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Member Since: 6 Dec 2008 08:15pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 59718

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Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.


The name's Becca.
I love life.
Let's be friends!

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both optimists and pessimists contribute
to society. the optimist invents the airplane
and the pessimist, the parachute.


  1. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2009 8:52pm UTC
    I'm a mess,
    And so is my room. I like it better that way.
    I laugh too much for my own good
    and I always say the wrong thing at the right time.
    I'm loud, and chances are I'll never end up hating you,
    even if I say I do... go figure.
    I can't keep a steady relationship to save my life
    because I'm not 'girlfriend material'
    Diet coke and Batman underwear turn me on and
    I don't believe i n re a l lov e an y more

  2. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2009 7:01pm UTC
    He reached for her hand,
    "I don't want to lose you," he said
    his voice was almost a whisper.
    She could feel the tears, she
    fought them back.
    "But you don't want to keep me either, do you?"
    to that, he had no response.

  3. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2009 12:06pm UTC
    I'm scared, and I don't say that often
    but I can't stand the fact that you could hurt me.
    I don't like being this close, but I love it.
    You're my everything, and I hate it.
    because you have everything you need to break me.
    And I'm not saying you will,
    But I'm scared.

  4. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2009 8:56pm UTC
    We all have that boy,
    the boy you're completely over,
    but still think about before you go to sleep.
    The boy who you avoid talking to,
    but still wish he would text you, just once.
    The one that you try so hard not to think aobut,
    but always wonder if he's thinking of you

  5. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2009 6:01pm UTC
    One day
    a little girl was playing around with a paper clip.
    she was sitting between her best guy friend and
    the guy she had a crush on. "What are you doing?"
    the little girls best friend asked. The girl tapped her
    crush on the shoulder and gave him the paper clip,
    which was bent out of it's old shape and now looked
    like a heart. He played around with it, dropped it, stepped
    on it, and eventually gave it back to her. The girls eyes
    started to water... "I gave him my heart and he just
    broke it" She turned to her best friend as the scrap
    metal fell to the ground. Just then, her best friend
    took the broken heart and fiddled around with it.
    He showed the girl the metal which he had
    bent back into a heart and said
    "here I fixed your heart can l have it?"

  6. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2009 6:02pm UTC
    Love is like chewing gum
    when you first start chewing you think
    "wow, this is great!" Then you keep chewing
    and it loses taste, but you don't really
    want to give it up. You've gotten used
    to the constant chewing, so you keep doing
    it. Then all of the sudden, you accidentally
    take a bite on the inside of your mouth
    and you swear to god you'll never chew gum
    again. And now you have to live with that
    sore and all you think about is
    "Why didn't I spit it out sooner?"
    The sore gets better, and eventually you
    forget about it. Then one day,
    someone comes up to you and says
    "Hey, do you want a piece of gum?"
    and it all starts over again...

  7. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2009 2:16pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2009 7:25pm UTC
    in life we learn a lot of things
    which movie theaters have cup holders, which
    classmate is most reliable to cheat off of,
    how to give and take advice, how and why
    to love, which roads harbour hidden cops,
    times to laugh and which towns have your
    bank's branch. but among the most important
    things we learn is;
    just because we argue doesn't mean there's no love
    and just because we aren't related doesn't
    mean we're not family.

  9. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2009 12:58pm UTC
    Let's be the couple
    everyone wishes they could be
    let's walk in the rain and hold
    hands the whole time. Let's look
    at the stars and kiss all night long,
    let's take it slow and then speed it up.
    let's be friends. let's be lovers.
    let's be together
    Just you and me

  10. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 2:40pm UTC
    like my favorite record you're a little overplayed
    and like my favorite summer, you'll never fade away.

  11. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 2:08pm UTC
    Everyone's always asking
    "are you okay?"
    but they don't really expect an honest answer
    because the truth of the matter is
    if i was okay,
    you wouldn't have to ask

  12. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2009 11:33am UTC
    He said "I never meant to hurt you"
    she said that doesn't really matter, because in the end
    it still hurts the same

  13. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2009 10:49pm UTC
    here's to the girls
    the ones that stayed up late hoping he'd text back
    and made up lies pretending he was busy to make
    themselves feel better. Here's to the ones that gave
    him their whole heart just to have it smashed. The
    ones who couldn't even talk to their best friends about
    it because it seemed stupid not to bve over him yet.
    Here's to the ones that stayped up crying, listening to
    music that fit their mood and still hoped he'd come back

  14. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2009 5:18pm UTC
    I believe in sleeping in
    I believe in giving 100% when you only have 80.
    I believe in love, arguing and jamming out
    when you're by yourself in the car. I believe
    in kisses on the forehead, smiling till your cheeks hurt,
    and laughing until you cry. I believe in being silly and
    crazy with your friends. I believe in taking chances
    and making mistakes. I believe in having someone
    tell you that you're beautiful. I believe in swinging
    on swings and running in the rain. I believe in miracles
    and random acts of kindness. I believe in saying hello
    to anyone and everyone. I believe in second chances
    But I don't believe everyone deserves one

  15. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2009 4:59pm UTC
    She smiles like everyone expects her to
    she's living up to the expectation of
    never letting anything get to her.
    but something's wrong with that smile today.
    congratulations kid,
    [you got to her]

  16. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2009 4:38pm UTC
    Admit it
    We flirt with eachother, we have so
    much fun with eachother. We laugh
    with eachother and we even try to be
    with eachother. And I believe that
    we secretly love eachother.
    So how come when i think of you
    and wonder if you're thinking of me
    it feels like you aren't?

  17. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2009 3:52pm UTC
    you started to see
    right through me, and
    i'm loving every minute of it.
    It's like i'm born again
    everytime i breathe in.
    So if you're curious,
    my favorite color's blue
    and i like to sing in the shower
    if you like i'll sing to you

  18. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 6:10pm UTC
    just like a scratched CD
    you make my heart skip a beat

  19. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 6:08pm UTC
    seeing you
    used to be like being hit by a train.
    but now it's more like
    "damn, i hope he gets hit by a train."

  20. swimmingislife swimmingislife
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 5:56pm UTC
    *she could tell you everything about him*
    and he can't even tell you what color her eyes are.


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