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Member Since: 9 Jul 2010 01:33pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 115570

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love. 13. music. life

^follow please<3

  1. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2011 9:19am UTC
    My best friend is changing, in a way now that just bugs me and shes not even the same person anymore.
    i just don't know what to do
    What happened to Best friends Forever?

  2. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2011 3:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2011 9:43pm UTC
    Wishing you're love life was like
    the stories in Nicholas Sparks' books ♥

  4. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2011 9:29pm UTC
    Life would be just easier if there was a real

  5. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2011 9:20pm UTC
    if a girl understands your bullshit, sticks through your mistakes, smiles even when you did nothing for her, its obvious shes a keeper. But its also obvious you didn't deserve her. <|3

  6. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2010 5:44pm UTC
    i love lauren price

  7. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    December 17, 2010 9:34pm UTC
    to be hurt
    to feel lost
    to feel left out in the dark
    to be kicked
    when your DOWN
    to feel like you been PUSHED AROUND
    no you don't know what its like

  8. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2010 2:33pm UTC
    "the best time to wear a
    stripe sweater..

  9. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2010 2:32pm UTC
    im@ Schoool on witty (:

  10. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2010 6:24pm UTC
    'love is a
    is like a
    once given,
    never forgotten
    never let it
    disapearr "
    ---John Lennon

  11. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2010 9:54pm UTC
    Dont say you hate your parents
    Just because they didnt get you a new phone, or new clothes for the week
    i've been physical abused for 5 years
    all i hear is my friends complain about how their parents are ruining their lives because they wont get them a new phone or go to major parties.
    i dont even have a phone, half of the time im not aloud to see my friends, and i usually get bunch of new clothes once a year. i just sit there listening to my friends complain about their parents for the dumest things. atleast they care for you. Atleast you're not scared for your life.
    There's worse things.

  12. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2010 1:11pm UTC
    dont You hate it
    when you say a joke, and nobody laughes, but when somebody else says it 5 seconds later, and everybody else laughs?
    Wel that's what i feel when i get jocked. thaaaanks.

  13. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2010 10:52pm UTC
    Do you remeber when
    durning the summer making those videos, and how you came over like at 10 while everybody was still asleep?and we were outside you threw up my rubix cube to catch it.. and instead it crashed and broke into little pieces alll over the sidewalk?& we couldnt stop laughing for like, 15 minutes? and how in your backyard we had that spelling contest and how you told me to spell fiesta, and i said i could because im in spanish, and yoou replied "wait, your in spanish but you dont know how to spell burritos?" and how i had to choke out my answer with "we dont talk about burritos!!" because we were laughing so hard?
    or when every time i did something pretty stupid, you l
    gave me a smile and when i asked you why you were
    smiling you always said "oh nothing, nothing."
    maybe when at olive garden when we all jumped into front of that Burting Coat Factory Sign while waiting for your mom to pick you up? Or how every time we went into Hot Topic we'd alwaays
    saw the same guy and tried to advoid him?
    Or when we were walking your dog around the neightborhood singing Not Enough Truth in Cliche as loud as we could?
    Remeber we used to laugh at how all those preps got into stupid fights over like, having the same bags and such?Remeber how close we were?
    Remeber how i always asked if you were okay?
    I wanted to be there for you
    Remeber how i couldnt stand to see you cry?
    Because it killed me to see that
    Remeber all those sticky notes you put up, & the pictures from the photo booth on my wall?
    They're still there.
    Remeber when
    we were best friends?
    I don't know what went wrong,
    & No trust me. I miss you alot too.
    im really sorry how this is so long,
    she has a witty, and i hope she'd see this.

  14. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2010 8:06pm UTC
    say the color of the word, not the word as fast as you can!
    blue green black
    yellow grey red orange
    purple green white yellow
    pink blue orange
    anybody mess up?

  15. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2010 7:54pm UTC
    the Fear of Flowers

  16. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2010 7:48pm UTC
    human, making
    's' OR 'm' ON A
    sKITTLE OR m&m

  17. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2010 7:43pm UTC
    &I'M THE PEN

  18. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2010 7:38pm UTC
    Tonight we're going hard
    Just like the world is ours
    We're tearing it apart
    You know we're we superstars
    We are, who we are .
    We R Who we R -kesha

  19. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2010 7:35pm UTC
    Drop everything now
    meet me in the pouring rain.
    Kiss me on side walk
    take away the pain,
    I see sparks fly whenever i see you smile
    sparks fly -taylor swift<3

  20. xNabbers xNabbers
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2010 6:03pm UTC
    so sorry i was never good enough.


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