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Member Since: 4 Mar 2010 10:52am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 102848

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My name is Lindsey.
I'm single :)
I dislike school.
I hate drama.
I was told I was a mistake many times.
Live your life like there is no tomorrow!!
I like to be away from home as long as I could!
My Best Friendssssss!! :)
I can have a huuuuuuge list under here. But I wont be that mean. Just people I really don't care for.
I really dont have much to put here...but talk to me if you wanna get to know me more!! :)
  1. xLindseyNicolex xLindseyNicolex
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2010 2:10pm UTC
    I walk in the halls,
    I see his face,
    I lay my head down in shame,
    I turn back and put a sad face upon my face,
    Feeling lonely,
    Missing the days when we were together,
    The day we each had our first kiss together,
    I will always remember those days,
    But they are history,
    They are gone.
    Where did he go?
    What did I do to make him do that?
    Am I a bad person?
    I miss him.
    I miss him more than ever.
    *9/17/09-4/12/10* <---The Best Days Of My Life. And Now they are gone. Forever.

  2. xLindseyNicolex xLindseyNicolex
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2010 11:02am UTC
    Life is like a book!
    Once you open it, there is no going back
    it could become bad, or it could become good.
    Once your in the middle you figure out that they are coming out with a second book.
    Then another.
    Then another.
    Then your book is all done and book #2 continues.
    Did you know I just told you a story?!?!

  3. xLindseyNicolex xLindseyNicolex
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2010 10:22am UTC
    Girl Confessions
    [x] I'm straight
    [ ] I'm gay.
    [] I'm bi.
    [ ] I'm unsure
    [x] I wear make up
    [x] I have cried at a movie theater.
    [x] I can put mascara on without opening my mouth.
    [x] I get jealous easily.
    [] I think Megan Fox is sexy.
    [x] I love to laugh.
    [x] I like rock music.
    [x] I like death/black metal.
    [x] I like rap.
    [x] I like techno
    [x] I like country
    [ ]I carry a purse
    [x] I'd be LOST without my iPod
    [x] I own a Spice Girls CD.
    [x] I own a Britney Spears CD.
    [x] I own a boy band CD.
    [ ] I don't get bored watching football.
    [ ] l love Gothic boys.
    [ ] I love geeky boys.
    [ ] I love country boys.
    [x] I like skater boys
    [x] I like athletic boys
    [x] I love boys that are just themselves.
    [ ] Girls are confusing.
    [x] I've been called a b*tch
    [ ]I've been called a bad influence.
    [x] Lip gloss is better than lipstick.
    [x] I play video games, even when there are other people around.
    [x] My friends are the BESTTT.
    [x] I would do anything for my friends.
    [ ] I have a tattoo.
    [ ] I want a tattoo.
    [ ] I have a piercing

  4. xLindseyNicolex xLindseyNicolex
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2010 11:06am UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. xLindseyNicolex xLindseyNicolex
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2010 8:06pm UTC
    So, here's how it works:
    1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, ETC.)
    2. Put it on shuffle
    3. Press play
    4. For every question, type the song that's playing
    5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
    6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...
    Opening Credits:
    According to you-Orianthi
    Waking Up:
    Come with Me-Special D
    First Day of School:
    Rihanna-Silly Boy
    Falling in Love:
    7 things-Miley Cyrus
    Breaking Up:
    Tim McGraw-Taylor Swift
    Hero/Heroine-Boys Like Girls
    Mental Breakdown:
    Everytime We Touch-Cascada
    Sunny Day:
    you're a Jerk-Lil wayne
    Rainy Day:
    My Immortal-Evanescence
    Stormy Day:
    California Dreaming-Mamas And Papas
    I Love A Rainy Night-Eddie Rabbitt
    I L.O.V.E. YOU-New Boyz
    Big Girls Don't Cry-Fergie
    Wedding day:
    The Way I Are-Timberland
    Birth of a child:
    Final Battle:
    Come on Get Higher-Matt Nathanson
    Death Scene:
    My Humps-Black Eyed Peas
    Funeral Song:
    Right Round-Flo Rida
    Final credits:
    Falling For You-Colbie Caillat

  6. xLindseyNicolex xLindseyNicolex
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2010 8:05pm UTC
    So, here's how it works:
    1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, ETC.)
    2. Put it on shuffle
    3. Press play
    4. For every question, type the song that's playing
    5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
    6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...
    Opening Credits:
    According to you-Orianthi
    Waking Up:
    Come with Me-Special D
    First Day of School:
    Rihanna-Silly Boy
    Falling in Love:
    7 things-Miley Cyrus
    Breaking Up:
    Tim McGraw-Taylor Swift
    Hero/Heroine-Boys Like Girls
    Mental Breakdown:
    Everytime We Touch-Cascada
    Sunny Day:
    you're a Jerk-Lil wayne
    Rainy Day:
    My Immortal-Evanescence
    Stormy Day:
    California Dreaming-Mamas And Papas
    I Love A Rainy Night-Eddie Rabbitt
    I L.O.V.E. YOU-New Boyz
    Big Girls Don't Cry-Fergie
    Wedding day:
    The Way I Are-Timberland
    Birth of a child:
    Final Battle:
    Come on Get Higher-Matt Nathanson
    Death Scene:
    My Humps-Black Eyed Peas
    Funeral Song:
    Right Round-Flo Rida
    Final credits:
    Falling For You-Colbie Caillat

  7. xLindseyNicolex xLindseyNicolex
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2010 11:15am UTC
    Your Real Name:
    Your "Gangsta" Name:
    (first 4 letters of real name plus dizzle)
    Your Detective Name:
    (favorite color & favorite animal)
    Orange Panda
    Your Soap Opera Name:
    (street you live on & middle name)
    Your Star Wars Name:
    (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your middle name)
    Your Superhero Name:
    (2nd favorite color & favorite drink)
    BlueStrawberry Milk(:
    Your Witness Protection Name:
    (one of your parent's middle name)
    Your Goth Name:
    (black & the name of one of your pets)
    Black Russel(:

  8. xLindseyNicolex xLindseyNicolex
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2010 11:05am UTC
    I like him....
    But does he like me?
    He's funny to me...
    Am I funny to him?
    I glance at him in a flirty way...
    Does he glance at me in a flirty way?
    We talk more than usual...
    Does he like it?
    I have a heart...
    Does he have a heart?
    Love is so hard to figure out....
    Will I ever know if he like me back?
    Will we ever be together?....
    Is Love real? Or is it an imagination?
    How come everytime you fall in love....someone always gets hurt?
    What is wrong with Love?


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