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  1. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2011 11:39pm UTC
    & It doesn't matter how much effort I put into a quote . . .
    I have the urge to see how many "<3's" I got

  2. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2011 11:34pm UTC
    First slow dance in 3 years <3
    I can honestly say that going to a dance can bring you closer to someone (:

  3. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2011 11:10pm UTC
    Yesterday my boyfriend broke up with me . I walked to my best friends house to tutor him in math . I walked in the door and his dad sat me down and talked to me about how all men are dumb and there never gonna treat you right .
    I said "I can tell , but one of them will treat me better than all the other ones."

  4. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2011 11:01pm UTC
    "Its not flying , its falling . . . with style"

  5. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2011 10:50pm UTC
    I can't wait until the day comes when I pull up to McDonalds and your the one taking my order

  6. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2011 8:03pm UTC
    Yu broke up with me yesterdayy .
    I had a dream last night that it was all a huge mistake and nothing was supposed to happen . Then . . . i woke up </3
    just venting , sorry its not pretyy .

  7. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2011 8:14pm UTC
    That squeeeakyy Noise
    Your mechanical pencil makes that the entire class can hear

  8. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 5:23pm UTC
    Am I the only one that thinks the commercial about the family who gets everything robbed except the computer is the STUPIDEST commercial ever ?!

  9. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 5:20pm UTC
    *Me and my friends watching suite life of zach and cody*
    Me: (randomly says) Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya Delerosa Ramirez
    Dayna: huhh ?
    Me: Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya Delerosa Ramirez
    Garrett: How the hell do you know that ?!

  10. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 10:50pm UTC
    Practice doesn't make perfect . Perfect practice makes perfect .

  11. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 10:39pm UTC
    Fool me once , shame on you . . . Fool me twice , shame on you again because I'm not saying shame on me (:

  12. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2011 10:18pm UTC
    Even through the hardest times , the human spirit seems to adapt.
    No matter how hard it is we can always pull through.
    Just remember this whenever you hate your life... you can alwayws make it through.

  13. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2011 11:45pm UTC
    & Everytime I see you . . .
    A little piece of my heart he broke , comes back together again <3
    I have no idea how to thank you

  14. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2011 9:24pm UTC
    The Moment You Die a Little Inside
    when you come up with a quote in your head but when you click "Add a Quote" you can't remember it.

  15. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2011 1:20am UTC
    I'm afraid to post a loonggg quote because I fear nobody will read it.

  16. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2011 1:14am UTC
    Why do they call it a "Lisp" if people with a lisp can't pronounce it correctly ?

  17. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2011 11:52pm UTC
    The Awkward Moment
    when your in class and your teacher starts talking about your boyfriend and everyone just stares at you.

  18. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2011 8:47pm UTC
    Just Let Go And Fly, Life Is Too Short To Be Worried About The Past.

  19. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2011 9:49pm UTC
    & I've never had these many butterflies in my stomach until you came along <3

  20. twixxx08 twixxx08
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2011 9:34pm UTC
    & I wonder
    I wonder if his heart skips a beat when he thinks about me.
    I wonder if he thinks about me every minute of every day.
    I wonder if he Loves me.
    & I wonder


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