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  1. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2005 8:48am UTC
    Some times you make me feel on top of the world like I’m all that matters but sometimes you make me feel like I’m not there I don’t matter and you don’t care about me you’re my prince your all I need as long as I have you in my arms the world can disappear all I need is you

  2. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2005 8:48am UTC
    I love you so much I cant sleep its like you put me in your spell I think about are first kiss I think about how cute you are when you sing to me I think about how much I love your smile, your laugh, and voice I love the way you flirt with me in gym and the way you wont sit by any body but me at lunch and the way you get jellies when I talk to the other guys I love every thing about you even your hair when its not in brads I need you I truly love you with all I have but I’m afraid that if I fall to hard you wont be there to catch me

  3. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2005 8:46am UTC
    Some times I lie in my bed just thinking about you all the good times all the bad just laughing at how every thing got better that’s life at times it gets rough but at times its more beautiful then ever

  4. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2005 8:46am UTC
    Some times I feel loved some times I feel like the world is crashing down on me but after every day no matter what happened all you got to do is forget about it when you go to sleep it all disappears don’t dwell on the past it makes it worse and harder to deal with let that be that after all a new day is like a clean slat live life by the day not by the week or the month or even the year.

  5. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2005 8:30pm UTC
    :.i miss you
    your hugs
    your kisses
    your touch
    i need you
    and i miss
    its as simple as that ! :.

  6. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2005 8:27pm UTC
    why didnt you come you never came you left me waiting are you trying to test me are you trying to see if i really love you why are you doing this to me why didnt you come cause now all i can do it wait ...

  7. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2005 8:25pm UTC
    i miss you soo much
    i miss you with all my heart and all my soul
    i need you here with me
    in my arms and in my life
    i need you i want you
    ... i guess i really do love you

  8. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2005 2:01pm UTC
    my boo is it just a name or more what dose it really mean
    well it means diffrent things to diffrent people
    but to me it means my bear cause my boo keeps me safe and warm and never wonders to far way from his mate.:

  9. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:38pm UTC
    im lonely and cold without you
    sour and raw without you
    im not me without you
    i cant see with out you ...

  10. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:35pm UTC
    ((you make me me not what others want to see but me ... you make me me
    and the funny thing about it is that i do the same for you
    and ya know what that means right...
    that means im making you a part of my live and now you aren't just a part of it ... you are it, you are my life))

  11. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:31pm UTC
    i already made a path for my life and some of it is scary and cold and some of it is happy beatiful and unforgetable the only thing is that god is carring me the hole way the only thing that you dont know though is that god might be carring me but im telling him witch road to take ...

  12. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:28pm UTC
    my mind is full of storys and i could sit here all night long and tell them all but .... my storys are from the past and i dont live in the past it only makes things worse ...live in the day live in the moment live for the day and the way you want to not how others tell you to

  13. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:25pm UTC
    mabey one day someone with balls will stand up and say...
    lets show them we can and we will. lets be diffrent
    cause its ok to be diffrent its ok to be you !

  14. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:22pm UTC
    LOVE is the biggest
    form of help you
    can give someone
    just love,
    think about it...

  15. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:20pm UTC
    blacks with blacks
    whites with whites
    tans with tans
    .... i just want to no who made this crap up
    cause why be simillar when you can be diffrent
    this is beautiful >>>>
    black with white
    black with tan
    tan with black
    tan with white
    cause discrimination is just the begging of rasisum!
    against any and everyone!

  16. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:13pm UTC
    you lift me up when i need a hand
    you help me walk when i cant
    you hold my books when there to heavy
    you listen when i need a ear
    you tell me im incredible beautiful when i feel ugly
    you love me for me
    you appriate my poems and unikness
    you tell me your hopes and dreams
    you let me in your life ___ and in your heart
    so the one thing i want to do for you is EVERYTHING...
    ii LoVE yOu <3 WiTh AlL ii HaVe!

  17. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:08pm UTC
    }}i{{ DARE TO BE DIFFRENT }}i{{

  18. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:07pm UTC
    }}i{{ love me for me,
    not for what some one says,
    or what they dont say.
    love me for me,
    love me for being diffrent, for being
    unic, for being the only one... love me for
    me cause________ diversity is beautiful

  19. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:03pm UTC
    when times get tuff and crap gos down
    im hear for you
    when people die and your left to cry
    im hear for you
    when noone will sit and listen to you
    im hear for you
    if you need any thing a hug a kiss a ear
    im hear for you...
    no matter what _______ im hear for you!

  20. uncchicaxo2 uncchicaxo2
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 9:00pm UTC
    :.i could never picture life without you
    .... never


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