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Member Since: 28 Nov 2011 06:09pm

Last Seen: 27 Jul 2012 10:47pm

user id: 244347

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Hello! I'm Thomas! just on this site to see what its like, my girlfriend got me on it :)

  1. tcobb1442 tcobb1442
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2012 3:08pm UTC
    I don't know what to do anymore...
    Today my girlfriend told me to stop. She didn't specify what, so naturally i asked what it was that I needed to stop, to which she replied to sstop talking to her...this made me feel horrible...to most people they would just think "oh she just was angry and needs space" well that isn't her...Usually Taylor (her name) tells me to keep talking to her, make her feel better. This probably wouldn't scare most people, but for me it did because, before i met her, i dated another girl for a really long time. This other girl and I went on and off for around 7 months, and everytime that she would break up with me that is how she would start, especially the last time. Now I understand breaking up with the old girlfriend, Nicole, was a good thing, but i don't think thats the case with Taylor. As i've said, this is the first time she has ever done this, but there has been other things as well. She becomes depressed at times, where she feels empty. To this I have know idea what to do or say...could somebody tell me what I need to do..? I really don't want to loose this girl, I've fallen for her hard...Anyways, she is convinced that people are sick of her, and i don't know how to prove to her that people aren't, that people just make bad decisions or trust a guy over you because they like the guy. I don't know...this is just really hard for a guy like me... I just want to show her that she is beautiful...that she is amazing...that she is perfect for me...i want to help but i don't know how....well, thank you for reading all of this if you have, I appreciate it...

  2. tcobb1442 tcobb1442
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 8:56pm UTC
    Hi there!!!!! Thomas here :)
    I'm just a normal high-school boy, leading a normal life in a normal world. Nothing special bout me. I guess one thing is that i dont belong in any one group of people! I play baseball, so part jock there. I play trumpet in the top band at my school, so band geek there! I have some nerd friends, but I'm always there with them blowing stuff up or building stuff, so part nerd there! I am not cool, not popular, just there!!! How do I stand out? How do I make myself known? I really don't!I just watch, observe, yet for nothing really! Just for the joy of being there...is this bad? Is this wrong? I don't know, its just who I am right now....If you red this far, thanks :) I guess fav? kinda new to this :)


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