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  1. _Jannette _Jannette
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2014 12:37am UTC
    most people spend their time trying to find someone to sleep with instead of finding someone worth waking up to
    © format : jannette

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. _Jannette _Jannette
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2014 3:32pm UTC
    format by jannette ( pls don't remove )
    I don't have a type. I just like guys that are nice, funny, and make me feel like I'm worth something when I feel like I'm not worth anything.

  4. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2014 2:33pm UTC
    my self esteem is going down
    i'm yelling timber

  5. TellitTotheFrogs* TellitTotheFrogs*
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2014 10:44pm UTC
    hapiness can be
    found even in the darkest of times. if one only
    x||||||||||||| R E M E M B E R S T O T U R N ON THE LIGHT »

  6. cacti * cacti *
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2014 6:38am UTC
    I'm a girl. I don't
    smoke, drink, or
    party every
    weekend. I don't
    sleep around or
    start drama to get
    attention. Yes, we
    do still exist.

  7. Apologetic* Apologetic*
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2014 8:58pm UTC
    Don't worry, you can't break me.
    Because you can't break someone who's already broken.

  8. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2014 10:45am UTC
    Mental disorders and depression are not what people think they are: There's no postive aspect to being sick, depressed, and unhealthy
    This is how "cute and cool" it is to deal with these problems
    Insomnia: Insomnia really is torture-its tossing and turning while you are trying to sleep, feeling worn out, yet too nervous or worried to sleep, shutting your eyes tightly and trying to drift off to sleep, and then finally giving up when you can't sleep and staying up for the rest of the night. It's staying up all night, on the computer or doing something to keep your hands or mind busy, and realizing its 5:00 am and you are still wide awake. Try getting up and facing the day when you haven't gotten any sleep at all. Insomnia is not cute
    Anorexia: Anorexia isn't where you stop eating and lose weight, feel beautiful and get all kinds of attention. Having Anorexia means you restrict your eating to the point that you are literally starving all the time, and it hurts like hell. You lose weight, not in a good way, to the point where you damage your health and risk dying. people think you look horrible, your family is embarrassed to be seen with you, your hopes and dreams goes down the drain, you have no energy to do anything, are freezing cold all the time, and spent lots of your day sleeping. you miss school, you miss hanging out with friends, you miss being social, because no one wants to spend time with someone who can't eat normally in public, you have to be hospitalized if it gets really bad, and that can scar you forever. Anorexia is not cute.
    Social Anxiety: Having social anxiety doesn't mean you are just shy. Social anxiety disorder is an intense fear of becoming extemely anxious and possibly humilated in social situations-specifically embarrassing yourself in front of other people. Social anxiety is where you may not like going in the grocery store with your family to buy food (because you don't want people to see you) Other people may become anxious during routine activities such as starting a conversation with a stranger, participating in meetings or classes, or dating and attending parties. Social anxiety can mean you panic when you are sitting at the food court in the mall, or you can't sit down in a crowded area like a movie theater or go to a dance without feeling uncomfortable, so your social life is mostly spent at home. Social anxiety is not cute
    Self harm: self harm, or cutting yourself, isn't where you just cut yourself and someone hugs you and tells you that you are beautiful, and you get all kinds of attention for it. Most people do not think putting marks on your skin is beautiful or cool. Self harm is really serious. Self harm is where you cut yourself with different objects, you pick at your skin, you make scars and bruises on your skin, on purpose, and its not pretty. It's embarrassing and painful. You have to hide it from people and when people do see it, it is embarrassing-its the wrong way to want to get attention. People are not always sympathetic to those who self harm. You can get yelled at, teased, shamed, and ignored. Self harm is not cute
    Suicide or suicidal thoughts: People like to think that their lives are horrible and they want to die. People like to overreact lots of times, to get attention. Suicide is really serious. You do not joke about or pretend you are going to do it. If you have thoughts of suicide, then you need professional help. Many people have actual thoughts of sucide, they want to die. That is different from having a bad day or getting sad sometimes, and saying your life is bad and you want to die. Being sucidal isn't cute
    There are other mental disorders such as Bulimia, Bipolar disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder, but I do not know much about those disorders so I didn't list descriptions of them here. I just listed the ones I have had personal experience with.
    Bottom line: we all get sad, upset and feel alone
    Not all of us actually suffer from depression or mental disorders
    These are called disorders and problems because they are unhealthy, dangerous, and not a normal part of life
    They are not habits or phases
    If you are sad, then tell someone and get help
    Don't act like or say you are suffering with these things if you are really not, don't joke about them, don't wish to have them

  9. Morgan* Morgan*
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2014 7:41am UTC
    ♥ Disney should make a gay prince, so boys know it's OK to be gay. ♥ Disney should make a lesbian princess, so girls know it's OK to be lesbian. ♥ Disney should make a bald princess, so children with cancer all over the world can be beautiful too. ♥ Disney should make a prince and princess with scars, so people with scars know they are beautiful too. ♥ Disney should make a princess that isn't stick thin, because every body type is beautiful. ♥ Disney should make an ugly princess and a pretty witch, because right now they are saying "If you're beautiful, you are a princess and if you're ugly, you are a mean witch" So basically, the princesses are slùťs that think they can get away with everything. The witches are poor bully victims that are so-called evil because they are judged.

    posted a quote
    May 18, 2014 6:57pm UTC
    My heart is emptier than the bottle of pills hidden under my bed.

    posted a quote
    May 23, 2014 5:28pm UTC
    That day, I died just a little when you were in the middle of your sentence, and I knew where it was going. I didn't want to hear the rest.


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