Witty Profiles

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  1. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2010 5:51pm UTC
    the capture
    part 9
    This was great, just great. Why did every single bad thing in this whole frigging world have to happen to me and/or my friends? Like only me and them. It's crazy. Lizzy started saying as her self "Guy's you need to get me out of her i'm sc..." Then "they" stepped in. She flew to the ground then against a wall. She was choking as if someone had their hands around her throat. It was scary, we were scared and she was choking. What was I suppose to do. I could of saved her but I was to afraid to. It's my fault that she's in the nut house because of this and it's only been six months scince this had all happened. She isn't even sixteen yet, not until June. Anyways she stopped choking and said "okay i won't have another outburst i'm sorry just get me and my friends out of here like you promised." The seven voices all said ok in unison. She got up and Jake ran up to us and pulled out his pistol again and brought mine right up and aimed it at him. He goes "Jen chill i want you to take my pistol so i don't do anything stupid that i'll regret later on in life." I took it unloaded it and put it in my purse. This is so messed up. Josh was back. Then i realized Josh can't die hes a bad person. It's all an act. Hes the second bad guy. I said Josh hey bud. Then I pulled out my gun aimed it right at him and said gimme your guns and your knifes. Josh said Jen babe what the hell are you talking about. Dylan stepped up and said woah bro don't call her babe shes my babe, shes mine got it man. Anglea came back into the group saying I hit a dead end and that i just turned around and followed Derek, I was behind Jen and Dylan scince Derek got here. Josh pulled out a gun and shot it right at me. He didn't have good aim because he was shaking. So he missed me and hit Anglea right in between the eyes. I brought out my gun and shot Josh 15 times because the gun i brought out was an automatic something so i didnt have to keep reloading it. Josh was dead but I wanted to make sure. So as his body was lying on the ground bleeding I shot him two more times right in the face and pulled out my knife and stabbed him right in the face and just left the knife there. Everyone knew Angela was dead so they just watched my epic shoot out well not so much of a shoot out. But they watched me kill Josh epicly.

  2. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2010 3:33pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2010 11:48am UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2010 6:22pm UTC
    The capture
    part 6
    The recorder said "Congrats Anna on making it this far. Your probally wondering why this is for you. Well this is a game. You need to play the game right and you shall survive. One wrong move and your out. First you must all find a key. But Angela you must trust the right people and non-trust the bad people. Two of you people helped me plan this. Everyone else is good. Find the key to unlock the doors in the rooms there is three keys in each room. Two are wrong and one is right if you use a bad key one person shall die. And there are more people that are captured like you. Good luck." We were terrified now and we all tryed to find the "bad people." Looking for the scapegoat. It was chaos. I was the first to be accused because well my father was the killer that kept us here and I was his daughter. Dylan was the next to be blamed because well he was the physcopaths daughters boyfriend and he was sticking up for me. After everyone had been accused for various stupid reasons I was able to convince them that it was just a game just like jigsaw well as I call him uncle Jigsaw but as he did to people. It was all just a game to see who was strong and who wasn't. Too bad that was a lie. I knew there were the "bad people" and I knew excatly who they were. I couldn't of said anything because I would be the next scapegoat for trying to find a scapegoat when I was really saying the real "bad people." It would've been chaotic and urgh I wasn't able to think. So I just kept my mouth shut and we kept walking. Bam!! Something caught Jake's attention. Of course it was something he had been off of for one and a half years. It just had to be drugs. Weed for the specifics if yah care. But he went after it. He put his hands up through the sliced glass to grab it. We well I kept walking. They followed me of course. They didn't want anything to do with a druggie except for Lizzy because she was the kids girlfriend. We were shocked because shes kinda the preppy girl and for her to be with a druggie was kinda creepy. We would expect her to tell him its over and for her to keep walking. But like usual she proved us wrong and walked over to him. He had just started to snort it and he lost it. He was clean for so long and for it all to be thrown away by my father. He even flipped out on Lizzy and we all know he never does that. Well now he did. I felt awful, like it was all my fault. Well actually it was all my fault, because my father was the physco that kept us all trapped here. Soon enough Angela will find cocaine and this will all just happen again. I... this was all my fault. Next thing you know Barush well stephen but we call him Barush walked through the door way with a gun.

  5. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2010 3:38pm UTC
    The capture
    part 5
    I answered and they said that i lost them earlier and if everything was ok and all and i asked why were they calling now when I made the call about an hour ago. I got no response and Lizzy was creeped out. It was no surprise because she is always creeped out. So it didn't really take affect on us because she could hear a twig break and she would get creeped out. Angela and me figured it was a prank call. So we had no affect to it. Dylan got a little bit creeped out and walked over to me and put his arms around my waist. I was shivering so Dylan gave me his sweatshirt so I wouldn't freeze. I was so happy that I had a guy like him that cared so much about me. I thanked him and he hugged me. We continued walking and Jake fell to the grond and dropped Lizzy. Jake wasn't breathing and Lizzy was in alot of pain. He started breathing very heavily and was clutching his troat like he was choking. I knew it right away scince my mother was a nurse it was a kindof gas that affected people one by one and cause them to choke. I said we need something to cover our faces and there were gas masks on the wall so when my father or someone came down here they were able to breath. I gave one to all of us and one to Jake to and he was breathing clearly now. Thank god my mother was a nurse. Jake picked up Lizzy yet again, and we continued to keep moving. We saw a light so we thought that was the way out. We were wrong when we got about half way through it I realized that the light was coming from the calapyso on the walls of the cave. That just crushed all of our hopes and dreams to get out of here. I just collasped to the ground and bursted out crying because it was over. I broke my promise, worst of all I broke my swear, to Anna. Dylan sat down next to me and said the same things I said to Anna. That were going to get out of this. Then he said "No matter what." We heard a voice. It was Natalie? What was she doing down here? Its been six months scince she was reported missing and the reported her dead about a week ago. It was all over the news and they said that there was no way she wat still alive. But yet here she was, as plain as day. I knew why she was still her because she doesn't know these caves the way I do. I just couldn't get how she was alive she had to of found food and water. And she had done excatly that. We questioned her for a little bit and she said that you had to go down the caves for about 200 yards and then make a left turn and then a right. We did excatly that and we found the food. My father had to of known that he was going to capture us for a while because there was so much food there. It was unbelievable, there was fridges and frezzers and microwaves and stoves and coolers. There was just so much food. It was unbelieveable, no one could believe it. But it was real. We heard a low growl and we all jumped. But it was just our stomachs growling. I was so happy we were finally able to eat. We were all starving to death, literally. It was bad, and to top it all off we were all scared. We figured we should get the food, eat and keep going. The longer we were in this place the worse it would be and more people would die. Suddenly a huge cage door came and fell over the food. It was in between us and perfect food. Natalie said and i quote "This hasn't happened before." None of us could understand what was happening. Suddenly a part of the wall come out and it was a tape recorder and an envolope with a tape in it. The envolope had Annas name on it. We put the tape in the recorder and pushed play.

  6. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2010 5:23pm UTC
    The capture
    part 4
    As they were voting for each other I already had my hands untied and was putting something heavy up against the door so my father couldn't get through. After that I started hitting spots on the wall. It opened and we walked in and opened the two doors again. That's when it happened. There were four tunnels in front of us. Derek said we should all split up but I said no because i felt a breeze coming out of the 3rd tunnel and the breeze means outside world. So we headed down the tunnel. We got maybe 100 feet into the tunnel when Josh heard something. We all thought he was going crazy or imagining it. But we were wrong something came charging at him and killed him. We thought it was a big dog type of thing but we still don't know to this day what that was that came and took Josh's life. Dylan quickly grabbed his pocket knife out of his pocket and threw it at the dog like bear creature. That's when i remembered that he was emo and emos usually carry pocket knifes and all that because sometimes they cut themselves. We knew that this time Josh was gone and yet again Anna started to cry. Thankfully the creature was dead. Anna walked over to me and said "Are there anymore?" I said "I don't think so but i don't know." I felt so bad i felt like it was all my fault. To tell you the truth it was my fault. Anna didn't want to go any farther but she knew she had to so she did. Anna told us very carefully and calmly that she didn't want to go on with life without Josh. We tried stopping her but she had already had Dylan's pocket knife in her hand. She said her good byes to us gave all of us a hug and when she was giving me the hug i grabbed the pocket knife out of her hand closed it and put it in my pocket. Anna was mad but she understood why I did that. She got the point that it was to protect her. We found another four passageway tunnel but this time there was no breeze. So we just picked any tunnel after about 5 minutes of arguing. They finally realized that I was probally right because i've been wandering these tunnels when i was like six before my father was a physcopath killer. So they went along with my say. My phone started ringing... and it was the police? Strange, it was very strange. I didn't know what was going on but man i had great service down there.

  7. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2010 10:38am UTC
    The capture
    part 3
    My father walked in the room and was clapping. He said and I quote "I should of said this once I got all of you guys together but four of you have to die. Two girls and two boys." The eight of us had gotten all worried now and he walked out. We all sat down against the wall and we decided we would take a vote. Josh voted for himself and that made Anna vote for me. I voted for Anna, Dylan voted for Lizzy and Derek was just about to vote for someone when I fell back and a secret doorway opened up. I said "There has to be a way out of here and we won't have to vote for each other cause we all can get out. Anna walked over to me and apoligized to me and I apologized to her. Josh still wanted nothing to do with her. She walked over to Josh and said "I'm sorry I was just mad that we were all stuck here." He forgave her but they didn't get back together. I said "look we need to go now before he gets back." We all agreed and started walking down the tunnel. It was cold and damp and it was bad. Thats when we got excited that we might actually be free and we started running down the tunnel. That's when it changed for the worst Lizzy tripped over her own two feet and hurt her ankle. I felt her ankle and said that it was broken. Lizzy wanted us to leave her but Jake didn't allow it. He picked her up and carried her. Everyone had some type of sweatshirt on except me and Dylan. Dylan was carrying his because he had a long sleeve shirt on. I just didn't have one. It felt like we have been walking for hours and I pulled out my phone to see the time and it was 5:09 in the morning we have only been walking for about twenty minutes. Derek walked right into a wall because he was talking to Angela and he said that there was no other door. I just remembered something. I would always spend my summers up here with him after the divorce. I hit a spot on the wall and it slid open. "Just as back then." Dylan goes to me "What's going on? How'd you know that it was going to do that?" I reminded them that I stayed here when i was little and i knew these caves inside out. We started down and I heard my dad scream bloody murder. Thats when I knew that he knew we were gone. I heard the big door slide open and his footsteps grew louder and louder. The second door slid open and there he was. Just standing there red in the face with the shotgun in his hand. He grabbed my arm dragging me down the cave hall back into the main room. He shouted to the others to follow but i shouted to them just keep going. I also told them that if they hit a wall again just to keep hitting spots on the wall until it opens. But they were good friends and they followed us. He tied our hands behind our back and stormed out of the main room. He shouted back to us saying pick four i'll be back in an hour. We knew we had to pick. So we started voting. I voted for myself and that made Dylan vote for himself. Lizzy voted for Angela. Angela voted for Anna. Josh voted for Derek Derek voted for Jake and Jake voted for Josh.

  8. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2010 12:00pm UTC
    The capture
    part 2
    read and comment/fav please
    My father said if we didn't come with him he would kill my mother so we all went. We got maybe about three feet from the house when BAM a loud sound went off. I look over and I see Josh lying on the ground bleeding to death. This has gone way to far. My father has done so many bad things in his life. Anna started crying hovering over Josh. I thought of a plan. I said "Daddy can I go up stairs to my room and get my favorite stuffed animal that you got me when I was five?" It worked and I was in. The ambulance will be here any minute. I grabbed any stuffed animal I could find. I started walking slowly out of my room and down the stairs. Before I was on the third step the ambulance was pulling up out front. Thats when he knew what i've done. But he didn't care when the police and ambulance left he grabbed me and my friends and made us go with him. Dylan had his arms around me to supposely keep me safe. The sad part was he was shaking more then I was. Anna was still really upset. I told them to let me talk to Anna. I walked over to her and she just plopped herself on the curb. I put my arms around her and said "Anna please don't be upset. I know your upset but hes going to be ok. I promise you all of us are going to get out of this. I don't care what I have to do but i'm going to get us out of this." Anna was starting to get a little bit better. Next thing I knew it was time to go with my father. He needed to either take my car (I was way to young to drive but I was kindof spoiled and I was able to get away with it) or my mothers and I wasn't going to let him near my car so my mom glady gave him hers. He said thank you polietly and then slit her throat. Two down seven to go. Moms car was a big enough car to hold all eight of us. It was a ugly golden van with nine seats. He let me drive and I had Anna sit up front with me. Then it was Dylan, Jake and Lizzy. Then it the next row it was Derek, and Angela. Then in the very back it was my father. My dad was giving me the directions to his hideout. I could of sworn we were in the car for hours. We went from Houston Texas to Denver Colorado. Wow we were really in the car for hours. When we finally got to his hide out it was in the side of a moutain. He told us where to go and shut the only way out and locked it. We were all stuck there. Lizzy started getting upset cause she didn't have her hairbrush or anything that she needed. Luckily when I was up stairs I grabbed stuff for all of us. It was a rough day. I had my cell phone but at that time I didn't even think to use it. It maybe was about twenty minutes scince we were in this cave moutain thing. I finally thought to use my cell phone. I called the police and they said we were breaking up and I lost them. Lizzy came over to me and said "At least you tried, at least we know that you tried your hardest and thank y.." Anna cut in saying "If your dad wasn't an idiot and a killer we wouldn't be in this mess. "If we were never friends I wouldn't have this probelm and Josh wouldn't of got shot. "This is all your fault Jen." That hit me hard, really hard. Lizzy started to agree with Anna. Thats when I lost it. I screamed at them saying "THIS ISN'T MY FAULT THAT HE WANTS TO KILL US. I DIDN'T DO THIS. WHY DO YOU BLAME ME FOR HIS MISTAKES ANNA I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT HE WANTS TO DO. I CAN'T CHANGE HIS MIND!" Thats when Angela cut in saying that I was right and that I couldn't do anything. Thats when Josh said to Anna "If your going to be mad at Jen for her fathers problems no offense Jen." I said "Nontaken Josh." He continued "but then I don't want anything to do with you Anna i'm sorry but good bye." Anna started crying now it was getting annoying obviously she had to learn that I was right. I screamed JOSH I THOUGHT YOU WERE SHOT. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" Josh started from the begining. "It's been four days scince I was shot and I was only shot in the ribcage. Just when I thought he forgot about me he picked me up from the hospital and forced me here against my will. I've been standing there for maybe about ten minutes. I heard the whole fight and everything."

  9. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2010 11:41am UTC
    The capture
    Tell me what ya think and if i should write more please.
    It was Halloween of '09, and I was 15. Well like most other teenage girls I wanted to have a sleepover and well, so I did. It was with my 3 closest friends. There was Anna but we call her angel because well she is one. Then there was Lizzy well Elizabeth but we call her Lizzy for short. She was the prep of us, but she wasn't a prep but she was if you know what i'm saying. Finally there was Angela shes the funny one that knows just what to say at the right time. Then theres me. I'm just the girl that goes with the flow and doesn't show that I care when I actually, secretly do. And my wonderous name is Jen. Back to the story though, because thats what you came her for. My mother worked at the Houston Memorial Hospital and she usually worked late shifts, such as that night. It was about four PM when she started and she was working until five o'clock AM the next day. It was excatly 8:09 PM when she called me and my friends saying that we could order pizza. We got a large chesse, a large pepperoni, a large extra chesse, and a large with sausage. We're not pigs but it was suppose to last us the whole night. I got up and went to the phone and I had the pizza place's number on speed dial (Because we order pizza so much.) Then out of nowhere the boys (our boyfriends) started pounding on the door. It was Jake, Josh, Derek, and finally Dylan. (Jake was with Lizzy, Josh was with Anna, Derek was with Angela, and Dylan was with me.) Derek was the only smart one but he was hot and I mean hot. Derek just ran in the door ran right up the steps and said to me as he was running up the steps "I'm locking all the windows up here!" Before I was able to have a say in it he was already up there doing just as he said. Josh decided to do the same thing but on the first floor. Finally I pulled Jake aside and asked him what was going on. He told me that there was a guy in a red pick up truck following them. I got really creeped out and said to start from the beginning. Right before he could start I ordered our pizza cause we were getting hungary. So I called and the pizza place said they should be here in about 20 minutes. I walked back over to Jake and told him to come and sit on the couch. He began his story. And he started by saying that him and the guys were at dunkin doughnuts when a guy (the driver of the red pickup truck) walked through the door and looked at Dylan and mouthed the words "i'm coming for you and the girls to." Dylan got really scared and told the guys to get the hell out of there. They ran out and started for my house. The driver of the truck ran out got in his truck and started following them. They lost him in an alley and headed here after 10 minutes of being chased. Dylan came over to me finally and put his arms around me because he could tell I was getting scared. It was about twenty minutes after he finished telling his story. He would of finished sooner but Anna kept interrupting to say something wierd or mean or something random about this situation like on how it wasn't true or something. Finally the doorbell rang and we all got a little scared but the pizza delivery guy goes pizza's here. I went to the door grabbed the pizza payed him said thanks closed the door and locked it. I ran over to Dylan so fast that he could of sworn I was on fire. I just realized that it was raining outside and that the guys were all wet. I went to the bathroom and got them towels. Derek was just about to say somethign but I go "Shh the phone's ringing." When I got the courage to answer the phone Angela ran over and clicked the speaker button. The voice said on the other end of the phone and I quote "Hey Jen don't worry but i'm just coming to kill you and your friends. Don't worry though it'll be painless." I yelled to the voice "What did we ever do to deserve this?!" The voice said your friends didn't do anything but you and your mother left me ten years ago. I realized that it was my father. I hung up the phone and fell to the ground and started to cry. There was a knock at the door. Lizzy screamed so loud she could of broke glass to tell you the truth I think she did. Thankfully it was my mothers voice at the door begging to let her in. I opened the door and there was my mother but she was held at knife point, by my father.

  10. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2010 4:21am UTC
    Isn't it funny
    how my ex boyfriend
    is now pretty much my
    sorry lazy wif colors click the organ please♥

  11. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2010 2:04pm UTC
    is excatly why we cant pretend airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars

  12. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2010 10:05pm UTC
    am i the only one that gets paranoid when my bf says gtg kindof out of nowhere
    click the heart if u to do

  13. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2010 7:03pm UTC
    A good friend will help you with ur homework
    your bestfriend will say nah imma go watch ur tv
    click the heart plz

  14. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2010 5:28pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2010 5:22pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2010 5:18pm UTC
    we pretend that airplanes - - - - - NO we can't
    im soo sick of people saying that and putting it as status and stuff
    fav if u do to

  17. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2010 6:32pm UTC
    why yes i have tried being normal
    it was the worst 20 seconds of my life :)
    click the ♥

  18. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2010 9:34pm UTC
    the only failure in life is NOT to be true
    click the ♥ please

  19. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2010 4:44pm UTC
    I think i have discovered the
    secret of life
    you just hang around
    until you get used to it
    click the ♥ please

  20. tululubell1554 tululubell1554
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2010 4:40pm UTC
    all life is expeirments
    the more expeirments you take
    the better
    click the ♥ please


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