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Member Since: 3 Sep 2013 02:30am

Last Seen: 5 Sep 2013 02:19am

Gender: M

user id: 370777

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  1. the_poem_writer the_poem_writer
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 3:12am UTC
    Senses of love
    I want to feel the touch.
    I want to feel the touch of your words as they are gently whispered in my ear.
    I want to feel the touch of your gentle fingers as the crawl up my back.
    I want to feel the touch of your lips against mine in the cool night.
    I want to feel the touch of your steamy breathe agains my skin.
    I want to feel the touch of your lips on my neck and stomach.
    I want to feel the touch of your arms around my neck.
    I want to feel the touch of your chest against mine.
    I want to feel the touch of your smooth skin.
    I want to feel.
    I want to hear the sound.
    I want to hear the sound of your heavy breathe when you have a nightmare.
    I want to hear the sound of your words sweetly whispered to me.
    I want to hear the sound of your heart beating over and over.
    I want to hear the sound of your gasping breathe as we kiss.
    I want to hear the sound of your lips kissing my skin.
    I want to hear the sound of your hand grasping mine.
    I want to hear the sound of your voice replaying.
    I want to hear.
    I want to see the way.
    I want to see the way the steam comes off you as you step out of a pool on in the sunlight.
    I want to see the way the water drips down your body as you step out of the shower.
    I want to see the way your legss flex as you leave for an early morning jog.
    I want to see the way your jaw moves as you talk, scream, yell and whisper.
    I want to see the way your chest moves up and down as your breathe gently.
    I want to see the way your hand slides across the paper as you write.
    I want to see.
    I want to taste the flavor.
    I want to taste the flavor of your soft but rough lips as they touch mine in the night.
    I want to taste the flavor of your salty skin as I kiss your neck and stomach.
    I want to taste the flavor of your words as they fly to me when we speak.
    I want to taste the flavor of your breath as you breathe before a kiss.
    I want to taste the flavor of your tongue as it traces my lips.
    I want to taste.
    I want to smell the scent.
    I want to smell the scent of your morning breath when we kiss good morning.
    I want to smell the scent of your sweat when you get back from the gym.
    I want to smell the scent of your cologne when you're getting ready.
    I want to smell the scent of your toothpaste when we kiss goodnight.
    I want to smell.


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