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  1. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2011 12:06pm UTC
    Confession no. 2
    I had my first kiss a while ago... I regret having it,
    - But I would do it over and again to relive it

  2. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2011 9:29am UTC
    >> Get it? >>I love you<<

  3. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2011 9:27am UTC
    There was this guy, and I wanted to tell him 'something',
    so I said:
    Beach, Magnifying glass,
    Ear, Speaker, Desert,
    Heart, Ear, Speaker.
    He didn't quite get it...
    >> I LOVE YOU <<

  4. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2011 8:07am UTC
    Confession no. 1
    My life isn't that perfect, it's not that bad either
    - But I would not do a single thing to change it, even if I had the chance to

  5. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 10:39am UTC
    Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt
    Pieces of memories fall to the ground
    I know what I didn't have so, I won't let this go
    'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you
    All the streets where I walked alone,
    with nowhere to go - have come to an end
    Through it all, I made my mistakes
    I stumble and fall, but I meant those words

  6. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2011 10:30am UTC
    Oh, and I don't know
    I don't know what he's after
    But he's so beautiful
    Such a beautiful disaster
    And if I could hold on
    Through the tears and laughter
    Would it be beautiful
    or a beautiful disaster?
    He's magic and myth
    As strong as what I believe
    A tragedy with
    More damage than a soul should see
    And do I try to change him?
    So hard not to blame him
    He’s soft to the touch
    But frayed at the end he breaks
    He’s never enough
    And still he's more than I can take
    Would it be beautiful
    or a beautiful disaster?

  7. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2011 6:39am UTC
    For that feeling
    of hopping sand-grains
    in your feet
    when they fall asleep

  8. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2011 6:25am UTC
    For those girls
    Who does not have that him to cry over
    or does not have that him to be happy with
    or does not want it either
    or does not have that him to make quotes about
    'coz that seems to be what so many does
    and honestly?
    I don't think all of them have that him

  9. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2011 6:05am UTC
    For when you choose a star to always lead you home and you recognize it even when you are on the other side of the world - just like him

    N o t m y f o r m a t , m y q u o t e

  10. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2011 1:34pm UTC
    && I've always wondered how you can manage getting
    Icecream on your nose

  11. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2011 12:36pm UTC
    I'm that girl
    who sees him with
    that other girl and thinks;
    Well, he's happy with her
    But I'm also that girl
    who sends him a text
    right when he's about
    to kiss that other girl

  12. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 3:14pm UTC
    The greatest pleasure in life is;
    To do what people say you can't

  13. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 3:11pm UTC
    Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died,
    , ´coz you don´t know who stands next in line

  14. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2011 3:02pm UTC
    && I drink juice direct from the box

  15. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 1:43pm UTC
    When you've hated something for as long as you can remember,
    but then suddenly realizes it's really good ;)

  16. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 1:30pm UTC
    Dear realization,
    Why do you always make us realize something when it's to late?
    Sincerely, me

  17. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 1:14pm UTC
    My new enemy...
    ... the Vacuum cleaner

  18. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 11:49am UTC
    And someone wise once said;
    Never take life seriously
    No one get's out alive anyway

  19. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 11:39am UTC
    And our teacher asks:
    " Soo, do you think school is hard? "
    And I say; " Hell no, it's way to easy. "
    When the girl beside me says; "Yes!"
    Yeah... I felt a little guilty...

  20. theWorder theWorder
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 11:34am UTC
    And I just talked in the phone for a few minutes,,
    without realizing who I was talking to


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