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  1. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2009 6:34pm UTC
    Who do i love?
    Because I'm desperatly in love with...him.

  2. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2009 6:24pm UTC
    is about the giggles,
    the comfortableness,
    the trust,
    the smiles,
    the memories,
    and making them all together.
    not being in bed togeher.

  3. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2009 6:21pm UTC
    I'm always thinking of the past
    so i won't move on,
    i hate the fact of still loving you,
    even though you cant make up your mind.
    but the reason you cant make up your mind is because of him,
    for gods sake, i can't even make up my own mind.
    who do i love?

  4. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2009 6:18pm UTC
    And I'm thinking of the past
    so i won't jump into the future,
    i wanna leave you behind, but yet i don't..
    i wanna be with you.
    i also wanna be with him
    ah. you drive me so insane.
    my life is filled with love quotes because im in love with two ppl.
    i just, don't no how to let go.

  5. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 6:11pm UTC
    Memories, supposed to fade.
    What's wrong with my heart?
    Shake it off, let it go.
    Didn't think it'd be this hard.
    Should be strong, movin' on.
    But I see you.
    Sometimes I try to hide
    What I feel inside

  6. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 6:00pm UTC
    why can't he tell me how he feels.
    why can't he keep the way he feels.
    why can't he act like my boyfriend.
    why can't he be himself.
    why can't he say he loves me.
    why can't he tell the world.
    how is he so rude.
    how can he threaten him.
    how can he take me away like that.
    how can he get his way.
    how can he have me, but not him.
    how can he take advantage.
    Tell me?
    tell me why can't i decide.
    tell me why am i caught in the middle.
    tell me why am i in love with two ppl.
    tell me why am i not over him.
    tell me why is he not over me.
    tell me why love is like this?
    how can he tell me why " i cant love him! "

  7. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 5:47pm UTC
    How I let you go, I'll never understand.
    I'll never understand!

  8. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 5:39pm UTC
    i use to stay up all night waiting for a text from him.
    i recieved it.
    i use to wait all day to see him.
    i saw him.
    i use to sneek out just to hug him.
    i hugged him.
    i use to wanna kiss him at the wrong time.
    i kissed him.
    i use to tell him i love him.
    he told me he loved me.
    It use to be all perfect.
    it fell apart.
    Not by our hearts, but by the others.

  9. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 5:36pm UTC
    Everytime he looks at me,
    i feel the memories flood my head.
    I feel a piece of my heart break,
    and even though i have a boyfriend,
    i just cant help it.
    it's the fact we were pulled away not by each other,
    but by his own brother.
    i so call him, " my boyfriend".
    it makes me wonder, what could have been..
    will i ever no?

  10. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 4:45pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 2:23pm UTC
    Just gotta listen to my heart,
    but i keep on ending up right back from the start,
    i see the finish line,
    but somethings always in my way,
    i gotta stop crying
    because im gonna reach it one day.

  12. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 12:57pm UTC
    are just drops of dead kisses.

  13. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 12:52pm UTC
    One Day...
    i swear one day i will get you.
    i swear one day you will notice me.
    i swear one day you will like me.
    i swear one day you will kiss me.
    i swear one day you will want me.
    i swear one day you will need me.
    i swear one day you will ask me.
    & on that day ill be over you.
    all mineee.

  14. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 12:48pm UTC
    " Fate "
    Young couples in the night
    The feelings seem so right
    It's a secret
    That no one knows
    Are love is painful, but yet it grows
    Inside i love you
    An in your heart
    i truely no, that our love will start
    The rain will fall and my tears will drop
    But that will never make my love stop
    For deep inside it waits an waits
    For days to come were soon to fate.
    All mine!<3 please do steal
    as long as i get credit!
    comment please

  15. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 12:45pm UTC
    She dreams about
    the reason he smiles at her
    for that split second.
    By: HaleyBelleOfchinick.

  16. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 12:26pm UTC
    He walked me home,
    In the freezing cold snow,
    He got down on one knee,
    reached in his pocket,
    pulled out a ring,
    and said, " Will you marry me?"
    I said, " yes!"
    and then began
    licking my wedding ring pop.
    :) <3
    By: ME
    Haley Belle Ofchinick.
    ALL mine.

  17. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 12:19pm UTC
    He smiled at me through a window in the snow.
    He fell in love with me.
    He began to gather all emotions he had to give them away to me.
    And at that moment,
    i relized both of them did!
    - you wouldnt understand.

  18. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 12:16pm UTC
    Don't you ever wish you could read a boy's mind?
    Especially after a breakup.
    or if you really like the kid?
    Don't you ever wonder what a guy talks about at a sleepover?
    Especially after talking to you.
    or if you just broke up?
    Don't you ever imagine what it would be like to have a guy admit everything in ther mind?
    Especially after a break up.
    or after talking to you?
    We sit there and confess our mind to the world.
    Especially after a breakup.
    or if we really like them.
    We sit there and talk for hours about a boy.
    Especially after talking to them.
    even if we just broke up.
    We always tell them everything in our minds.
    Especially after a break up.
    and if we really like them.
    Do you think they care?
    Do we care?
    Love?; what is it?
    why are they so complicated.

  19. xHaleyBelle xHaleyBelle
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 12:01pm UTC
    She sat there with a giant grin on her face,
    Acknowledging the fact the love of her life was finally admitting that he still liked her,
    She had happy tears filling up her eyes.
    He spoke those few simple words, " I still like you".
    She was put into shock that she possibly would end up being in the same messed up love tiangle she once belonged too.
    But it seemed to be the risk she was willing to take,
    she held her breath and whiped her tears,
    and typed the few magical words," i still like you too."
    Even though she had a wonderful boyfriend,
    nothing or nobody could keep her from admiting what she felt.
    The next day came,
    and she sat down on the computer once again to talk to her love,
    she thought maybe he would ask her out,
    she thought this time would be differant,
    but in a matter of seconds he spoke of words that made her heart drop,
    he spoke of liking her yet no more, but i differant girl.
    In a matter of a split second her tears built up to a boiling point,
    at that moment she didnt even have to blink for the tears to drop.
    they fell as though a crystal clear waterfall, began to seek with brown dirt cloudying the once clear water of her newly shattered heart.
    By: ME
    Haley Belle Ofchinick.


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