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Member Since: 3 May 2010 07:46pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 107990

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everything changes.
  1. trust_themxxx trust_themxxx
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2010 10:24pm UTC
    She was wild. There was no other words for it. Living
    in a black and white world. from seventh
    grade on, when she went, in her mothers words, "boy crazy,"
    keeping her under control was a constant battle. There
    were groundings, Phone restrictions, Cuttings off of allowance,
    driving privileges. Locks on the liquor cabinet. Sniff tests at the
    front door. These were played out in high dramatic form, over
    dinners and breakfasts, in stomping of feet and raising of voices
    across living rooms and kitchens
    she was an average teenager.

  2. trust_themxxx trust_themxxx
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2010 10:42am UTC
    Happy Fourth of July.
    Happy Fourth of July to the people who has made us who we are.
    Who have freed us, served our country & protected us.
    The men and woman who had stand strong in order to protect their country.
    Who has went through things they will Never forget
    . The people who make sure we are free to celebrate it - can't even watch the fireworks. Reminding them of times during the war.
    So when your going about your day, remember to thank a soldier.

  3. trust_themxxx trust_themxxx
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2010 1:41pm UTC
    It ended the same as it begun.
    Two heart broken teenagers. Looking for somebody to fill the hole in their
    When they met, They knew, Everybody knew, i t had to be something. & They
    became each others everything. the reason for believing in love, for smiling. Th
    they're hearts collided & became one. With no missing pieces. There relationship
    went on, happy as it can be. Then t he troubles came. They disagreed on
    anything possible. It ended; everything ended. Now they are just two separate
    people, only missing half of thier hearts.

  4. trust_themxxx trust_themxxx
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2010 8:32pm UTC
    lets pretend for
    that you and me
    are not lovers .
    but only share a profound fondness of licking faces (:

  5. trust_themxxx trust_themxxx
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2010 12:11pm UTC
    & She Craves His Attention

  6. trust_themxxx trust_themxxx
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2010 9:18pm UTC
    I looked out the car window today
    and I'm realizing that I miss you again.
    It's funny how out of nowhere you came to
    mind, and the truth is,
    I wish you were still here.

  7. trust_themxxx trust_themxxx
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2010 12:04pm UTC
    And did I mention the part where
    I fall in love with him a little more every day? It’s a lot like drowning but the water feels so warm and wet against my skin that
    I really don’t mind.

  8. trust_themxxx trust_themxxx
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2010 11:54am UTC
    l i v e b y i t < 3

  9. trust_themxxx trust_themxxx
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2010 8:26pm UTC
    listen up boy&learn from your mistakes.
    Maybe I found comfort in the words you said, not laying in your arms. They were the words i needed to hear, and it didn't matter who from. It wasn't puppy love or infatuation or love at first sight or anything that people always talk about and laugh. maybe you dont know justwhat i mean. i cant really explain it. It's to hard to put into words But, Well, Maybe it was just something I'd never felt before, something I'd never even known. People cant just tell you about things like that. you have to find out for yourself. thats why its so important. It was somethng I'll always remember. I look at you, you look at me. You can't tell me you ain't feeling the chemistry and of course I can't forget all the beautiful colors on the day that we first met. I miss the days you held me and the days I hear your voice. I miss the days you were there. Us falling aparty wasn't my choice. I miss the days you kissed me and the feelings we used to show. but most of all I miss the guy i thought you were. And now we hardly talk but you had so much to say those nights where there was skin on skin and i could feel your pulse. Considering i thought it meant a little more then this, I guess its mostly you I'm startng to miss you.I tried to tell myself that you’re gone but it just won’t sink in. no matter what I do,
    I’m still missing and thinking about you. I’m tired of feeling this way. I know it would be right for me to let go but no matter how much I tell myself to do it, I can’t. I tell myself that it’s better to never see you again, but no matter how much I try to forget, it always makes me remember all the good times we had, and even the bad, and how much I regret the things I’ve done, all the things I’ve said. And you know I’m sorry but sorry just doesn’t cut it for you anymore. I’ve said it too many times. I just can’t seem to find the words to tell you how sorry I really am. I think about you every day. I can’t get you out of my mind. Maybe the reason I can’t get you out isbecause you’re supposed to be there.
    I miss you.

  10. trust_themxxx trust_themxxx
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2010 8:23pm UTC
    I'll remember you when I've forgotten all the rest.
    You to me were true; you to me were the best.
    I'll remember you at the end of the thrill.
    There are some people you just don't forget
    even though you've only seen them one time or two.
    In the end, my dear sweet friend, I’ll remember you.
    beccy i miss you so much.

  11. trust_themxxx trust_themxxx
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2010 8:14pm UTC
    It was easy to wish to let go of the torture and the heartbreak and
    the missing him. It seemed easy, at least. But there was a catch –
    to let go of the pain she had to give up the other parts too: the
    feeling of being loved, the feeling of being wanted and even needed.
    It wasn’t the suffering she willfully clung to. It was the precious stuff,
    but the precious stuff attached her, irrevocably, to the pain.It’s probably
    the wrong time to tell you this, but, well maybe it’s the perfect time.
    I realize how incredibly confusing things are between us right now. I can’t
    even begin to explain our relationship. You probably can’t either, but I just
    want you to know that if you ever need me I’ll always be here for you. All
    you have to do is ask.I’ve never felt like this before. I’m overwhelmed by an
    unbelievably amount of hatred for you yet I couldn't be more in love its like
    like I want to throw you out in traffic then risk my life to save you.Why does
    this boy have my heartwhen he doesn’t even deserve it?
    when she only loves you.


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