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Member Since: 16 Mar 2014 08:33pm

Last Seen: 21 Mar 2014 08:09pm

user id: 380011

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  1. usernameeee usernameeee
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2014 9:17pm UTC
    Part 1
    The ocean is my escape. I go there to eliminate stress, avoid people and avoid confrontations. As I feel the grains of sand between my toes, I strip from my shorts and t-shirt and leave them in a pile on the sand. I dive into the water and swim out until I can stand with the water splashing against my chin. After two or three minutes, I see his truck pull onto the beach and park dirctly next to my clothes. I sink a little further into the water. Then, he emerges from his truck, stand on the hood of his car and peer into the horizon, looking for me.
    "Raegan. Come on! Can we talk about this please!"
    I guess he saw me because suddenly he jumps off of his car, removes his shirt and shoes and dives into the water. As he gets closer and closer to me I debate whether or not to swim away. When I finally decide to retreat, he is already standing infront of me. He brushes the loose strands of my long black hair out of my face and just stares at me. Then, he pulls me into a hug and I relish the feeling of his toned arms embracing my body and his chin on my head because it will probably be the last time we will hold me again. When he kisses my head, I pull away, breaking the embrace.
    "Can I please explain?" He asked me, rubbing the back of his head like he always does when he's nervous or upset.
    "Sure Hunter. Try to explain why another girl's bra was in your bed and her thong on your floor," I snapped. The tide had pulled us closer to the shore so we were squatting in the water now. He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me into him where I'm sitting on his lap, my legs on both side of him. When I try to pull away, he stops me.
    "Please just sit here while I explain. It comforts me." I regrettingly nod my head and he continues. "It was a mistake. We fought that night. Two nights ago. I was upset. I went to a party and met this girl. She reminded me of you and I really really needed you. I brought her home and... y'know. Yesterday I couldn't get out of bed. I was so disgusted with myself. It was, and will always be, my biggest regret. I love you. That will never change. And if you don't take me back I'll understand. But you'll need to understand that I will never stop fighting to get you back." He kissed me gently and I let him.


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