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Member Since: 21 Oct 2012 12:00am

Last Seen: 31 Oct 2012 10:08pm

Birthday: January 28

Gender: F

user id: 335485

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Hey guys! Elizabeth here.
Thanks for visiting my profile :) Here are some things about me:
age: fifteen
religion: christian.
hobbies: cooking, writing, reading, art, piano, rollerskating.
movies: Emperor's New Groove, Hercules, Mulan, Tangled, Princess Diaries, Nancy Drew, Letters to Juliet, Miss Congeniality, Sister Act.
books: Around the World in 80 Days, One Thousand and One Nights, Little Princess, Pretty Little Liars, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, The Lying Game, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sisters Grimm.
manga and anime: Devil Beside You, Lovely Complex, Kimi ni Todoke, Koukou Debut, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Nodame Cantabile, Maid Sama.
k-drama: My Girl, Full House, You're Beautiful.
music: k-pop, 80's, OSTs, The Wanted, Avicii, Florence and the Machine, The Script, Coldplay, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Owl City, Safetysuit.
  1. wintergirl15 wintergirl15
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2012 7:22pm UTC
    The Clock Is Ticking
    Chapter 5
    "I'm really glad that you asked me to come with you," Kristin said, smiling down.
    Jake remained silent. Had he really traveled back in time? He looked around, not believing his surroundings.
    I face-palmed. He should be speaking! I was definitely not going to give him another chance.
    "Y-yeah," Jake finally stammered out.
    I scowled at him. Too bad he couldn't see me.
    "So... what was it that you wanted to say to me?" Kristin asked, looking up at Jake.
    Jake blinked.
    No way. Was he seriously going to remain silent after I'd just given him the opportunity to travel back in time?
    In that moment, his old self had ran away, since he'd chickened out. He was going to ask her out that instant, after all.
    "Uh..." Jake murmured.
    I wanted to slap him some consciousness, but he finally snapped out of his daze.
    "Well, I just wanted to ask you something," Jake began, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He smiled, both glad that he was seeing her and the fact that he was going to get a chance with her.
    A brunette girl rollerskated by. She was giving her dog a night ride.
    Jake gazed at her.
    She seemed familiar...
    "Sure," Kristin began. She grinned, as if knowing what he was going to ask. "What is it?"
    That girl.
    Jake smiled at Kristin, but he could only focus on the rollerskater. Suddenly he remembered. Right after he'd ran away, saying that his mother needed him and that he'd forgotten, he'd found out that a girl rollerskating nearby had been ran over by a driver, who hadn't even stopped to see if the girl was okay. Her name was Hanna, and she'd ended up paralytic, assisting therapy to regain her ability to walk.
    The girl giggled at something her dog did. His eyes widened. She was the one who he'd run into at the park! She had been able to walk again.
    I smiled knowingly.
    "Uh..." Jake said. "I was wondering if you'd..."
    Kristin stared up hopefully at Jake. "Yeah?"
    Hanna was able to walk again, but she'd lost several years of her life in therapy.
    He saw the car zooming down the street.
    Jake drew in a sharp breath as Hanna's dog ran across the street toward them.
    "Sammy!" Hanna exclaimed. She rollerskated across the street.
    The headlights shone.
    Kristin gasped.
    Jake ran toward Hanna, and pushed her out of the way.

  2. wintergirl15 wintergirl15
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2012 11:26am UTC
    The Clock Is Ticking
    Chapter 3
    Jake's mouth dropped wide open when he saw the sigh in front of him. His father, her mother, and him, as a newborn, posing for a picture. They were in the front yard of his house, and all their family members were around them, happily celebrating his arrival.
    I showed him a picture of when he had just been born. His father, mom, him (of course), and a group of angels, including me, were around him.
    "What? I've seen this picture a million of times and you weren't there!" Jake accused, pointing at this picture.
    I smiled. "We're obviously not going to appear in pictures, Jake."
    Jake remained silent, still staring at the picture and his surroundings in awe.
    He was about to wave at his family, so I added, "They can't see you."
    Jake gasped, surprised at my prediction.
    "I am the angel of time," I told him. I gazed at the family. "You had a pretty happy life, didn't you? Especially your childhood. I will never forget this moment-" I snapped my fingers and we were transported to another time. "-in 1997."
    Jake smiled as he recognized his surroundings. "I was ten at this time, right?"
    I nodded. "This was probably your best birthday gift ever."
    Jake grinned as he saw his younger self, smiling up at the George Lucas, the man behind Star Wars. He had been such a huge fan of the movie, and he was more than thrilled when his father had taken him to the set of The Phantom Menace while it was being filmed. He'd gotten to meet everyone.
    I snapped my fingers. And we were transported to another night. Jake's smile disappeared.
    "Remember this?" I asked him.
    Jake nodded. He saw his eighteen-year-old self and Kristin, walking down the streets of their neighborhood.
    "This was the night when I was going to ask her out... but I chickened out and ran off telling her my mom needed me," Jake murmured in reply, clearly disappointed.
    I placed a small glass container in front of him, and the scene in front of him paused.
    "That day was October 27, 2005. If you want to return right to this moment... drink it, and after you do so, say that day's date," I instructed.
    "October 27, 2005?" he asked.
    I nodded.
    He gazed at the contained in his hands, then back up at me. He smiled. "Thanks."
    "You're welcome," I replied. "Just know that not confessing wasn't the only mistake you made in your senior year."
    Jake nodded, but he was still too enthralled with the bottle in his hands. "Will I have to do it all over again until I'm twenty-five once again?"
    "You'll have a period of two months," I explained. "If you think you've done enough and wish to leave, it'll be granted. However, if you wish to stay... all that will happen in the following years will be forgotten by you."
    Jake gazed up at me. "I'll do it."
    I nodded. "I knew you'd say that. Now, good luck."
    And with that, I disappeared. Well, not exactly. I just became invisible.
    Jake took in a deep breath before gulping down the liquid. I'd made it taste like chocolate milk, his favorite drink, so he would enjoy it.
    "October 27, 2012," he whispered.
    And just like that, he was right next to Kristin.

  3. wintergirl15 wintergirl15
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2012 7:49pm UTC
    I hope this isn't offensive to anyone...
    My grandmother did not want to die. She told us she wasn't ready. Yet, cancer took her away. She fought for her life. She died yesterday.
    Don't take your own life.
    There are many people who would fight for
    just ONE more hour with their loved ones.

  4. wintergirl15 wintergirl15
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2012 7:59pm UTC
    The Clock Is Ticking
    Chapter 3
    Jake sat on the lonely swings, swaying back and forth sadly.
    I could watch from afar that his cheeks were stained with tears as he looked down at his feet.
    I looked up at the sky. In about three seconds, rain would star pouring down.
    Three... two... one...
    Some surprised gasps from people around announced the arrival of a storm. I shook my head. The weather angel just had to make it pour from the beginning, didn't he? But well, it was all part of a plan. You see, everything up There is very precise. Everything that Heaven causes is for a reason. That rain was the cause of many things to happen. But what matters to us is Jake, which is why I'm going to tell you that that was also part of the plan.
    Jake wasn't so numb by depressed to ignore the rain. He stood up, and quickly ran for cover. In the process, he bumped into a girl with rollerskates. They fell back on their butts.
    Jake's eyes widened as he realized that the drops on her cheeks weren't raindrops, but tears. "Are you okay?"
    Jake helped the girl up, who simply nodded, wiping off her face. She smiled. "I'm not crying because I'm hurt. I just... never thought I'd be doing this again."
    Her hazel eyes shined with glee.
    Jake nodded, though he didn't understand. "I see."
    She grinned at him. "Thank you for helping me up, though." She quickly took off her rollerskates and ran for cover.
    Jake quickly resumed.
    I stepped out of my hiding spot, and holding my hand up in the air, made a quick motion. It stopped.
    Everything around Jake and I stopped.
    The boy looked around, confused. "What in the world? Did I hit my head?"
    "Nope," I replied, walking toward him.
    He eyed me, clearly confused. "Uh... w-what is going on?"
    "You've been gifted with the help from us, angels," I told him, smiling.
    He stared at me as if I were crazy. I laughed. As I inched closer to him, he quickly jumped back.
    "I won't hurt you," I assured him. I smiled. "Like I said, I'm an angel. To be more precise, I'm Christi, the angel of time."
    Jake rubbed his head. "I must've gotten hit pretty hard."
    I laughed. "Don't believe me? Watch this?"
    I snapped my fingers, and everything around us resumed to normal.
    Jake's mouth dropped open in a gape.
    Snapping my fingers once more, I made everything stop. "You're hearbroken, aren't you?"
    Jake was still in shock, gazing at his surroundings.
    I shook my head. "Humans never understand why they can't control. Which is why you're so scared. And even though I don't guarantee that you'll understand completely, I can assure you you'll know I'm not here to hurt you. Follow me."
    And like that, I transported him to a trip through time.

  5. wintergirl15 wintergirl15
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2012 8:31pm UTC
    I hate those depressing moments
    when you feel worthless.

  6. wintergirl15 wintergirl15
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2012 8:16pm UTC
    The Clock Is Ticking
    Chapter 2
    Jake turned around. His blue eyes widened once he spotted Kristin in front of him. "Kris! I thought you were leaving to your honeymoon..."
    Kristin reached out to ruffle Jake's light brown hair. "I can't leave without saying goodbye to you."
    Jake's breath caught in his throat.
    She hugged him. "I can't believe I got married today..."
    "Me neither," Jake murmured, his small smile disappearing completely.
    Kristin pulled away, smiling up at her friend. "You know, I always thought I'd be marrying you."
    Jake silently gasped.
    "I used to be totally in love with you," Kristin admitted, giggling at the memory. "But I was too afraid to say anything."
    Jake forced a smile, though he wanted to cry in frustration. His friends were right. He should've spoken up. He wouldn't have anything to loose!
    She smiled sadly. "Jake, Noah and I are moving away to Australia after our honeymoon."
    Jake sighed, nodding. "I know. He likes kangaroos too much."
    Kristin laughed, but tears were sliding down her face. "I promise I'll come visit. And you've got to come, too!"
    Jake grinned. "Of course, Kris. You're my best friend in the entire world!"
    "And that will never change," Kristin added. She hugged Jake once more. "I've gotta go."
    The boy felt a pang in his heart.
    "Bye. Thanks for everything," Kristin said.
    Jake pretended to be cheerful. "It sounds as if I'll never get to see you again. Cheer up, and make sure to send me an expensive souvenir from Greece."
    Kristin laughed. "I will. I promise."
    And with that, his best friend and the love of his life left. Jake watched her retreating figure, feeling tears of his own build up in his eyes. Feeling as if he had been punched in the stomach numerous times, he left the building where the after-party had taken place.
    "Hey, buddy! We're heading over to this new restaurant downtown!" Jared, one of his friends, exclaimed, jumping as he placed an arm around Jake.
    Lila appeared next to him, holding up the bouquet she'd happily caught. "They say cute guys hang out there. Maybe I will find my future husband there."
    Jared shook his head, pointing to himself. "Your future husband is here."
    Lila hit his arm with the bouquet.
    "What do you say? I drive or you drive?" Jared asked Jake.
    Landon, Jake's best friend, materialized next to them. "You coming Jake?"
    Jake shook his head. "Nah. I'm sort of tired. I'll go next time."
    "What?" Jared blurted out, frowning. "But-"
    "Leave him. His closest friend just left, Jared," Landon cut in. He very well knew about Jake's feelings.
    Jared sighed. "Fine. But I won't buy food for you."
    "Not asking for anything," Jake replied, laughing.
    "I'll bring you something," Lila assured him. "Bye!"
    Jake waved at his friends. Once they were out of sight, his smile disappeared. If he didn't feel lonely before, he felt it right then. It seemed as if a piece of him had been taken from him, like something was missing.
    Jake stuffed his hands in his pocket, looking up at the dark night sky. Men don't cry, he told himself. But still, he let the tears cascade down his eyes. He breathed in, wiping them away. He'd been such a fool. Why hadn't he told Kristin about his feelings?
    "If I could just go back in time," he murmured.
    It's almost my time to come in. I can already see Jake entering the park. A destiny is already set out for him, but you can write your own destiny too. So I'll let him travel back in time.

  7. wintergirl15 wintergirl15
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2012 6:32pm UTC
    The Clock Is Ticking
    Chapter 1
    Jake smiled at Kristin, who looked more than beautiful in her wedding dress. Her green eyes were sparkling with glee, and a huge smile was plastered sincerely on her face. Her blonde hair was up in a romantic bun, and golden locks fashionably fell on her face.
    "Kristin, do you take this man as your husband, through illness and adversity, until death tears you apart?" the priest asked.
    Kristin sniffed back tears, smiling. "Yes, I do."
    Jake bit his lower lip.
    Here came the worst part.
    "And you, Noah, take this woman as your wife, through bad times and conflicts, until death tears you apart?"
    Noah smiled proudly. "Yes, I do."
    Jake nodded, looking down.
    "The rings, please."
    Jake couldn't believe Kristin was getting married. The girl he'd always been in love with. If he'd just spoken up earlier... would it be him the one standing next to her in the altar?
    Kristin's bridesmaid, Lila, whispered, "Jake, the rings."
    The worst part was, that he had had plenty of opportunities to confess his feelings. Not only that, but people had warned him. People had told him that if he didn't say anything, she would never know and move on as if nothing.
    Kristen giggled. "Jake, the rings."
    Jake snapped out of his thoughts, getting out the ring. He handed them over, and watched with growing sadness as the groom and the bride each slipped the rings through their fingers.
    His life sucked.
    "I now declare you, husband and wife."
    Jake shut his eyes close.
    "You may now kiss the bride."
    Biting his lower lip to hold back tears, Jake watched as Kristin and Noah shared the kiss that would seal them together forever.
    People burst out in claps, rose petals were thrown at the newly-wed couple, and Jake just watched, feigning happiness.
    If he could just turn back in time... if he just got the opportunity to travel back to those years, he'd make sure to make Kristin his.
    And maybe, he will get the chance to travel in time. By me, the angel of time.

  8. wintergirl15 wintergirl15
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2012 12:38pm UTC
    Life is like
    riding a bicycle
    to keep balance
    you must keep

  9. wintergirl15 wintergirl15
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2012 12:42am UTC
    The Clock Is Ticking
    Jake Marin has always been in love with Kristin Harrington, ever since he met her in fifth grade. They've been together now for fourteen years, through elementary, middle school, high school, and college.
    As friends.
    Now, aged twenty-five, Kristin got married.
    Jake, of course, is heartbroken. So much, to the point that the angel of time feels bad for him. She gives Jake an opportunity to go back in time, seven years ago, when he was a senior in high school to try and change Kristin's destiny.
    He didn't count with getting to know Hanna Fisher, the new sixteen-year-old girl in town who might just make his love for Kristen change.


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