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  1. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2011 12:15pm UTC

  2. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2011 4:35pm UTC
    Save me, I'm lost.
    Oh LORD, I've been waiting for you.
    to save me from being confused.
    wait I'm wrong,
    I CAN do better than this.
    I'll pay any cost to save me.
    Show me what i am looking for.
    not my quote

  3. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2011 10:57am UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2011 9:45am UTC
    Did anyone else use the google logo to play music??

  5. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2011 5:22pm UTC
    save a tree...
    eat a beaver

  6. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2011 11:36am UTC
    teenagers are the most misunderstood people in the world.
    we are expected to act like adults but yet have no freedoms and are treated like children

  7. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2011 2:57pm UTC
    There are in the end
    3 things that last;
    Faith, Hope, and Love
    and the greatest of these is Love.

  8. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2011 1:25pm UTC
    grabs attention
    grabs the heart

  9. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2011 1:18pm UTC
    Question things.
    Tell people how you really feel.
    Sleep under the stars.
    Share something wonderful.

  10. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2011 1:14pm UTC
    don't hang on to painful memories
    because you are afraid to forget.
    let go of things from the past.
    forget things that aren't worth remembering.

  11. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2011 12:46pm UTC
    take a step back.
    look at yourself.
    you are human.
    you are beautiful.
    you are so beautiful.
    and you can be anything.
    you can be everything.

  12. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2011 12:38pm UTC
    no place in the world
    is better
    than being in his arms <3

  13. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2011 12:32pm UTC
    & boy;;
    NO one can make me smile like you can (;
    fav if you agree

  14. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2011 11:08am UTC
    Happens twice a day...
    because everyone deserves a
    second chance.

  15. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2011 10:49am UTC
    My Crush <3
    Say your crushes name six times.
    Now close your eyes and make a wish about them.
    Decide what's more important, love, or 10 million dollars.
    Now make one last wish, the love, or the money.
    Repost this in 60 seconds with the subject "My Crush"
    And you'll get an unexpected talk from your crush

  16. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2011 10:31am UTC
    A girl got picked on constantly at school.
    one day some of the guys thought it would be funny if they took her clothes while she was in phy-ed.
    when she found she had no clothes she ran out of the locker room crying. a guy saw this, he knew what was wrong, it was his friends that did it.
    he gave her his clothes to wear and he found some in the lost and found.
    they started hanging out and eventually started dating. his friends made fun of him because they said the girl was ugly and a freak.
    he didn't let his friends bother him.
    today is their wedding day. <3
    ~this quote is for the people that don't let their friends run their lives.

  17. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2011 8:07pm UTC
    my aunt and uncle have a son and a foster daughter. the foster daughter is one of the most nice people you could ever meet. i never knew why she was in foster care. i knew her dad did drugs and was in rehab. the mother isn't in the picture. there is 7 kids in that family. her dad has been on meth before but quit on his own. but that time when the she got to school she called the cops and they put all the children in foster care. she saved the family. i am so proud of her. she is going back to live with her dad in a few weeks...i hope she stays strong. love ya like a sister, you have been through so much.

  18. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2011 7:01pm UTC
    I need advice!!!
    my boyfriend and i were making out and my dad was at the outside door at my boyfriends aunts house and my dad rang the doorbell and he was looking through the window...he might have saw us. what should i do?

  19. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2011 5:11pm UTC
    all i ask is for one day without fighting
    just one day without yelling.
    i know im never going to get that,
    but why?
    the stupid arguments are tearing us apart, the sarcasm hurts.
    why can't we just get along?

  20. track17 track17
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2011 7:49pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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