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  1. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2010 1:31pm UTC
    ._ .·´¯`·×» [ is always stronger . ]
    mine? *:

  2. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2010 12:58pm UTC
    today i asked my best guy friend,
    "what is love?"
    and he said
    "the things we share"

    true story♥

  3. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2010 11:56pm UTC
    today in social studies;
    i wasn't paying attention and he says
    and i'm like "1942?!"
    and he says to the class.
    "them blondes. -__-"

    .< true story >.

  4. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2010 9:30pm UTC
    Dear Boy.
    you are my life.
    why did you go so quickly ?
    why did you leave me ?
    was it something I did ?
    or was it HER?

  5. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2010 5:45pm UTC
    i was never afraid,
    to dance in the
    RAIN ♥
    i think it's mine :D

  6. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2010 5:29pm UTC
    I lay in bed and think
    what if i wasn't here.?
    i think.

  7. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2010 8:32pm UTC
    anyone else?

  8. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2010 8:28pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2010 6:59pm UTC
    When your best friend
    doesn't believe you.
    yet, you're telling the truth,
    and all you want to do is
    cry .
    please help me out.

  10. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2010 6:32pm UTC
    so they say
    life ain't always easy,
    and everyday,
    we're survivors. ♥
    -Jay Sean
    props to Jay Sean ♥

  11. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2010 8:15pm UTC
    Purple backround ;
    "whoosh "

  12. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2010 5:39pm UTC
    the high school plan~
    i took my pillow, blanket and phone and walked downstairs and out to the car and set up my seat . the car was PACKED but i had 3 seats to stretch out on. i went up stairs and got cleo and his bed. i set his bed up on the third seat and i put his litter box on the floor incase he has to go. haha my phone was dead. it's not like anyone texted me. only if they wanted the homework. i had black hair and green eyes. i was in 9th grade obviously . My parents got into the car and i sat down and buckled up. cleo was hopping around the back seat. i fell asleep soon after.
    i woke up .
    "where are we?"
    "Massachusetts" dad said
    "oh. how long till we are gunna be there?"
    "like another 6-7 hours." dad said.
    i started playing with cleo and soon we came to a stop.
    "where are we?"
    "rest stop. do you have to go to the bathroom or are you hungry? also take cleo for a walk and change his litter."
    my mom handed me the bag of litter.
    "i have to go to the bathroom. then i'll go get cleo." i told mom
    i reached into the bag i had put out there the night before and pulled out a pad, i had my period :\.
    "oh and carly. please eat. you havent eatin hardly anything basicly only those pancakes this morning."
    "i will daddy" i said
    i went to the bathroom and did what i needed to do. i looked in the mirror. "i'm so ugly no one will ever like me." i said to myself.
    i washed my hands and dried them . then went back to the car and took cleo for a walk and he did his business.
    and then i cleaned his litter.
    i put cleo in the car and then went to the food court.
    "what would you like hunny?" my mom said.
    "um, i'll have a bagel?" i asked my mom.
    "plain with cream cheese?" she asked
    "yes mom" i said.
    dad was getting gas so i went back to the car and started to write in my diary.
    dear diary,
    i hope this year is better then the last 10 of my life.
    sincerely, carly .
    i closed the book and put it in my bag. then i sneezed.
    my dad came back to the car.
    "daddy do you have a tissue and some medicine ?" i asked
    "yeah." he said handing me a pill and a water bottle with a tissue rapped around it.
    "thanks" i said throwing the pill into my mouth and taking a sip of water and then wiping my nose with the tissue and throwing it out in the garbage. i looked at my phone. it was about 10. my mom came back to the car with my bagel and some orange juice.
    "thanks" i said taking a huge bite out of it.
    i was so hungry. i haven't been eating because i have been nervous. i haven't even been hungry. but i ate this morning although because they looked pretty damn good sitting there. soon we got back on our way . on the way i fell asleep again.
    i slept for about 3 hours.
    i woke up to the smell coffee. which i craved greatly.
    "daddy can we stop somewhere to get coffee"
    "yeah sure there should be a starbucks over here. we'll go through the drive thru-"
    "ohkay ." i said sitting up and petting cleos head with a beat of the music on the radio.
    a smile came upon my face as i looked over the most beautiful mountains i've ever seen.
    "wow" i said grabbing my camera and taking a picture.
    "that is a scene." my mom said smiling.
    i had tears in my eyes. but they were still.
    the moving trucks were behind us.
    and suddenly. my smile died as we came to starbucks.
    i mean. dont get me wrong. i love coffee. just . i loved to look at the mountians more.
    i got the coffee and then i finished it within at least 5 minutes and flipped on my side and went to sleep.

  13. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2010 3:36pm UTC
    THE HIGH SCHOOL PLAN. : Chapter 1 part 1
    "night mom." as i said while shutting the door and sitting down in my pajama's and rubbing cleo's back . "cleo. do you ever notice my room has that wierd little stain in the corner? " i asked, thinking a black and white bunny like him would understand. "yeah. me too" i said turning off the light sitting on the air mattress my mother has set for me. since i will be moving tomorrow morning at 5:00 am. It's not like i don't have anything to lose. i didn't even have one friend. but that's changing in my next school because i'm going to start high school in a week so things should change. and if they don't well, i dont know what i'm going to do.
    i woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and slapped down the snooze button. i usually do that so i have 5 minutes to stretch. after 5 minutes i walked down stairs and got a big glass of orange juice. ah. so fresh.
    "morning hunny" my dad said and kissed my moms forehead.
    "good morning." she replyed
    "good morning princess" my daddy said and kissed my forehead.
    "good morning king" i said as a joke.
    my mom rubbed her pregnant tummy. she was three months, so she wasnt that big.
    "mom. when are you going to find out the gender?" i asked.
    "5th month? i think." she said taking a bite of bacon
    "i hope i have a baby sister." i said.
    "yes. now hurry up and eat " she said smacking a plate of hot pancakes in front of me. i gobbled them down within the next 7 or 8 minutes.
    i soon went up stairs and put on victoria's secrets pink line ; sweat pants. and a tanktop and a hoodie.
    did i mention i lived in new jersey and was moving to maine ? yeah. well i am .
    i slipped on my grey old uggs and snatched up cleo. he was purring. ahah . and hes a bunny . not a cat.
    i deflated my bed and was on my way
    SORRY so short. i had to go somewhere D: . comment or like and i'll write more !

  14. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2010 9:39pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2010 12:01am UTC
    friends come and go
    best friends will always be with you .♥

  16. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2010 11:53pm UTC
    "hmm . i wonder what our babies would look like"
    "retards "


  17. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2010 10:27pm UTC
    what is love ?

  18. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2010 9:50pm UTC
    "who you like "
    "not saying"
    "please i'll be your besterest friend ?(:"
    "but i want you to be more then that"

  19. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2010 8:08pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. thatdamngurlx0 thatdamngurlx0
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2010 5:45pm UTC
    learn to laugh till your stomach hurts.
    act so crazy people think you're high.
    and live every with you're best friends because hunny,
    you deserve to live ♥
    all mine . i think *:


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