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  1. Bee Bee
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 1:05am UTC
    Have any of you ever watched Paranormal Activity 1, 2 or 3?
    Just wondering.
    Just wondering.

  2. BriBri27 BriBri27
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 5:14pm UTC
    you see that heart? yeah I'd click it snd you'll get a suprise on your profile later

  3. adamthepanda adamthepanda
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 2:34pm UTC
    Ok so aparently according to the Police Department in my town it is OK for a parent to beat their child until he/she is bruised and bloody. The parent won't get arrested, fined, or even a verbal warning. Instead, they will tell the beaten child "It is ok for your dad to beat you, it is actually a good thing, it diciplines you, teaches you how to be strong and take a hit." They said exactly that to my friend when his father beat him. I think it is totally wrong that they won't do anything and they tell abused kids that it is OK for their parent to abuse them, and unless the abused kid is in the hospital or has a broken bone, they won't do anything about it.
    FAV if you agree and support me.
    I'm trying to get a petition going against the Police Department in my town to change this issue.

  4. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 1:55pm UTC
    Moonwalking into jail because
    you're a smooth criminal.

  5. Colette* Colette*
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 2:25pm UTC
    Hi! I'm a bra. I touch your girlfriend's boobs daily. Jealous yet?(;

  6. harrystylesisfit harrystylesisfit
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 4:05pm UTC
    american kid:
    "so, you're from the uk? cool! so do you have tea with the Queen?"
    british kid:
    "do you go to mcdonalds with Obama?"

  7. carson5482 carson5482
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 10:09am UTC
    We're Teenagers #2 I delete my entire password if I think I might have mistyped ♥ one letter. Like for a series/follow for a follow

  8. OneDirectionQuotes OneDirectionQuotes
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 3:15pm UTC
    Nicki Minaj: F/ck who you want and
    F/ck who you like."
    Directioners: WHERE'S ONE DIRECTION?!?!"

  9. yonkers yonkers
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 12:40pm UTC
    Lucid Dreaming
    What is it?
    A lucid dream is a dream in which you're aware that you're awake. This means you're
    aware that nothing can hurt you. You can control yourself, and if you practice a lot,
    you can even control the dream and the things in it.
    How do you do it?
    There are a couple of methods of doing it, most people I know normally just lay completely
    still with their arms by their sides and their eyes closed. You must lay completely still. Your
    brain will start sending signals to your body like itches or wanting to move/open your eyes
    but you have to ignore all of these impulses! It's hard but totally worth it. Make sure you're
    in the right mindset while lying there (e.g. thinking about what you want to dream about
    and focusing completely on lucid dreaming). After about 20-30 minutes, you'll feel weight
    on your chest, but don't worry, it's not scary. This means you're finally in sleep paralysis!
    Open your eyes and you'll start to hallucinate, then close them again and you'll start to
    dream instantly.
    My experience
    I normally use the Wake Back To Sleep method (Google it) but some people find that
    annoying and it ruins your sleeping pattern. In some of my dreams I've met the care
    bears, been given a million dollars, visited Paris, and I've only had one bad experience
    but since you're aware your dreaming, it doesn't really matter. I try to lucid dream about
    once or twice a week, it's truly an awesome experience. So yeah I just wanted to share
    this with you guys so you could try it. If you have and questions, ask me! (:

  10. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 4:04am UTC
    okay, so you know the nursery rhyme
    "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring,
    he went to bed and bumped his head,
    and didn't get up in the morning"?
    I always thought that he just got up in the afternoon.
    I only just worked out that he died.

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. KatieInAStrangeLand KatieInAStrangeLand happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 3:21pm UTC
    And does anyone else read:
    'Put this into your own words'
    'Rearrange the words slightly'?

  13. Bravosierra* Bravosierra*
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 11:20am UTC
    Some guy on facebook called me fat.
    So, I replied with "Wee. Thanks."
    Then he's "You hungry? Want some food."
    My brilliant next response was

  14. maria_ maria_
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 8:33pm UTC
    Fave if you were born
    In 1997 / 1998.
    format by sandrasaurus

  15. Bravosierra* Bravosierra*
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 7:58pm UTC
    **Me Scrolling Through My Witty Feed*
    One Direction.
    One Direction hate.
    Hey, if I wrote a quote then put -Zayn after it, i'd probably get a top quote.
    One Direction hate.
    I don't hate One Direction I hate Directioners.
    Harry and Louis dating.
    One Direction
    One Direction
    One Direction
    One Direction hate

  16. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 8:33pm UTC
    those dreams that feel so real
    you think they actually happened

  17. MyWittyProfile MyWittyProfile
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 12:07am UTC
    Asking for faves
    is against the rules...
    But is asking for comments?(;

  18. xHello xHello
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 9:43pm UTC
    If swearing is immature,
    why is it referred to as "adult language"?

  19. SayingWhatMeFeel_Mobile SayingWhatMeFeel_Mobile
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 7:03pm UTC
    Directioners and One Direction haters..
    Stop fighting over Witty please?
    Wittians that don't really care if there's 1D love or hate quotes, and are just annoyed by the stupid fighting.

  20. littleleftofthemiddle littleleftofthemiddle
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 8:13pm UTC
    When people get trapped underwater in movies,
    I hold my breath until they escape to see if I would’ve survived.
    format credit: littleleftofthemiddle


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