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  1. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2010 1:16am UTC
    Me: Hey, do you like fishsticks?
    Friend: Yeah.
    Me: Do you like putting fishsticks in your mouth?
    Friend: Sure... i guess.
    It is my favorite show!!!!

  2. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2010 1:01am UTC
    I am a Girl...
    Who isn't into texting,
    Who isn't into MTV and VH1,
    Who isn't into cheerleading,
    Who isn't into showing off,
    Who isn't into wearing high heels and small clothes,
    Who isn't into being mean just to feel better,
    Who isn't popular,
    Who doesn't have a lot of friends,
    Who doesn't hang all over boys,
    Who doesn't wear makeup,
    Because He loves Me and That's All I Need <3

  3. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2010 7:47pm UTC
    How does it feel??
    I beat you at your own game!

  4. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2010 7:33pm UTC
    Why does my heart cry?
    Feelings i can't fight,
    it's more than i can stand!
    ****Never Again****

  5. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2010 8:33pm UTC
    ♦ Square cut or pear shaped, ♦
    ♦ these rocks won't lose their shape. ♦
    ♦ Diamonds are a girls best friend ♦
    And That Ain't a Lie!

  6. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2009 11:35pm UTC
    Love is like a drug,
    Addictive, and hard to quit.

  7. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 1:05pm UTC
    Always have I
    dreamed of that guy,
    who will hold me close,
    wipe my tears,
    calm my fears,
    and be mine forever.
    prince charming is never coming,
    neither is the knight in shining armor.
    Those tales you hear,
    about love so easy and dear,
    are fake!
    They make girls believe,
    that men never decieve,
    buts its all just to screw with our heads.
    **Love is never absolutley perfect. **
    Now diamonds are a different story..

  8. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2009 2:31am UTC
    you are dead to me.
    I left you.
    See, when you cry,
    you expect me 2 hold you.
    I can't tolerate your Bull Crap anymore!
    Go away.
    I know you'll try to turn the charm on me,
    which got me the first time.
    it won't ever happen again!
    So, whichever unlucky girl you end up with,
    i hope she likes sharing you!
    True... very. I was harsh at me and my bf's brreak up... but i couldn't take it anymore... Highlight under S in sucker.

  9. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2009 2:20am UTC
    He said it,
    Not you.
    the "L" word.
    When i saw that text i knew
    that it was not from you,
    cuz your 2 busy with her,
    to even care that
    I'm Dying Inside.
    Can i really trust another guy...
    or are they all the same?
    No, never again.
    I'm done with guys,
    i'm sick of the lies!
    {B U T,}
    what i enjoy most about our "disconnection"....
    you arent there 2 boss me around,
    or take my devotion and luv for granted like you always have.
    And 1 more thing...
    i told her u were trouble,
    my very own best friend,
    but there she goes,
    and when it comes to blows,
    dont say i never told you so.
    cuz i did.

  10. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2009 1:27am UTC
    S|he| Be|lie|ve|d|...
    he lied

  11. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2009 1:13am UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2009 11:38pm UTC
    circle and
    a found
    in a
    walking note
    was on
    I the
    said ground
    it and
    what this

  13. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2009 2:35am UTC
    * Grant me the serenity to change what i can,
    live with things i can't, and courage to
    know the difference.**
    I love this quote because it gives this message for me anyway; I must change what i can an live with things i can't and i must know the difference to not screw over in life.... Lol i luv this quote! My 3rd grade teacher told it to me.

  14. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2009 2:18am UTC
    Giving up your dreams is like remembering your babyhood...
    Stupid, andimpossible.
    Make the most out of life.

  15. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2009 2:01am UTC
    If you love someone enough to let them go,
    you're the perfect pair to show.
    You have respect and honor,
    truth and valor,
    trust and true love,
    friendship. And so it's time to take off the gloves.
    Take a step forward, let everything fade to black,
    say it like you mean it, take nothing back!
    If this poem describes your relationship, you two are soulmates! (\0/) (\0/)
    \ /
    Are all you need.
    (Highlight Below purple)

  16. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2009 1:23am UTC
    Fun tips lol!
    Guys are thinking about you when:
    1. Your ears turn red and hot for no good reason.
    2. Your nose suddenly spasms for no reason.
    Guys like you when:
    1. They look at you smiling.
    2. They studder when they talk to you.
    3. They send you love notes (DUH!)
    4. They 'bump' into you.
    5. They pick up anything you dropped.
    6. Look deeply into your eyes and comment how pretty they are.
    Girls are jelous of you when:
    1. They bully you.
    2. They scoff at you behind your back.
    3. They try to make you jelous of them.
    Your boyfriend is 2-timing when:
    1. You want to set a date for some day and he studders about his plans for that day.
    2.He doesn't text you/ call you as much as he usually does.

  17. woohoo123 woohoo123
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2009 12:55am UTC
    I walk in the halls,
    sneak a peek at him,
    and smile. :)
    He warms my heart,
    yet he doesn't know it.*


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