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  1. xRoXyBaBii4x xRoXyBaBii4x
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2004 5:40pm UTC
    [wOrDs] BeGiN WiTh ABC
    [NuMbErS] BeGiN WiTh 123
    [MuSiC] BeGiNs WiTh Do Re Mi
    BuT [[tRuE-lOvE]] BeGiNs WiTh u N mE
    <3 yA kYlE!
    i.M tO tAlk!
    ` - - -> xRoxychicka4x

  2. xRoXyBaBii4x xRoXyBaBii4x
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2004 5:33pm UTC
    ...[[friends are forever]]...
    BoYs are [WhAteVeR]
    wHeN w0rst coMeS t0 woRsT
    my [GiRlIeS] come firsT!
    x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3
    [[ fRiEnDs iNiTaLs hErE ]]
    -->> i.M mE aNyTiMe..@ xRoxychicka4x

  3. xRoXyBaBii4x xRoXyBaBii4x
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2004 8:43pm UTC
    .:> SaVe a HoRsE,rIdE a cOwBoY! <:.
    <:.SaVe a bOaRd,rIdE a SkaTeR.:>
    .:> sAvE a WaVe,rIdE a sUrFeR <:.
    `---> KrIsTiN..
    iAm mE aT xRoXyChIcKa4x

  4. xRoXyBaBii4x xRoXyBaBii4x
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2004 1:08pm UTC
    ..FuN iN tHe sUn
    gEt lAiD iN tHe sHaDe..

  5. xRoXyBaBii4x xRoXyBaBii4x
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2004 7:08pm UTC
    *WhEn yOu lOvE sOmEoNe tElL thEm, bEcAuSe <3'S aRe oFtEn bRoKeN, bY wOrDs lEft uNsPoKeN!*
    I love this quote, use it but dont take credit!
    Im me to talk!

  6. xRoXyBaBii4x xRoXyBaBii4x
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2004 7:05pm UTC
    .:*SoMe pEoPlE wAnT iT aLl, bUt I dOn*t wAn*t nOtHiN aT aLl..iF i AiN*t goT yOu BAbY, iF i aIn*T gOt yOu*:.
    iM mE aT
    ` - ->> xRoXyChIcKa4x

  7. xRoXyBaBii4x xRoXyBaBii4x
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2004 6:43pm UTC
    Ok, this is from the Real World..They are all on the deck..wasted..and are yelling at people on boats and stuff... Brad says think of the meanest thing ever, and yell it to them! So Kamryan being the country girl she is, yells.."Go eat a fart!"
    If yA wAnNa tAlK iM mE @ xRoXyChIcKa4x

  8. xRoXyBaBii4x xRoXyBaBii4x
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2004 6:38pm UTC
    Love is like, your so happy you dont wanna move.
    Love is when time stands still when your around him.
    Love is when, no matter where you are, your smiling.
    Love is when ever you ever hear the word love, you automaticlly think of him.
    Love is when ever you say his name, your heart skips a beat.
    Love only comes outta your mouth if its the truth.
    Love is never wanting 2 say goodbye, and wanting to be held forever.
    This looks good in any font, and if you change the Y to webbing font...it becomes a heart..
    If ya wanna talk i.m me at ---> xRoXycHiCkA4x


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