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Member Since: 19 Jul 2010 04:28pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 117139

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Heey witty (;
My naames Laauren, buut my frieends just caall me Laau,.  im almooost 13; and i haave the most amazinng friends, and i abosuteely love them♥ Brookiie;Emm;Abbbi;Nikkki;Caara;Meeghan;Juulia♥
im singleee (;

[[my otheer naame on witty is XxxhottieexbabeexxX; buut i wonnt be using it anyymore]]
  1. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2010 2:31pm UTC
    red backround ;
    orange backround ;
    yellow backround ;
    lime green backround ;
    light blue backround ;
    purple backround ;
    pink backround ;
    black backround ;
    spacing of lines closer ;
    make text squished together ;
    make text HUGE :
    To make a dotted border....
    To make a hot pink backround....
    to make a black backround...
    to make a solid border....
    to make a dashed border....
    to make a medium blue backround....
    to make a light pink backround....
    to make a blue backround....
    papyrusTYPE HERE<
    french scriptTYPE HERE<
    Vladimir ScriptTYPE HERE<
    CambriaTYPE HERE<

  2. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 10:39pm UTC
    I taught your boyfriend;
    that thing you like (;
    not minne; saaw it sommewhere

  3. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 10:00pm UTC
    I know I broke up with you;
    but really, how many times have I said I regretted it,.?
    Everytime my phone vibrates,
    my heart races,.
    It's never you,.
    I'm not up for games anymore,.
    All x I x really x want x is
    > > y o u < <
    I c a n ' t w a i t * forever *
    I c a n ' t w a i t [ a n y m o r e ]
    I'm not going to waste my time,.
    I'm so done,.
    I'll sit in my room crying; with the bear
    you gave me for Valentines Day;
    - - > I broke up with you in the first place < - -
    You never did anything [ wrong ]
    You never hurt me,.
    You never lied,.
    You never cheated.,
    You never liked anyone else,.
    All you ever did was
    x x ___ love me___ x x
    *_ but I took you _*
    You're different than the other boys,
    and I knew that,.
    I knew you were different than
    my friend's boyfriends,.
    &+I will always regret May 15;
    the day I said I wanted to just be friends,.
    But now you're playing games;
    and I'm just done fighting for you,.
    So, goodbye,.
    I love you♥

  4. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 10:00pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 10:00pm UTC
    if I loved him, I'd lie♥
    I'd Lie;; TaylorSwift
    layouut by CrazyxForxLux
    thankks&+i love youur quotes♥

  6. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:59pm UTC
    I' m just a pe rson; ;
    I'm not perfect,.
    Not everything goes my way;;&+ some days, absolutely nothing does,.
    →I love& +lose
    My heart breaks;; I make mistakes,.
    I double letters that aren't supposed to be doubled,.
    I flip out when he doesn't answer my text for 2 minutes,.
    I love food;;, so don't pretend you've never eaten before,.
    I wear clothes most people wouldn't be caught dead in;;
    just to make people laugh at me,.
    I worry about the stupidest things in the world,.
    I get in bad moods for no reason whatsoever,.
    I contstantly think about that one boy,.♥
    I listen to songs that remind me of him;;
    and usually, only those songs,.
    I always wonder what it would be like if we didn't break up,.
    All I really want is for him to love me,.
    To take me back and say the things he used to say,.
    Smile that smile that always made me smile back,.
    Laugh the laugh that gave me butterflies,.
    Hold me like he's never held anyone else, and never will,.
    I' m just a pe rson; ;
    I'm not perfect,.
    &+these are the days when absolutely nothing will go my way,.
    all minne,. mostly juust ventiinng,. thaank yoou schmidtxx9 for the amaaazing layyout,.(;

  7. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:58pm UTC
    One second, life is perfect,.
    The next, it's the complete opposite,.
    I didn't realize how much you really meant to me
    until you were gone,. I completely took you forgranted,
    broke your heart, and said I wanted you back,.
    I'm confused and stupid,
    and I never should've did what I did,
    or said what I said,.
    Please take me back;;
    ilove&+missyou,. ♥
    --juust veentiinng,. layout from lovebound

  8. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:57pm UTC
    &+ these walls I'm building now;;
    you used to bring 'em down
    the tears I'm crying out
    you used to
    wipe away♥
    -Don't Wanna Be Torn
    laayout from musicluver417

  9. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:56pm UTC
    I see your blue♥ eyes;;
    everytime I close mine
    y o u m a k e i t h a r d t o s e e
    w h e r e I b e lo n g t o
    when I'm not around you
    [ it's like I'm not with me ]
    what I should have said
    -» n o i n e v e r t o l d y o u «-
    I just held it in,
    &+now I miss
    about you
    I can't believe that I still
    want you
    after all the things we've been through
    i miss everything about you;;
    without you,.
    -I Never Told You
    laayout crediit to Alexandria122;; thaank yoou,.<3

  10. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:54pm UTC
    That should be me;;
    holding your hand
    that should
    be me;;
    making you laugh
    that should be me♥
    That Should Be Me-Justin Bieber
    laayouuut from Kayteeeeh

  11. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:53pm UTC
    I remember when we kissed;;
    I still feel it on my lips
    The time that you danced with me;;
    with no music playing
    I remember the simple things;;
    I remember 'til I cry♥
    Goodbye-Miley Cyrus
    laayouut from KristyEPIC
    thaanakks (;

  12. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:49pm UTC
    All that I'm after
    is a life full of laughter;;
    as long as I'm laughing with you,.
    &+I think that all that still matters is love ever after
    after the life we've been through
    'cause i know there's no life after youY
    Life After You-Daughtry
    laaaayout froom flipflopgirl9797
    thaankkks (;

  13. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:49pm UTC
    &+I hop e
    you find it;;
    what you're looking for,.
    &+ I hope it's everything
    you dreamed your life would be;;
    &+so much more♥
    I Hope You Find It- The Last Song
    laayout from swerv thaanakss (;

  14. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:48pm UTC
    there is no guarantee;;
    that this life
    is easy,.♥
    format from marisascreations

  15. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:46pm UTC
    you need to run away
    just to see who will
    ♥/ / /come after you\\\

    /// . C.r.a.p. \\\
    not mineee,. layouut credit to hadlynmeghan34 thankk yoouu,.(;

  16. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:44pm UTC
    i dont want to solve your problems,
    i have my own,.
    not minee,;; noc rediit,. laaaayout from xxkam96xx

  17. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:44pm UTC
    You know you're in love;;
    when you can't fall asleep because
    is finally better than your
    not my quooote,. laayout crediit to kayteeeeh., i absoluutelyy love the laayout thaanksss.

  18. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:41pm UTC
    ⇒i believe everything happens for a reason,.
    people change;;
    so you can learn to
    let go,.
    things go wrong;;
    so that you appreciate them
    when they're right,.
    you believe lies;;
    so you eventually learn to
    trust no one but yourself,.
    good things fall apart,
    so better things can fall
    not myy quuote,. no crediit;; im not jockkinng so donnt bitcch,. layout from CMPSunday,.

  19. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:39pm UTC
    its true;;
    » that we don't know what we've got
    until we lose it,.
    but it's also true;;
    that we don't know what we're missing
    until it arrives♥
    quoote not minee&+ i knnow its alreaady on heree i get abbsolutely no crediit,. laayout creddit to holdmyheart21

  20. xLaauMariie____x22 xLaauMariie____x22
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:38pm UTC
    be strong now,
    *****because things will get better,.
    it might be stormy now*****
    ♥but it can't rain forever♥
    not mine,. layout from xshannonx123


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