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Member Since: 23 Jul 2011 09:41pm

Last Seen: 20 Dec 2011 02:41pm

user id: 198579

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Follow me pleas<3 and if you want to ask me anything you can aim me or leave a comment
Hey My name is Brigid. that is a picture of me being crazy! I have another witty account but htat is for quotes not stories. I love to qrite but never really hsare my stories but i saw a  lot of people posting stories so i thought i would share some of mine. If you give me feedback that would be great and i love comments. Follow me and i will try and follow you back. I lvoe to play soccer lacrosse and field hockey. I am on a summer swim team blah:p. My birhtday is November 12th and this year i will be 14 woah! I have really pretty eyes and i get alot of compliments on them they are probably one of my favorite things they change colors and yeah. anyways i dont really know hwat else to sayso yeah adios<3 More soon i will try to post tomorrow if i get a chance or i may do more tonight. Ok so sorry if you were reading the blue untiteled story but i had no idea where i was going with it and i had no ideas so sorry. I am jsut going to focus on Never leave me because i have some ideas for that. Please leave comments and follow me<3
  1. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2011 4:37pm UTC
    A- Available ~ Yeppers :P
    B - Birthday ~ Novemeber 12th :DD
    C -Crushing on ~ um...you need to know his name why
    D - Drink you had last ~ water
    E - Easiest person to talk to ~ my besties and friends on witty :P
    F - Favorite Song ~ at this moment honestly hot chelle rae
    G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms ~ Gummy worms for sure
    H - Hometown ~ Somewere, USA
    I - In lovee with ~ no one
    J - Jealous of ~ most of my friends :/
    K - Killed someone ~ yep you caught me...not
    L - Longets car ride ~ 14 hours :o
    M - Milkshake flavor ~ Mocha
    N - # of Siblings ~ 2 sisters
    O - One wish ~ to find a guy who loves me til the end of time <3
    P - Person you texted last ~ My daday
    Q - Question you are always asked ~ who do you like
    R - Reason to smile ~ Friends Family Love :)
    S - Song you last listened to ~ Honestly
    T - Time you woke up ~ 6:10 am -_-
    U - Underwear color ~ green
    V - Violent moment you had ~ uhhhhh shoving someone over in asoccer game(maybe shoving is an understatement)
    W - Worst habit ~ talking....ALOT
    X - X-rays ~ knee, head, leg
    Y - Yoyos are ~ hard to make work
    Z - Zodiac sign ~ scorpio

  2. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2011 4:26pm UTC
    Chapter One
    I took a deep breath and opened the door. I closed my eyes and as the door shut behind me the fluttered open. I looked around at the busy hall way of new freshmans and excited seniors. It was loud everyone was yelling and catching up with friends. I sighed and walked towards the left wing of South High. Looking around i noticed that the walls were repainted and ugly yellow and the lockers were bright blue. Finally i got to my locker that had been mine for 3 years and was ready to be mine for one more. I opened it quickly threw my books in and hurried to class.
    "Good Morning!" The overly-preppy homeroom teacher greated. " I am Ms. K and I will be your senior year homeroom teacher." She smiled as she droned on about school policies and everything else we already knew.
    I was organizing my notebook when i felt a light tap on the back of my shoulder. I whipped my head around to see a boy who I had never seen. He had broad shoulders and golden brown hair that fell into perfect place. His eyes were like the ocean and his smile looked like a models.
    "Oh,uhh, hi." Smooth Claire could you sound more like an idiot? "Do you need something?"
    "Uh, yeah I was just wondering if you could tell me where Mrs. Clancy's room is I have second period there" Mystery boy explained.
    "Yeah sure" I looked at my scheduele to find that I too was going there. "Oh and by the way I am CLaire" I smiled shyly.
    "Thanks, I am Bryson" I turned around realizing that my smile was a little to friendly.
    feedback please:)

  3. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 7:05pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2011 9:29pm UTC
    Untitled Chapter 1
    "So where do you want to go first?" my best friend Melissa and i were going shopping for the night.
    "I don't know" i replied. "Actually lets go and check out that new place." I looked in the mirror before getting out of the car. My brownish blonde hair was in a lose side braid. My hazel eyes were surrounded bye black eyeliner and black mascara. I had my favorite top on, a pair of skinny jeans and gray boots. http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=35413483
    I grabbed my longchamp bad and my iphone in its purple case.
    "So Paige hows Tanner?" I smiled and she knew that was all she was going to get out of me. We were walking down the street passing lots of stores. It was getting really late and dark and the sidewalk was dead.
    "I think we turn down here" I walked down a narrow road and Melissa followed me.
    "You sure this is the right road Paige everything looks shut down" She sounded worried and looked it too.
    "Hey look at these chicks" I heard a scratchy man voice. A couple others laughed and one whistled.
    "Uhh Paige lets go now!" I nodded and quickly turned around. There were two guys blocking our way out.
    "The party just got started you cant leave yet." This voice was deeper but still unfamiliar. I spun around and say two guys walking towards us. They all looked around 19 one year older then us.
    "Don't be scared" he said and he pulled on my hair i slapped his hand away. "I won't hurt you, don't worry." He walked behind me. "I could do a lot with a pretty girl with you and your friend could come in handy too" His breath hit my neck as he spoke.
    "I will give you how ever much money you want just let us go home" I was shaking as i talked.
    "I dont want money i want you and your friend." He picked me up.
    "Help!!!!" I yelled as loud as i could. No one heard me and soon enough i was in the back of a car.

  5. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2011 9:04pm UTC
    Summer Love Chapter 1 "Bye Mom, Bye Dad" I waved to my parents as the pulled out of the driveway and went on their 1 month cruise around the world. I Paige was home alone for 1 whole month. I was kind of scared i mean i am only 17 but I was going to have a blast. I had my best friend staying over as much as she can and a huge house to relax in. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I opened the message:Austin: Good morning beautiful;)I read the text and smiled Austin may possibly be the wrolds best boyfriend. He is super sweet and his looks aren't so bad either. He is really tall 6'1" to be exact which is 7 inches taller than me. He has brown messy hair and brown eyes and he also has a perfect tan. I on the other hand am the exact oppisite i have blonde hair, blue eyes and well my tan is equal to a ghosts tan.Me: Hey! I quickly replied and went upstairs. I looked at my clock it was only 9:25. I floped down on my bed thinking about what i was going to do today. I checked my phone and sure enough there was a message from Austin.Austin: So you wanna meet me at the beach around 1?Me: I would love to:)I put my phone back in my pocket and went to go shower. I got out and let my hair air dry. I put on my favorite bathing suit, white shorts and a crop top. I don't wear make up becasue i honestly don't see the point. I ran down stairs and looked at the time. Crap it is only 10:13 ughhhh. I flopped down on the couch and watched some t.v. After what seemed like 3 years it was 12:45. I got my towel and started walking towards the becah. When i got there it was super crowded. I felt someone grab me by the hand and spin me around. "Heyy!" I shrieked. Our lips pressed and chills ran through my whole body. I loved his kisses because they were soft and gentle. I looked into his eyes and smiled. He smiled back and then pulled me towards the water. i couldnt reallyh think of a title so it may get changed if you like it fav and comment i have no idea if i am going to keep going

  6. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 8:24pm UTC
    Break Me "I love you " he whispered in my ear. Chills ran down my spine as his breath hit my ear. I turned to face him. The second our eyes locked he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. His tongue slid in between my lips and pushed on mine. I pulled away. "Stop Travis I can't" He looked at me and didn't say anything. I tried to slid out from under him but i couldn't move. His lips once again crashed down onto mine. I didn't want to do this i wanted my parents to come home so he would leave but he wouldn't. I felt his hand slip up my shirt. "Stop Travis Stop!" I yelled but he didn't care his other hand was moving up as he started to take it off. "I won't hurt you" He said as he lifted my shirt over my head. "Yeah right" i thought as sharp pain ran through me as he pressed on the bruises on my stomach. His hand slid down to my pants. He started to unbutton my pants. I was scared i couldn't move and i didn't want him to hurt me. I bit my lip saving myself from bruises. Before i knew it my pants were off. He moved his hands up to my chest. His hands were rested on my chest and he leaned down and started to kiss me. I didn't kiss back and he bit my lip. I let out a small shriek and kissed back hoping i wouldn't get anymore pain. As he kissed me i felt his hands move to my bra clasp i heard a click and it was off. He pulled his shirt off and went back to kissing me. "I don't want to Travis I am not kidding just leave" I said and then closed my eyes knowing i was in for pain. I heard him let out a little laugh. "Since when are you the boss of me." He said and then punched me hard in the stomach. He hit me over and over again till finally he got up and left. I was left there cold and crying. I got up and looked in the mirror my stomach was black and blue i put on my p. jamas. I brushed my butt length brown hair. And went back to my bed.Comments and feedback... i don't know if i like it

  7. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 1:29pm UTC
    Untitled Chapeter 1
    "Chris out me down now!" i yelled as he carried me out to the water.
    "Nah! i am good." He said as his ankles walked into the waves. i started flailing my arms and legs trying to get out. "Fine i will put you down." HE threw me into the water. I came up gasping for air.
    "Owwwwwww! Sh*t" i screamed as i hopped out of the water. I sat on the sand and looked at my foot.
    "Oh my gosh Hope are you okay i am so sorry." Chris blurted out frantically as blood gushed out of my foot.
    "It's fine you didn't know just get me to the hospital." I cried. He picked me up and ran to his car.
    "You are losing a lot of blood Hope this can't be good is it deep?" HE questioned as he drove.
    "I know i am losing a lot of blood and i have no idea how deep it is now just drive the freaking car." I felt bad yelling but it hurt so much it felt like somebody took a knife and cut the bottom of my foot open. I was sweating like crazy and i could feel my blonde hair sticking to my face. My blue eyes burned from the salt water that got into them. After 25 minutes we showed up at the hospital. Chris came over and helped me out. I almost collapsed from all the blood loss and my head was throbbing. When we walked in a nurse saw me and instantly came over to me.
    "Oh no you need a room right away come with me." She said as she called other nurses and a wheelchair. I was sitting in the bed while the doctor gave me a numbing shot. Chris held my hand during the whole thing.
    "What did you step on this is really deep?" The doctor asked.
    "I have no idea Chris threw me in the water and there most of been something sharp." I admitted.
    "Young love these days." The doctor said.
    "Oh we are not dating we are just really close friends." CHris stated.
    Should i keep going? comments and feedback

  8. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 8:45pm UTC
    Happy 13th Birthday Nicole i love you rest in peace even though it is hard i know you are in a better place

  9. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 8:04pm UTC
    Chapter 7
    Wednesday 6:01am
    I paced back and forth in the waiting room for three hours. Parke was in surgery. I was freaking out. His mom was crying and was scared to death. Finally the doctor came out. His hands were covered in blood.
    “Hello I just wanted to let you all know that the surgery went fine and he will be okay but we still want to have him come in for regular check-ups.” The doctor explained to us and then left. I felt tears of joy come down my face and I looked over to Parke’s mom. She was walking towards his room. No matter how much I wanted to go with her she needed to see her son. I sat in the waiting room. Finally she came back out.
    “You can go talk to him I need to see the doctor” She smiled and then gave me a hug.
    “Kaylee!” he yelled when I walked in.
    “Parke I was so worried about you how are you doing?” I said. I looked at him he looked like he was in pain.
    “I am getting a little better.” He said and I could tell he was lying because his eyebrow twitched.
    The rest of the day was slow and was very boring I went home so he could stay and rest at the hospital. My mom and I planned some of the wedding and had started to make cards. We weren’t going to invite many people just close friends and family members.
    sorry it is super duper short and really boring but i couyldnt really write today but i wanted to post something

  10. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 3:16pm UTC
    Well hello world of witty would you please do me a huge favor and check out my story it would mean the world to me<3

  11. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 1:51pm UTC
    Chapter 6
    “It is a 50/50 chance” The doctor said. I felt tears burn up in my eyes. This could not be happening I couldn’t believe it. “We need to do the surgery soon because if we don’t the tumor will get bigger and block air from getting to his lungs.” I tried to swallow but I couldn’t, my legs were going weak and my tears were coming out of my eyes faster and faster. Parke looked over at me.
    “It is going to be okay Kaylee it will all work out I promise you.” I looked at him and I tried to believe him but I couldn’t. I wanted to believe him I really did but I just couldn’t. He had to do the surgery or he would defiantly die.
    “You have to do the surgery” I said in between sobs. “I love you Parke no matter what happens”
    “I will always be here I would never leave you Kaylee. ” He said. His mom went to go make a surgery date. I waited patiently with Parke. I knew there was a chance we would never get married and just the thought of that made me want to collapse but I had to stay strong. After 5 minutes his mom came out.
    “Next Wednesday” His mom said. That was less than a week. “If you want Kaylee you can come with us.” I nodded and Parke hugged me. “It is all going to be okay.” I heard him whisper in my ear. I tried to believe him. We got back home around 3 30. I kissed Parke good bye and went into my house.
    “Mom Parke has cancer!” I yelled when I saw her. I said it trying not to cry but I just couldn’t help it.
    “I know sweetie” She said. Wait how did she know was I the only one who didn’t know?
    “Why didn’t you tell me?” I questioned.
    “I didn’t have the authority to. The only one who could tell you was Parke.” She replied.
    “I don’t want him to go mom I love him” I said.
    “I know baby girl I know.” The rest of the day was quiet I spent a lot of time in my room crying. I Tried to work on some wedding plans but I just couldn’t think straight.
    sorry that was really bad and boring:p

  12. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 11:05am UTC
    Untitled Chapter 2
    “So you don’t want to tutor me in a class I am failing you just want to date me?” I questioned.
    “Actually I was going for both.” He said smiling with his bright white teeth. He grabbed my hand and chills ran down my spine. He pulled me towards the school. When we walked into the cafeteria he pulled me towards the football table.
    “Uh I don’t think I should sit here” I said as Carliegh glared at me. Let me tell you about her well we used to be best friends and then she became popular and it all went downhill from there.
    “Why the heck is she here Aaron” She snickered.
    “Because she can be and she is my girlfriend.” She got up and walked away. Did he just call me his girlfriend? All of the sudden I have a boyfriend. Ha yeah that’s right Carliegh t isn’t all about you you’re not such a princess anymore huh. I knew that she had a huge crush on Aaron ever since freshman year but he never saw interest in her I guess. Aaron introduced me to everyone and we all got along. All the other cheerleaders didn’t seem to mind me being there. After lunch I headed to my locker. I heard someone following me but I kept walking. Finally I got to my locker.
    “Well you could of at least held my hand or walked next to me” I heard Aaron say.
    “Oh my gosh I am so sorry you should of taped me or told me I didn’t think your next class was anywhere near here you said you had gym.” I said feeling bad.
    “Yeah my next class is gym but I wanted to be away from you as little as possible.” He said sweetly.
    “Awww you’re so sweet.” I said blushing. He leaned down kissed me and said goodbye. I walked to my next class with a big smile on my face. History honestly I do not want to be in the class.
    “Where the heck were you during lunch” I heard one of my best friends Kaitlyn say.
    “With my boyfriend” I said happily.
    “What no way! Since when do you have a boyfriend and who is it? ” She shrieked.
    “Since lunch and Aaron” I smiled as I said it.
    “Ahhh! You are so lucky!” She practically screamed to the whole class. I just smiled. The whole class I smiled actually. The class went by actually pretty fast. Next I had science and Aaron was in that class. I went out to my locker and standing there was Carliegh. “Great just who I want see not” I thought to myself.
    “You better back off of Aaron ok he is mine so break up with him or else.” She demanded and walked away. Yikes someone woke up on the wrong side of their cave this morning.
    comments and feedback please

  13. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 10:55am UTC
    Chapter 5
    Soon enough we were at the hospital. I looked out the window and suddenly I felt the urge not to move. I didn’t want to find out news I was scared. I didn’t want to find out when he was going to leave. All I wanted to know is that he was going to be okay.
    “Are you coming?” Parke asked me. I looked at him and nodded no matter how much I didn’t want to go in I was doing this for him. He grabbed my hand and his mom walked with us towards the office.
    “Hello Parke how are you feeling?” The doctor asked as he took Parke away from me and his mom. We sat there waiting for over an hour. His mom seemed fine like nothing was going on. But I was pacing back and forth on the floor and I was biting my nails. I was scared. Then finally he came out. I ran over to him and gave him a big hug.
    “I love you Parke” I said.
    “I love you too” He replied. His mom had to go in and talk to the doctor so Parke and I sat outside waiting.
    “When are we going to have our wedding?” I asked.
    “Whenever you want” I smiled when he replied.
    “WE are going to have it on the beach on August 16th because we met there 3 years ago on that day.” HE looked happy. I knew he wanted to get married. I wanted to also but we had 2 months to plan this wedding and that isn’t that much time. Finally his mom came out and she didn’t look happy.
    “Mom what’s wrong are you okay?” Parke asked frantically.
    “You need to have surgery. This surgery is your only hope of survival. ” His mom said as tears ran down her face.
    “I thought the medicine was working? I thought I only needed to do that and it will all be better.” He said upset.
    “WE did too but on your CAT scan we found a tumor.” The doctor said.
    I was getting dizzy I couldn’t believe this I don’t think I could handle it I wanted to marry him before I lost him.
    “What are the chances of survival?” Parke asked.
    ok chapter 5 do you like it i am not sure if it was good comments and feedback

  14. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 9:38pm UTC
    Chapter 4
    Kaylee POV
    “I am sick really sick Kaylee I have cancer” Parke said. I was speechless I didn’t know what to say. Tons of thoughts raced through my mind “Why didn’t he tell me, is he going to be okay, what happens.”
    “I I I don’t know what to say.” I wept. “Are you going to be okay?”
    “I can’t promise you I will be okay” Parke replied. I couldn’t believe it. I started to break down in tears.
    “I don’t want you to go I love you, you can’t go.” I said in between sobs.
    “Kaylee look at me I will always be here whether I am here in the flesh or here in your heart and I will always no matter what love you.” Parke said lovingly.
    My tears were slowing. Now looking back Parke has been acting different he has been weaker than he is during the football season.
    “I love you too Parke I always have and I always will.” I said and hugged him.
    “Now I have to go to a doctor’s appointment would you like to come love.” He asked.
    “I would love too” If I was going to marry him I needed to know what was going on. Marry him! That’s why he proposed. I need to marry him soon before he goes and before college starts. The car ride was long considering we had to go to the hospital but its ok because I was with the love of my life in his arms where I belonged.
    Sorry its short and boring enjoy comment and feedback

  15. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 8:21pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 6:07pm UTC
    Never Leave Me Ch.3
    “Are you kidding me? That’s amazing! I am so happy for you so when are you getting married give me details.” She said.
    “I don’t have any he proposed before we came here.” I said shaking I was so excited. The rest of night was amazing. I talked to all my friends and everyone give me presents and congratulated me on my engagement. I had a blast but soon enough the night came to an end and everyone slowly left.
    Parke’s POV
    “Hey mom” I said as I walked in the door after the party.
    “Hey sweetie how are you doing?” She asked.
    “Great she said yes but she doesn’t want to get married right away and I still haven’t told her.” I said.
    “Honey you need to tell her she has the right to know.”
    “I know mom but what if she gets mad” I said upset. I knew that I had to tell her but it has been 2 months and I haven’t told her.
    “Sweetie the longer you wait the madder she will be so you need to tell her.”
    “OK” I sighed and went up to my bed room. After 15 minutes I finally fell asleep. The next morning I woke up and I was completely exhausted. I got out of bed and went over to Kaylee’s.
    I knocked on her front door and stood waiting. When she opened it she looked beautiful even though she was in sweats and her hair was messy she still looked good.
    “Hey” She said when I opened the door.”
    “Hey!” I replied and pulled her into a hug. “Kaylee I need to tell you something which I should of told you a long time ago and I am not exactly sure how to put it.”
    sorry it is really short and boring i dont know if i really like it i think i may rewrite it

  17. write4life write4life
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 4:00pm UTC
    Never Leave Me Ch.2
    After we kissed we walked along the beach. Yes it was what every girl dreamed of to be proposed to on the beach during the sunset on her birthday. It was defiantly a picture perfect moment. Where I live my house is on the water so I can go swimming whenever I want or just walk through the sand. That was one of my favorite things about my house I was always on vacation.
    “Do you want to go get something to eat babe.” Parke asked me. He was amazingly hot and I am not kidding he had it all. A perfectly toned body and brown hair and amazing blue eyes.
    “Totally just let me go change I can’t show up at a restaurant in a bikini” I said and he laughed.
    I ran up into my room once we got to my house. I went into my huge closet and picked out a cute sun dress and sliver flip-flops. Before I went downstairs I looked in the mirror. I put on a light layer of lip gloss and headed down the stairs.
    “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” Parke asked me. I could feel my cheeks turn a light shade of pink when he said that. My parents weren’t home luckily because I defiantly was not ready to tell them that I had a fiancé.
    “So where are we headed?” I questioned.
    “You will see” Parke responded he knows I hate surprises but I went along with it because I didn’t want to ruin the day. We walked out to his car and he opened the door for me. I loved his car it was a rusty red convertible which fit him perfectly.
    We were listening to the radio as we drove to the mystery restaurant.
    “Is it really necessary to make me where a blindfold?” I asked upset that I couldn’t see where we were going.
    “Yes it is and don’t worry because we are there. But you still can’t take it off.”
    “Ughh sometimes you are su-” I was cut off by his lips crashing down onto mine. When he pulled away he got out and came over to my door and opened it. He grabbed my hand and guided me into where ever we were going.
    “Ok you can take your blindfold of…. Now!” I took it off and in front of me was all my family and friends.
    “Surprise!” they all yelled. I turned and looked at Parke.
    “You did all of this for me?” I asked. He smiled and nodded. God I must be the luckiest girl I thought.
    “Happy Birthday Kaylee!” I turned around to see my best friend in the whole wide world Sam coming towards me.
    “Heyyyy Sam!” I yelled. Sam was my co-captain and probably one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. She had a natural perfect tan all year round had beach waved brown hair and a light shade of freckles across her noise.
    “Oh my gosh I know it has only been two days but I have missed you soo much!” She shrieked.
    “I know right I feel the same way so I have some news for you.”
    “Ok go shot tell me!” She waited anxiously for me to tell her.
    “I am engaged!” I screamed.
    ok comments and suggestions and the link at the top is Kaylee's outfit.


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