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Member Since: 12 Feb 2012 07:43pm

Last Seen: 5 Mar 2012 11:52pm

user id: 273502

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  1. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 9:06pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2012 9:26pm UTC
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  3. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2012 1:41pm UTC
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  4. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 12:26pm UTC
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  5. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 10:46pm UTC
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  6. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 4:29pm UTC
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  7. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 11:19am UTC
    Secretive. The Story of Child Abuse.
    Chapter 4
    *Bens Point of View*
    I was sitting in my bedroom staring out my window.
    I was thinking of the girl I had me today.
    She was so open and beautiful.
    She was just perfect.
    I heard my phone ring, so I checked it.
    *Mandy is texting you*
    Ben, HELP. I can't get up, I'm in pain. Please come get me and take me to the hospital.
    She then sent me her address, I looked at it and realized It was just 2 doors down.
    I got into my car and drove off to her house.
    I got in and saw her on the floor, bleeding.
    I lifted her up, she was so light.
    I ran to my car and put her in.
    I asked her what happened.
    She seemed so... secretive about it.
    She said she had tripped on the sprinkler and fallen.
    I looked at the pain and tears in her eyes and I knew, it wasn't true.
    I waited for her while she got everything checked out.
    She came out hours later with a cast around her ankle, and a bandage around her stomach.
    As I went to grab her, she flinched at the touch slightly.
    I knew something was up.
    Sooner or later, I will find out what really happened to her.
    She coudln't say so secret much longer.

  8. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2012 7:52pm UTC
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  9. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2012 4:33pm UTC
    Secretive. The Story of Child Abuse.
    Chapter 2.
    While walking to first hour, I turned a corner and ran into a group of people.
    I got some dirty looks and I got checked out.
    I could tell they were jocks and cheerleaders.
    One girl, the leader I'm guessing, came up to me and said "Hi, you must be Mandy, I'm Charolette." I looked at her with surprised.
    "How do you know my name?" I asked tentively.
    "My dad and your dad coown the mall on 23rd street," she said with a smile.
    "Oh, nice to meet you," I said.
    "Whats your 1st hour," she spoked sincerely.
    " Uh, Strat for Chem," I said.
    "hey," a cute jock boy spoke up, "That's my first hour, maybe I can walk you there"
    I smiled at him and said sure. Everyone introduced themselves to me.
    I couldn't remember anyones name except Charolette and Ben, the kid who was in my first hour.
    We said goodbye and I walked with Ben to my first hour.
    I was short and petite with blond hair , blue eyes. He was tall, muscular, with serious brown eyes and light brown hair.
    But, he was perfect for me. I could already tell.
    In 1st hour, my teacher sat me next to him and we talked all hour.
    We then exchanged numbers and I made my way through the rest of the day.
    I didn't know what was instore for me at this new school, but I could already tell I'd like it.

  10. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2012 2:05pm UTC
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  11. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2012 9:01pm UTC
    Secretive. The Story of Child Abuse.
    I felt my back being thrown against a wall. My stomach flattening against my spine.
    I saw my dad walk up to me, his eyes blood shot and his breathe with a reek of alcohol.
    He looked at me and spoke
    "I'm not going to kill you, but you are going to regret moving back in with me you worthles piece of shut"
    I closed my eyes while my dad walked out of my room.
    All I could think about was the past few days.
    The reason I had to move in with my dad.
    The reason I had to completely leave my school.
    Why coudln't my life just be normal?
    I watched as my dad walked out of the room.
    I picked up my phone when I was sure he was gone and called my friends.
    We talked while I got ready for my first day of school.
    I was one of the most popular girls at my old school.
    But, it took years to be what I was.
    I guess I'm going to feel how its like to be one of those kids I mad fun off.
    I hope I can survive the next 2 years.

  12. tearslustlove tearslustlove
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2012 9:47pm UTC
    Hi everyone.
    I want to write a story about
    An abused girl.
    To raise awarness.
    FAVE if you would read this.


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