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Member Since: 4 Jun 2010 11:48pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 111086

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heyyyy everyonneee! my nammee happens to be samantha but you can call me sam or sammy, i don't reallly careee. haha. my main picture is of me and my friends shoppping! i'mm in the middlee(: hahaha but anyway i really made the account to get some advice on some stuff, because i knoww you guyss are greattt with that stuufff. haha well i'm sorry that they're not actuall quotes but my friend told me about itt and i thought it wouldd but usefuulll, so i made onneee! ha THANKS EVERYONE! ((;

  1. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2010 3:50pm UTC
    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    okayyy well i know this isn't a quotee, and i'm sorrryyy, but anywayy, if you guys could give mee some advicee, that would be greattt!!(:
    okay well all the girls in my school and stuff have like really big butts, and it's hard to compete with that, especciallyy when you are the onlyy one whoo doesn't have oneee. okay well if u kno any exercisess or stuff you do that works and gives you like an inch or more a month, could u tell me pleaseee!!! thanks!!
    also there's books that are out about itttt, so if you have onee, could you share the secrets with mee? thanks for understandinggg!!! (((: i appreciate your helppp!

  2. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2010 3:54pm UTC
    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    okayyy well i know this isn't a quotee, and i'm sorrryyy, but anywayy, if you guys could give mee some advicee, that would be greattt!!(:
    okay well all the girls in my school and stuff have like really big butts, and it's hard to compete with that, especciallyy when you are the onlyy one whoo doesn't have oneee. okay well if u kno any exercisess or stuff you do that works and gives you like an inch or more a month, could u tell me pleaseee!!! thanks!!
    also there's books that are out about itttt, so if you have onee, could you share the secrets with mee? thanks for understandinggg!!! (((: i appreciate your helppp!

  3. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2010 3:27pm UTC
    hey guys! just a question for yaaa, does anyone have a book about a simple, easy way to get your butt bigger in just a week??? if you do can you please share the secrets with mee?!?! THANKS!

  4. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 9:32pm UTC
    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    okayyy well i know this isn't a quotee, and i'm sorrryyy, but anywayy, if you guys could give mee some advicee, that would be greattt!!(:
    okay well all the girls in my school and stuff have like really big butts, and it's hard to compete with that, especciallyy when you are the onlyy one whoo doesn't have oneee. okay well if u kno any exercisess or stuff you do that works and gives you like an inch or more a month, could u tell me pleaseee!!! thanks!!
    also there's books that are out about itttt, so if you have onee, could you share the secrets with mee? thanks for understandinggg!!! (((: i appreciate your helppp!

  5. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 5:50pm UTC
    hey guys! just a question for yaaa, does anyone have a book about a simple, easy way to get your butt bigger in just a week??? if you do can you please share the secrets with mee?!?! THANKS!

  6. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 5:23pm UTC
    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    okayyy well i know this isn't a quotee, and i'm sorrryyy, but anywayy, if you guys could give mee some advicee, that would be greattt!!(:
    okay well all the girls in my school and stuff have like really big butts, and it's hard to compete with that, especciallyy when you are the onlyy one whoo doesn't have oneee. okay well if u kno any exercisess or stuff you do that works and gives you like an inch or more a month, could u tell me pleaseee!!! thanks!!
    also there's books that are out about itttt, so if you have onee, could you share the secrets with mee? thanks for understandinggg!!! (((: i appreciate your helppp!

  7. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 4:56pm UTC
    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    okayyy well i know this isn't a quotee, and i'm sorrryyy, but anywayy, if you guys could give mee some advicee, that would be greattt!!(:
    okay well all the girls in my school and stuff have like really big butts, and it's hard to compete with that, especciallyy when you are the onlyy one whoo doesn't have oneee. okay well if u kno any exercisess or stuff you do that works and gives you like an inch or more a month, could u tell me pleaseee!!! thanks!!
    also there's books that are out about itttt, so if you have onee, could you share the secrets with mee? thanks for understandinggg!!! (((: i appreciate your helppp!

  8. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 4:50pm UTC
    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    okayyy well i know this isn't a quotee, and i'm sorrryyy, but anywayy, if you guys could give mee some advicee, that would be greattt!!(:
    okay well all the girls in my school and stuff have like really big butts, and it's hard to compete with that, especciallyy when you are the onlyy one whoo doesn't have oneee. okay well if u kno any exercisess or stuff you do that works and gives you like an inch or more a month, could u tell me pleaseee!!! thanks!!
    also there's books that are out about itttt, so if you have onee, could you share the secrets with mee? thanks for understandinggg!!! (((: i appreciate your helppp!

  9. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 4:48pm UTC
    hey guys! just a question for yaaa, does anyone have a book about a simple, easy way to get your butt bigger in just a week??? if you do can you please share the secrets with mee?!?! THANKS!

  10. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 4:14pm UTC
    hey guys! just a question for yaaa, does anyone have a book about a simple, easy way to get your butt bigger in just a week??? if you do can you please share the secrets with mee?!?! THANKS!

  11. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 4:14pm UTC
    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    okayyy well i know this isn't a quotee, and i'm sorrryyy, but anywayy, if you guys could give mee some advicee, that would be greattt!!(:
    okay well all the girls in my school and stuff have like really big butts, and it's hard to compete with that, especciallyy when you are the onlyy one whoo doesn't have oneee. okay well if u kno any exercisess or stuff you do that works and gives you like an inch or more a month, could u tell me pleaseee!!! thanks!!
    also there's books that are out about itttt, so if you have onee, could you share the secrets with mee? thanks for understandinggg!!! (((: i appreciate your helppp!

  12. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 3:18pm UTC
    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    okayyy well i know this isn't a quotee, and i'm sorrryyy, but anywayy, if you guys could give mee some advicee, that would be greattt!!(:
    okay well all the girls in my school and stuff have like really big butts, and it's hard to compete with that, especciallyy when you are the onlyy one whoo doesn't have oneee. okay well if u kno any exercisess or stuff you do that works and gives you like an inch or more a month, could u tell me pleaseee!!! thanks!!
    also there's books that are out about itttt, so if you have onee, could you share the secrets with mee? thanks for understandinggg!!! (((: i appreciate your helppp!

  13. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2010 3:18pm UTC
    hey guys! just a question for yaaa, does anyone have a book about a simple, easy way to get your butt bigger in just a week??? if you do can you please share the secrets with mee?!?! THANKS!

  14. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2010 10:39pm UTC
    hey guys! just a question for yaaa, does anyone have a book about a simple, easy way to get your butt bigger in just a week??? if you do can you please share the secrets with mee?!?! THANKS!

  15. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2010 10:38pm UTC
    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    okayyy well i know this isn't a quotee, and i'm sorrryyy, but anywayy, if you guys could give mee some advicee, that would be greattt!!(:
    okay well all the girls in my school and stuff have like really big butts, and it's hard to compete with that, especciallyy when you are the onlyy one whoo doesn't have oneee. okay well if u kno any exercisess or stuff you do that works and gives you like an inch or more a month, could u tell me pleaseee!!! thanks!!
    also there's books that are out about itttt, so if you have onee, could you share the secrets with mee? thanks for understandinggg!!! (((: i appreciate your helppp!

  16. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2010 10:37pm UTC
    hey guys! just a question for yaaa, does anyone have a book about a simple, easy way to get your butt bigger in just a week??? if you do can you please share the secrets with mee?!?! THANKS!

  17. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2010 10:23pm UTC
    hey guys! just a question for yaaa, does anyone have a book about a simple, easy way to get your butt bigger in just a week??? if you do can you please share the secrets with mee?!?! THANKS!

  18. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2010 10:22pm UTC
    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    okayyy well i know this isn't a quotee, and i'm sorrryyy, but anywayy, if you guys could give mee some advicee, that would be greattt!!(:
    okay well all the girls in my school and stuff have like really big butts, and it's hard to compete with that, especciallyy when you are the onlyy one whoo doesn't have oneee. okay well if u kno any exercisess or stuff you do that works and gives you like an inch or more a month, could u tell me pleaseee!!! thanks!!
    also there's books that are out about itttt, so if you have onee, could you share the secrets with mee? thanks for understandinggg!!! (((: i appreciate your helppp!

  19. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2010 11:50am UTC
    hey guys! just a question for yaaa, does anyone have a book about a simple, easy way to get your butt bigger in just a week??? if you do can you please share the secrets with mee?!?! THANKS!

  20. tobesomebodyxx tobesomebodyxx
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2010 11:11am UTC
    PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
    okayyy well i know this isn't a quotee, and i'm sorrryyy, but anywayy, if you guys could give mee some advicee, that would be greattt!!(:
    okay well all the girls in my school and stuff have like really big butts, and it's hard to compete with that, especciallyy when you are the onlyy one whoo doesn't have oneee. okay well if u kno any exercisess or stuff you do that works and gives you like an inch or more a month, could u tell me pleaseee!!! thanks!!
    also there's books that are out about itttt, so if you have onee, could you share the secrets with mee? thanks for understandinggg!!! (((: i appreciate your helppp!


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