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Status: You are all Beautiful <3 x

Member Since: 29 Sep 2011 09:16am

Last Seen: 13 Aug 2012 09:19am

Birthday: March 5

Location: Australia

Gender: F

user id: 222183

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Heeey there 
I used to have a colorful profile but witty changed and its way to confusing now :/
So sorry bout that!

I'm Sarah
I'm Australian and I'm thirteen :D 
I started high school last year and I'm in year 8 
I'm currently looking for a witty best friend! so feel free to message me :D 

I love Demi Lovato she is my idol! she has inspired me so much!
I love Selena Gomez aswell ! 

I love Disney (Old and new) and witty has been my life for a few years now-
Not on this account though my other account is - sarhgirl. So go look at that one aswell :D ! 

Enjoyy! <3 
  1. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2012 9:14pm UTC
    One does not simply
    Log out of a friends facebook
    with out making him gay.
    No offence intended :) x

  2. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2012 5:52am UTC
    Am I the only one who didn't know
    Cookie from Neds Declassified school survival guide
    Is Cojo From Zeke and Luther.

  3. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 4:00am UTC
    I would like a witty best friend.
    Not just a friend on witty who i occasionally chat to. An actual witty best friend.
    Someone who has facebook and a phone so we can text and talk. from the ages of 12-14
    Trustworthy, nice, understanding.
    You can be a guy or girl. Gay, bi, straight, lesbian i really don't mind. x
    I will not be your friend if you are an old man creeping.

  4. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2012 3:30am UTC
    i don't care if you're
    tall, short
    fat, skinny
    pretty, ugly
    smart, dumb
    weird, boring
    hypo, tired
    drugo, goody-2-shoes
    gay, straight
    bi, lesbian
    If you're nice to me I'll be nice to you
    Simple as that.

  5. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2012 9:42am UTC
    Heres to the girl who regrets her first kiss.♥

  6. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2012 11:33am UTC
    When I was your age
    I was catching pokemon.
    Not herpes.

  7. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 11:59pm UTC
    And don't you dare,
    Tell me I'm 'too young'
    To feel pain.
    You don't know sh/t about me.

  8. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 1:19pm UTC
    So thank you
    For showing me, That bestfriends can not be trusted.
    And thank you for lying to me!
    The friendship the good times we had-
    You can have em back!

  9. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 1:00pm UTC
    How to keep an idiot busy#3
    Give them a peice of paper with one big scribbled line that connects. Then tell them to find the end ;)
    should i do a series? c:

  10. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2012 12:41pm UTC
    My story -sorry its so long. Hopefully You read it :c
    2010 Yr6. Last year of Primary school.
    I was popular and had a lot of friends I really loved life. Although i was a bully. I made people feel sh/t about themselves, I teased and mocked and pushed and shoved and if I didn't get what I wanted I would throw a tantrum. I now know why teachers didn't like me.
    2011 Yr7. First year of Highschool.
    Some of my friends changed schools, and most stayed with me, I was still happy :) Then all of us had more guys to impress and girls to compete with. Make-up became our life. Then hormones/PMS kicked in. And we got 'mean' we ALL did. We split into multiple groups the closest friends staying together. I had my friend (not using their real names) Trisha and Wendy and few others. My best friend was Mia but she went to a different school, but we still stayed in contact with each other. Then my life took a turn for the worst. I was no longer popular but still had some friends. Then Wendy and 2 others wagged school and teachers got suspicous. I thought they were in trouble and I was worried. So of corse I told the teachers that they were at school that morning and so they got caught. It was my fault and I felt horrible about it. Then Wendy told my bully Penelope, then she wouldn't leave me alone. So basically i lost Wendy and she hated me. I felt horrible for what I did and now I was being bullied. I then realised what I did in primary school was SO wrong. And I'm so sorry to the people I hurt. Moving on- Eventually Wendy and I made up and we were friends again :) all was okay and Penelope had left the school so everything was good. Then I saw something that tore my heart out. I was going through facebook and Mia had a photo uploaded of a girl she knew who was apparently 'her best friend' I know it sounds like I'm over-reacting but it was horrible. Then eventually the only time she would talk to me was when she wanted a hair cut. (my mum is a hair-dresser). So I was pretty torn. We had been best friends for 8 years! and she had replaced me in 1 year! I was frustersated so I replaced her. Wendy was such a great friend and so we became best friends. we were really close! we didn't get to hang much because our families hated eachother. Which sucked but yeah.
    2012 Yr8 The worst year ever.
    So Wendy and I were best friends Trisha and I were really close. and I had a lot more new friends. But I was still upset about Mia. Still am. Later she got into smoking,drinking,inter-corse and drugs. It was horrible!!! I felt like a bomb had gone off in my stomach. Then something worse happened. I liked this guy and he found out. I asked Wendy to tell him just to see if he liked me. He didn't. Instead of keeping it to himself HE TOLD EVERYONE. and when I say everyone i mean E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. :( So obviously I stopped liking him. I got over him quickly. and then I made friends with the new yr sevens and they were really close to Wendy and I! But then I was obvously PMSing. and I was upset with Wendy because I always feel like we are competing. I dont even know why!! But i over-reacted and took my anger out on her (through words not violence) and then POOF no more best friend. Eventually rumours spread about me. and I lost some friends. I lost my yr7 friends to Wendy and Trisha was the ONLY person I had left. And then I started to cut. Yeah i know people have it worse then me. Im not saying they dont. but it didn't how bad i felt. then one night at the dinner table my sister saw my cuts. and asked me why i was doing it and when I didn't tell her she told my mum. And she yelled at me. not because she was angry. because she cared. sort of. anyway both my brothers heard and same with my dad. so obviously he got involved too. i havn't cut since. you can't see them anymore but i still have no friends besides Trisha. Even though Trisha has many friends. I don't and I really want to transfer schools. I have been trying to convince my mum for ages but she isn't letting me. So I'm stuck in this hell whole feeling like sh/t.
    I miss the old Mia.
    I miss Wendy.
    I miss being happy.
    I miss popularity.
    I miss everyone I hurt being my friend.
    Now the only thing I have left is my dogs and Trisha I wouldn't say I'm depressed I just hate school and life..... That guy i liked. Well things got worse with that, no one leaves me alone about it. And the guy I like now. I've liked for a while now. Hates me. So many people hate me. Truth is. I kind of hate me too. Never hurt anyone. even if they hurt you, or you'll end up like me. or maybe worse. And trust me, being replaced, lied to, broken up with, bullied, hurt, emotionally unstable to the point where crying is your lullaby at night, yeah it's not good.
    The only thing I've learnt?
    Karma is a b/tch.

  11. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 6:45am UTC
    How to keep an idiot busy#2
    Put them in a cirular room and tell them to sit in the corner
    should i do a series? c:

  12. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2012 12:40pm UTC
    How to keep an idiot busy#1
    A small card with "If you'd like to know how to keep an idiot busy for hours, turn this card over" printed on both sides.
    should i do a series? c:

  13. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 11:12pm UTC
    Dear Whor e
    Close your legs.
    They're wider than the Grand canyon.
    Sincerely -
    Everyone .

  14. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 9:30am UTC
    The word suicide got your attention didn't it. its not the word that goes unoticed its the actions that lead to it. Someone you know may be in the worst state of their life. be sure to comfort them and be there for them, no one was ever there for me and now suicide is looking more like an escape. You may lose a close friends because no one is paying attention. OPEN YOUR EYES. not everyones smile is real

  15. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 9:09am UTC
    what my Best friend says:
    Heeey, sorry can't hang today i'm so sick.
    What my best friend means:
    You mean nothing to me, im going to spend the day with ____. your a loser
    What I say: Okay xox hang next weekend?
    What I mean: I know you hate me. you have no idea how much I miss the old you
    What my best friend says: Okay next weekend for sures!! xoxox
    What my best friend means: Hhahaha, you wish loser. I'll just go hang out with someone who is worth my time.
    I wish she cared.
    format by neversaynever16

  16. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 8:51am UTC
    are easily done once you've.
    had a taste of perfection.
    katy perry thinking of you

  17. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 8:33am UTC
    & I honestly thought
    I thought I had a best friend.
    I thought that no matter what she would be there for me.
    I thought that when she said she couldn't hang out with me her reason was legit.
    But no.
    I don't have a best friend.
    And I don't have someone that will be there for me. no matter what.
    And now i know that when she says she is feeling sick
    and shes lying in bed all day what she is really doing is
    Replacing me.
    I thought i knew...

  18. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 8:26am UTC
    ...& when I think about it,
    i could end my life at any moment..
    all my pain gone. But I can't
    even though i don't have anything to live for
    I want to live.

  19. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 9:25pm UTC
    And yes my boyfriend made
    me a sandwich.
    And people wonder why I like him.

  20. xAllTimeLoverx xAllTimeLoverx
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 9:18pm UTC
    ♥I didn't even think.
    That i could ever hate myself
    as much as I do


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