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Member Since: 8 Jun 2011 02:47pm

Last Seen: 5 Apr 2012 08:02pm

user id: 181080

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My Life Is The Most Complicated Thing Understand. It Begins One Day And Ends The Next. Its A World That Many People Dont Want To Explore And Get To Know. It Has Many Down Sides To It And Also Has Many Upsides To It As Well. Walk Into My World And Discover The harsh And Wonderful Things About My Life. The Doors Are open Just Waiting For You To Enter Them And Experience The Thrill Of Your life
hey, its Patricia. I am 15 years young, 

  1. summerbabe96 summerbabe96
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2012 10:50pm UTC
    follow me and ill cheak out your blog , !

  2. summerbabe96 summerbabe96
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 10:32pm UTC
    You are beautiful
    Black, white, gay, straight, bisexual. Whether you are smart or quiet or impossibly in love with your best
    friend, someone out there cherishes your smile and gets butterflies when you walk into a room.
    Someone out there can't stop thinking about you. You Are Beautiful. Don't ever believe differently .

  3. summerbabe96 summerbabe96
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2012 10:24pm UTC
    Im not going to make this all pretty.
    Okay , to all you boys and girls. Most of you smoke or drink by now, all im saying is be careful. I mean yeah it is fun to drink and smoke but in the long run you wont realize how bad you are actually doing for your body , Well im going to give you an example , my cousin didn't realize til it might have been to late. She has been threw so many drugs and has been drinking since she was 15 now 27 , it has taken her to the hospital now she was in a coma for 4 weeks and opened her eyes two days before it would have been a month , but she still has a long hard road ahead of her , the weed and alchol took a tole on her liver ,lung and heart and now she needs open heart surgery , seems easy right ? well not so much , she has so much fluids in her sistum its rediculous. She has months and months of recovery ahead of her just in the hospital and its going to take her years to learn to talk , walk and do every day activities . Please don't do drug or alchol im quiting cold turkey because i don't want to end up like her , and i dont want any of you guys to either , so if you do do alchol or drugs don't take in to much .
    & do me a quick favor and pray for my cousin please <3

  4. summerbabe96 summerbabe96
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2011 2:47pm UTC
    we spend all school year,
    getting ready for summer,
    and all summer,
    getting ready for the school year


  5. summerbabe96 summerbabe96
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2011 12:35pm UTC
    i want to see how bad you witty girls are
    like if you have only made out, comment if you have gone futher ♥ ///

  6. summerbabe96 summerbabe96
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 12:40pm UTC
    Think about this.
    The person you are going to marry is walking the Earth at this very second.
    That thought alone should give you hope to continue each and every day,
    knowing someone, somewhere is completely in love with you,
    even if you both don't know it yet don't know it yet .♥

  7. summerbabe96 summerbabe96
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 12:36pm UTC
    You are beautiful
    Black, white, gay, straight, bisexual. Whether you are smart or quiet or impossibly in love with your best
    friend, someone out there cherishes your smile and gets butterflies when you walk into a room.
    Someone out there can't stop thinking about you. You Are Beautiful. Don't ever believe differently .

  8. summerbabe96 summerbabe96
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 11:59pm UTC
    you broke my heart.
    i hate you.
    but hearing your voice,
    i just can't stop smiling

  9. summerbabe96 summerbabe96
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2011 6:16pm UTC
    &They say there is plenty
    of fish in the sea
    but i think
    mine was one of nemos many siblings that
    got killed by a shark.


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