this just so i can see who agrees with me.
    (ps. i didnt know what thing 2 put it under so i just up it under thiss)

  13. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2009 1:00pm UTC
    Today, I decided to text someone "I hate you".
    They texted back saying "I love you".
    The world is a very loving place
    . MLIA
    lazy with colors
    make it pretty?
    give my credittt

  14. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2009 12:52pm UTC
    Today at scHool I leanEd kcab(back)
    in my c-h-a-i-R
    and it madE a farting noise.
    I casually did it agAin
    sO EVERYONE would knOw it was the chair.

  15. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2009 12:55pm UTC
    Today my friend and I were watching Disney movies while eating ice cream from the |box.|
    My older brother walked in and saw us, shook his head,
    muttered "girls" and then walked -a-w-a-y-.
    About five minutes later
    he was back with a spoon and we all watched Aladdin.
    (srry if its already on here)

  16. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2009 12:43pm UTC
    Today, I saw a spider on my ceiling.
    I wanted to kill it but I couldn't reach
    so I decided to watch it and wait until it moved to a wall.
    After a while I forgot about it and now I can't find it.
    I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.

  17. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2009 11:57pm UTC
    Today, as I was going to bed,
    I noticed my teddy bear was
    completely covered by the blanket.
    I moved it down a little so he could breathe.

  18. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2009 11:54pm UTC
    Today I ate eggo waffles.
    They were stuck to the bottom of the freezer
    so I yelled "leggo my eggo" at it.
    They came free.
    I sure told that freezer.
    lazy with color
    make it pretty?
    just give me creditt :]

  19. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2009 11:52pm UTC
    Today, I was at an amusement park,
    and there was a little boy standing next to me
    holding an oddly fluffy teddy bear.
    When he looked the other way,
    I pet it without him seeing.
    He'll never know.

  20. xXxPeace13xXx xXxPeace13xXx
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2009 11:44pm UTC
    come on, get real,
    i know im not the only
    one who talks and sings
    into the fan on high
    so make my voice
    sound weird.


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