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Member Since: 9 Apr 2009 09:57am

Last Seen: 6 Oct 2011 01:47pm

user id: 72899

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  1. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2011 10:00am UTC
    He is jealous for me,
    Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
    Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
    When all of a sudden,
    I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
    And I realize just how beautiful You are,
    And how great Your affections are for me.
    How He Loves ...

  2. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2011 5:35pm UTC
    I know this isn't "formatted," but I will probably still get accused of stealing the format. So just to be safe - NMF.
    Anyways, I miss the old witty. I honestly would like to know how many times it will take you fellow wittiers to understand the difference between "to" and "too," and even worse "there" "their" and "they're."
    Also, the "I got a paper cut, fave for me witty girls" quotes are getting old. Very old. Nobody cares about your brother and his eye bleeding because of an umbrella. Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
    Old witty was perfect. We posted MEANINGFUL quotes, weren't discriminated by the quality of our format, and we had fun without being uber obnoxious. I miss being able to talk to someone on here and not having to worry about if you were asking a 12 year old for advice on dating.
    On old witty the quotes were honest, not obscure, obsolete tales of kissing a boy at the age where most girls haven't even grown out of PlayHouse Disney.
    I miss witty when the quotes were of GOOD song lyrics, instead of every other quote being of someone who owns a bra with whip cream on it, or an overplayed, glitter obsessed, autotuned maniac.
    Some people on here are only about 11 years old, yet they act like they're 21. STAY YOUNG, DON'T TRY AND GROW UP FAST.
    Also, I have noticed many identical quotes, posted by the same person. Attention hog? I think so. Do our generation a favor and don't breed.
    If you "hate on" this because I am being honest, clearly you are one of the people I'm talking about.
    Someone Who Is Intelligent Enough To See What Nonsense Is Now Considered A "Quote"

  3. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2011 2:42pm UTC
    He is my motivation,
    My only inspiration,
    Granting salvation to people
    from every nation. :)
    -Rapture Ruckus ♥

  4. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2011 7:07pm UTC
    Hawk Nelson,
    Google them,
    ♥ them.
    that simple.....

  5. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 11:02am UTC
    1 Corinthians 13:4
    Love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

  6. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 10:59am UTC
    Ephesians 4:2
    Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
    ♥.. I know what real love is...♥

  7. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 10:55am UTC
    They say it sounds insane
    We say that we've been changed
    By the power of
    Crazy Love
    This world, it looks at us
    Like we're ridiculous
    Baby, it's all because
    Of Crazy Love
    We know it sounds absurd
    We don't get what we deserve
    It's by grace we are saved

  8. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 10:37am UTC
    If I could catch the words before they left my mouth, I'd do it.
    If I could reach right out and turn them all around, I'd do it.
    But it's out there yeah, I said it,
    And in a way I don't regret it...

  9. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 10:27am UTC
    who ARE you anymore.....?
    ...i miss the old you...

  10. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 10:20am UTC
    when Chuck Norris does a pushup, the earth moves down....

  11. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2011 10:12am UTC
    please ...
    don't fight
    these hands
    that are holding youu.. ♥

  12. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2009 10:08am UTC
    Chuck Norris
    Chuck Norris can hit a grand slam without anyone being on base.

  13. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2009 10:25am UTC
    You made a lot of mistakes
    walked down the road a little sideways
    had a pocket full of regrets
    pulled you down faster than a sunset
    hey it happens to us all
    when the cold hard rain just won't quit
    and you can't see your way out of it
    .... you find your faith
    -Unstoppable by Rascal Flatts

  14. tarynanne13 tarynanne13
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2009 10:13am UTC
    Whys it have to from good to gone before the lights turn on?
    - here comes goodbye, rascal flatts
    **first quote ever


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