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  1. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2012 1:32pm UTC
    Hey girls, do you have
    extremely dry skin?
    How to moisturize it:
    Here is a simple, homemade facial moisturizer
    that works better than premade kinds. Just mix
    together 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 tables-
    spoon of brown sugar. Rub the mixture on your
    face and wash it off. For feet or hands, heat to-
    gether 1 cup of milk and 4 cups of water until
    steaming. Mix in 1/4 cup of sugar and allow it to
    simmer for about five minutes, then remove from
    heat and cool. Keep feet or hands in the warm
    soak for about 10 minutes, then scrub with sugar.

  2. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2012 10:21am UTC
    You should replace your make-up applicators (eyeshadow
    brushes, blush brushes, etc.) every few months. The bacteria on
    the brushes can cause acne!

  3. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 8:35pm UTC
    Junk food is okay in moderation. It is better for you
    to indulge your cravings with a small amount, than to deprive yourself
    of your favorite snack and wind up binge eating later.

  4. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 7:44pm UTC
    Hey girls, do you want
    to boost your metabolism?
    How to give it a boost:
    Boosting your metabolism will help your body
    burn fat faster. Whole grain foods, hot peppers,
    broccoli, green tea, citrus fruits, apples, and
    pears all boost your metabolism. Another way
    to burn fat faster is to increase your body
    temperature and drink a glass of water before
    each meal!

  5. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 7:11pm UTC
    LAVENDER helps relax you. It eases depression, aids digestion, reduces pain, and aids sleep!
    BERGAMOT helps with many negative emotions. It can relieve stress, ease depression, and help cease anxiety.
    GRAPEFRUIT has a citrus smell that helps balance emotions. It can calm the anxious, make the angry happy, and more!
    GINGER helps reduce nausea and improve blood flow. This makes it perfect for air fresheners in cars.

  6. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 6:33pm UTC
    Hey girls, do you
    hate having oily skin?
    How to stop the oil:
    Use this homemade face mask to stop
    the oil from making your face look shiny.
    Mix together 1 banana, 2 tablespoons
    of honey, and a few drops of lemon or
    orange juice (straight from the fruit). Put
    the mixture on your face, and leave on
    for 15 minutes. Rinse and wash with your
    favorite cleanser.

  7. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 6:06pm UTC
    Hey girls, do you hate
    removing glitter nail polish?
    How to easily remove sparkle nail polish:
    Completely soak 5 cotton balls in nail polish
    remover. Place the cotton balls on the nails
    of one hand. Wrap fingers in tin foil or use small
    rubberbands or hair ties to keep the cotton
    in place. In about five minutes, most of the
    sparkles or glitter should be stuck to the cotton
    ball. Repeat for your other hand!

  8. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 5:41pm UTC
    Hey girls, do you want
    your nails to grow faster?
    How to boost nail growth:
    This tip may seem weird, but I'll explain how
    it works. To boost your nails growth rate, soak
    them in orange juice. Why? It contains folic
    acid, which helps with nail and hair growth!

  9. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 5:20pm UTC
    If you want to whiten your teeth, you can use
    straight baking soda and peroxide as toothpaste.
    Follow up with a normal paste and mouth wash to ensure fresh breath.

  10. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 4:54pm UTC
    BLUE EYES work well with brown eyeliner and neutral or smokey eye-
    shadows, such as browns, peaches, blacks, and whites.
    BROWN EYES work well with brown and black eyeliners and cool color eyeshadows: green, blue, purple, etc.
    GREEN EYES work well with purple or brown eyeliner and pastel color eyeshadows, such as light pink or blue.
    GRAY EYES work well with black eyeliner and bright, bold colors, like
    black, bright purple, or dark green.

  11. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 4:11pm UTC
    Hey girls, do you want
    to prevent acne scars?
    How to help acne to heal:
    In order to prevent scars from acne, you
    have to aid your skin in the healing process.
    An easy way to do this is to use a mask.
    Crush 2 aspirin tablets, then add a few
    drops of water and mix. Add 3 drops of
    warm honey to the paste, and apply to the
    affected area. Leave the mask on for 10
    minutes, then wash with your normal face

  12. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 3:23pm UTC
    Hey girls, do you get
    terrible period cramps?
    How to lessen the pain:
    Some of these simple tips can help with
    period cramps. Eat a banana (Potassium
    helps with muscle spasms, which is what
    causes period cramps!). Take in food
    that contains basil (Basil is often found in
    pasta sauces!). Do some stretches (Some
    yoga moves, such as the cat or cow poses,
    target the lower abdomen. Stretching the
    uterus will help relieve pain, so google some

  13. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 2:39pm UTC
    Hey girls, do you get
    spots on your face or back?
    How to treat skin spots:
    Skin spots can be treated with tea tree oil
    or rosewater. Tea tree oil should be diluted
    (mixed with water) before applying. You do
    not have to worry about washing the oil or
    water off right away. And always remember
    not to squeeze the spots.

  14. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 2:09pm UTC
    Hey girls, does your
    nail polish chip too easily?
    How to make your nailart more durable:
    Remember to always apply a base coat to
    clean nails! Even if your nails haven't been
    painted in a while, wipe them off with nail
    polish remover. After the base coat is dry,
    apply your color, designs, etc. After the
    design is dry, always apply a top, protecting
    coat. Soaking your newly painted (but
    completely dry) in cold water will help the
    polish set.

  15. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2012 11:17am UTC
    Meal sizes are important to a healthy diet.
    Breakfast should be bigger than your other two meals.
    Lunch should be bigger than supper. This set up allows for
    breakfast to boost your metabolism, and supper to slow it down.

  16. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2012 9:13pm UTC
    Hey girls, do you get
    razor burn from shaving?
    How to prevent razor burn:
    Razor burn is a rash-like effect from shaving. You may
    get bumps, redness, soreness, or itchiness. To prevent
    razor burn, always make sure you wet the area thoroughly
    and use shave gel or cream. Also, never overuse a razor.
    Dull razors are very bad for your skin. If you still end up
    with razor burn you can treat it with witch hazel. Just put
    the witch hazel on a cotton ball and wipe the shaved area
    gently. Follow up with a moisturizing lotion.
    note: Witch hazel has quite the odor! Make sure you shower after using it,
    before you go anywhere.

  17. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2012 8:29pm UTC
    Acne can be caused from hormones. If this is the case,
    washes, cleansers, and scrubs will not fix the problem.
    You can always talk to your parent/guardian
    about getting pills for hormonal acne.

  18. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2012 8:07pm UTC
    Hey girls, do you have
    visible pores & blackheads?
    How to shrink pores and prevent blackheads:
    There are many different secrets and tricks
    when it comes to visible and clogged pores.
    One of the best things is to find a face wash
    that works for you. Some really good facial
    cleansers for blackheads include Clean &
    Clear Finishes Pore Perfecting Cleanser and
    Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash Foaming Scrub.
    Also, scrubbing blackheads with sugar will help
    losen what is clogging the pore, and you can
    clean them out with metal black head scrapers.

  19. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2012 4:45pm UTC
    Hey girls, does your
    hair get greasy too easily?
    How to prevent greasy hair:
    You can create a simple, inexpensive spray
    that can prevent hair from getting oily. Just
    mix 4 ounces of water (about 118 mililiters)
    with 3 tablespoons epsome salts (magnesium
    sulfate). Spray on your hair after styling. This
    spray can also be used to style hair if mixed
    with a squirt of hair gel. It creates waves!

  20. tips4girls tips4girls
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2012 4:30pm UTC
    Hey girls, are your
    nails weak and breakable?
    How to strengthen your nails:
    Purchase vitamin E oil or vitamin E liquid
    capsules. The oil can be wiped onto nails
    using a q-tip or cotton ball. Capsules can
    be punctured with a sewing needle or pushpin
    then squeezed onto nails. Leave the oil on for
    five to ten minutes, then wash hands with
    soap and water, and apply lotion. Do this daily
    or every other day for best results!


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