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Member Since: 12 Jul 2013 12:31pm

Last Seen: 16 Jul 2013 11:27am

Gender: F

user id: 365906

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  1. wittycause_stories wittycause_stories
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2013 11:30am UTC
    Chapter 2
    *About drunk driving. Do not read if it's a sensitive topic for you.*
    I woke up the next morning in a hospital bed.
    No recognition of what had happened the night before.
    I woke up and felt a sharp pain in my head, another one in my arm.
    I had the aftertaste of alcohol in my mouth.
    I got up and I felt a harsh tug at my arm, I looked up and saw an IV.
    I saw my parents sitting infront of my hospital bed, sleeping peacefully.
    They were away at a buisness trip in Florida.
    They weren't supposed to come back until later tonight.
    Something most of happened.
    I said their names and immediately my moms eyes were opened.
    "Jenna." My mom said in a whisper.
    She woke my dad up, "Jeff. Jenna's awake."
    My dad woke up a few moments later. He looked at me and gave me a grim look.
    "I'll go get the nurse." He said.
    I could tell he was gonna cry.
    "Mom," I began, "What happened last night?" I asked her.
    My mom covered her mouth, tears came to her eyes.
    "You really don't know, do you?" She asked me.
    I shook my head.
    "Jenna, a drunk driver hit Sarah last night. She's in critical condition. Under life-support."
    "How did she get hit?" I asked.
    "She was waiting for a ride."
    "Mom..... Who was the drunk driver that hit her? Was it someone she knew?"
    My mom looked at me, tears burst into her eyes.
    "Jenna..... You hit your sister last night."
    A few moments later, the whole room was spinning.
    The next thing I knew, I was in a deep sleep.
    I'd like to give this story in memory of my friend who was almost killed by reckless, drunk driving.

  2. wittycause_stories wittycause_stories
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2013 1:02pm UTC
    Chapter 1
    "Are you ready?" Asked my sister Sarah.
    "You're so impatient." I told her with a glare.
    "I wanna get to the party already." She wailed at me, "So hurry up Jenna."
    I looked at her, "Why can't you drive already." I said with an irritated look.
    "Because I'm not 16. It's not a walk in the park to have you drive me around." She snapped back.
    "Shut up Sarah. Lets go so I can come back and finish changing." I snapped at her.
    She smiled, always getting her way by being annoying. "Fine." She smiled and walked out of my room.
    I groaned and finished straightening the last piece of my hair before I walked out of my room to drive Sarah.
    Later that night.
    It was almost time to hit the party.
    It was 10:30 and I had finished getting ready.
    I was wearing an american flag bandeau top with a cropped, distressed, jean vest.
    I wore yoga shorts and studded, black converse high tops.
    My hair flowed perfectly down to my waist.
    I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I was ready for tonight.
    I got into my car and drove to the party.
    All I heard was loud booms and screams.
    I walked into the party and I was immediately greeted.
    My boyfriend Jeff came up and wrapped his arms around me.
    I tasted the sweet taste of alcohol on his lips.
    He smiled, "Want a drink babe?"
    "You know I do." I said.
    A few minutes later he was back with a bottle of beer and some shots.
    I smiled, "Ready for a fun night."
    "Yes I am." He said and handed me the first shot.
    Hi guys. It's wittycause on a new account.
    ONLY stories will be posted here.
    This story is nothing like you think it's gonna be.
    I promise (:
    Her outfit ;


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