Witty Profiles

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  1. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2011 7:35pm UTC
    three strikes
    Chapter 33
    -7 Months Later-
    My mother kissed my forehead one last time, brushing my hair away from my face.
    "Darling, I'm so proud of you. Your father is, too." she cried.
    I wrapped my arms around my mother, giving her a tight hug.
    "I love you." I whispered in her ear.
    "Oh, Kendall. You know I love you, too."
    I exited the front door, carrying my matching set of blue suitcases behind.
    Jesse exited his car, as he helped me carry my luggages in the trunk.
    He brushed his hands off after we finished, as he started the engine to his car.
    "Are you ready, babe?" he smirked.
    I slapped his arm playfully, as I nodded. "Don't call me babe. And yes, I am."
    "Are you sure? It's going to be a long four hour drive to Pennsylvania." Jesse teased.
    "I am absolutely sure. Besides, you can entertain me while I'm bored."
    Jesse nodded, as his dark hair fell in his eyes.
    He started pulling out of our driveway, as he headed onto the road.
    Before I got to react, I noticed that Jesse had passed the highway that we were suppose to go on.
    "Jesse? You just passed the highway entrance." I pointed out.
    Jesse chuckled, as he pressed on the pedal even harder. "I know."
    I frowned in confusion. "Well, go make a U turn and go back."
    Jesse shook his head. "I want to go somewhere first, before we leave."
    "No buts."
    I stayed quiet, as I watched Jesse drive towards a beach that Scarlett, Nate, Jesse and I all hung around during the summer.
    Jesse stopped, as he got out of the car abruptly, leaving me to follow him.
    "J-Jesse, where are you going?" I demanded, as he started pacing in the sand.
    As I walked, sand kicked behind me, letting the sand sink between my toes.
    "I have to tell you something before we go." Jesse said, squinting in the sunlight.
    I frowned. "You aren't pregnant, are you?"
    Jesse looked at me, sighing. "This isn't time for jokes, Kendall. I'm serious."
    His face was straight, and suddenly, I was scared.
    "What is it, Jesse?" I asked, shuffling my feet.
    Jesse shook his head. "You won't get mad at me, will you? Because this will ruin everything."
    I chuckled nervously. "What are you saying, Jesse? Everything's be fine, perfect! My mother is doing great, we both have scholarships, and we'll be going to the same college!"
    Jesse bit his lip. "T-that's where the problem comes in..."
    "About what?" I asked.
    "I-I'm not going to Penn State with you, Kendall." he sighed.
    "W-what?" I hesitated.
    "I got a full scholarship for sports during the beginning of this summer... to Berkeley."
    "B-Berkeley? As in... California?" I asked, eyes widening.
    He nodded. "S-sorry, Kendall. I knew how much you wanted for us to go to Penn, but this was just too good of an offer to turn down."
    I shook my head. "Why did you wait until now to tell me?"
    "I-I didn't want to hurt you."
    I chuckled, wiping away tears that had fallen.
    "I'm not mad, you idiot. I'm proud of you. I might be upset that you waited so long to tell me... but I'm so happy for you. A full scholarship? That's amazing." I breathed.
    "No buts." I cut him off, sealing it with a kiss.
    The End.

  2. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2011 3:28pm UTC
    three strikes
    Chapter 32
    -Two Weeks Later-
    "Jesse? Why am I blindfolded?" I asked, reaching out my hands for something to grab.
    My palms came in touch with a soft hand, as I heard Jesse in front of me, lightly chuckling.
    "Be patient. We're almost there." he assured.
    I groaned, obviously not liking the fact that I couldn't see.
    We finally came to a stop, as a gentle breeze ran through my hair.
    I felt Jesse's warm hand lingering on my face, as he lifted up the red blindfold carefully.
    I held in my breath, as I studied the view in front of me.
    We were on a porch decorated with little lanterns hanging, and there was a clear view of the city ahead of us.
    In the center of the porch was a table for two, with a single rose in the middle, and candles decorating around it.
    "Y-you did this dor our date?" I asked, breathlessly.
    Jesse rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Why is that so hard to believe?"
    I shook my head, smiling shyly.
    "Well, I expected something different from you." I smirked.
    Jesse raised an eyebrow. "Different, how?"
    "You know, you do seem like the type to plan a one night stand for a first date." I joked, pushing his shoulder gently.
    He didn't budge though.
    Instead, he held my hand, and guided me to the table in the center.
    He pulled out a chair for me, as I smoothed out the hem of my dress.
    I sat down, and smiled at him.
    He sat across from me, as the wind gently blew his shaggy hair away from his eyes.
    "Why are you looking at me like that?" Jesse asked, frowning.
    My face grew hot, as I began playing with the red rose in the transparent vase.
    "L-like what?" I stuttered, hoping he didn't notice me checking him out.
    Jesse shrugged. "I don't know. You don't think this is too cliche for a first date, do you?"
    I shook my head. "No way. This is perfect."
    Jesse smiled in pleasure, as a waiter dressed in a tie came out with two wine glasses and two menus.
    "Mr. Collins, it's a pleasure to see you this evening. May I start you and your date off with a glass of red wine?" the waiter asked with a foreign accent.
    Normally, I would've rejected his offer, but I nodded.
    I watched as the waiter poured a deep, red liquid substance into a tall wine glass.
    "I'll be back to take your orders in a moment." the waiter added, leaving.
    Jesse took a sip of his wine.
    "Do you want to check out with view before we eat?" Jesse asked.
    I nodded, as I took the glass of wine with me.
    We stood up, approaching the edge of the porch.
    Below us was a wonder of city lights and tall buildings.
    "It's amazing." I whispered.
    "Just like you are." Jesse muttered under his breath.
    I turned red, as I lifted the glass to my mouth.
    I let the wine enter my mouth, but as soon as I swallowed it, I began coughing.
    Jesse flinched, holding my back with a worried expression.
    "Kendall? Are you okay?" he asked.
    I nodded, coughing one last time, as I settled the glass down.
    "I'm fine, t-thanks." I flustered with embarassment.
    Curse you, Kendall!
    Why do you have to be so weak when it comes to wine?!
    "It's my fault, I should've remembered that you weren't a big drinker." Jesse sighed, patting my back gently.
    "No, no. It's okay, really." I smiled in assurance.
    His lips moved upward, as he stared at me for a long moment.
    I began to get lost in his eccentric blue eyes, as him and I leant forward.
    Our noses touched, and just as our lips were about to, the waiter entered the porch.
    I didn't post for a few days because i was taking a break.
    its thanksgiving break, and i wanted to enjoy it. srryzzzz.

  3. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 9:23pm UTC
    three strikes
    Chapter 31
    "So, is this considered our first date?" I asked, sticking a French fry in my mouth.
    Jesse rolled his eyes, and took a long sip of his vanilla and chocolate blended milkshake.
    "No, Kendall. I told you, I need time to think about it."
    I smirked, dipping my French fries in a pool of ketchup.
    "It sounds like you're going to break up with me, or something."
    Jesse shot me a glare. "Well, what I meant was I need time to think about what to do for our date. I mean, I don't want to do something cliche, or something lame."
    I sighed dramatically, swallowing a mouthful of greasy fries.
    "Can't we just go to a movie or something?" I asked.
    "That's the lame part." Jesse said.
    I narrowed my eyes at him. "What about something like... a picnic on a rooftop?! That sounds so-!"
    "Cliche." Jesse finished.
    I glared at the dark haired brunette. "I was going to say romantic."
    Jesse grunted, swirling the straw in his milkshake.
    "I just want our first date to be perfect. I don't want it to be like how it was with other girls, simple movie and dinner. I want to do something... unique."
    I mentally groaned when he said 'other girls'.
    I still couldn't believe that I was pretty much going out, for real, with someone like Jesse.
    After all, he was known as the notorious playboy of our school.
    And I used to hate people like him- arrogant and what not.
    But, look at where I was now.
    In love, and talking about suggestions for dates with him.
    "What's wrong? Why do you have that face?" Jesse asked, concerned.
    I frowned, shaking my head. "What face?"
    Jesse grinned, tapping my nose.
    "That innocent, cute, pouty face." he smirked.
    I flustered, slapping his hand away from my nose.
    "Ha ha, hilarious." I sarcastically remarked, playfully glaring at him.
    After we finished eating, Jesse drove the both of us in his new Lamborghini convertiable.
    We stopped at the driveway of his mansion, as we headed towards his large backyard.
    He guided us through the fence, as I could see a crystal clear pool and a large basketball court.
    "Do you want to play basketball?" Jesse asked, stripping off his black hoodie.
    I shuddered, shaking my head. "Are you crazy? It's barely fourty degrees right now."
    Jesse shrugged, as his white t-shirt clung on his body, showing off his perfectly sculpted stomach.
    "Come, I'll make you warm if you get cold." he winked.
    I scrunched my nose in disgust.
    "No, I'm fine. Besides, I don't know how to play."
    Jesse raised an eyebrow at me.
    "Pretty please? I'll teach you. Come on." he pleaded.
    I sighed, giving up.
    I approached the center of the basketball court, where he stood.
    "Okay, what now?" I asked, crossing my arms stubbornly.
    "Let me see the way you shoot the ball. Come here." Jesse guided, pulling me gently towards the free throw line.
    He handed me the amber, orange ball, as it landed firmly in my palms.
    I took in a deep breath.
    I jumped up in midair, releasing the ball from my hands.
    It hit the back of the board, and sprang into the hoop.
    "See? You do know how to play." Jesse pointed out.
    I glared at him. "I got lucky."
    Jesse grinned, as he wrapped his warm arms around my waist, pulling me in closer.
    "Don't worry, I can teach you how to play." he breathed.

  4. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 9:13pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 5:11pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2011 7:02pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 10:22pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. Nikki Sixx* Nikki Sixx*
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 10:43am UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. CrazyDervz CrazyDervz
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 10:43am UTC
    I hate how in movies
    They yell out hello?
    As if the bad guys gonna be like,
    Yeah, Im in the kitchen,
    Want a sandwich?
    format ThatsSoMeee ♥

  10. bluexeyedxblondiex bluexeyedxblondiex
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2011 10:50am UTC
    school is so much better
    When on witty :D
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  11. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2011 5:22pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2011 9:44pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2011 7:19pm UTC
    three strikes
    Chapter 24
    I got home later that day, finding my mom passed out on the couch, once again.
    Beer bottles and half eaten boxes of Chinese food were scattered on the floor.
    I stared at my mother's sleeping body with disapproval, as I began cleaning up her mess.
    As I held a few glass beer bottles in my hands, the doorbell rang.
    It startled me, causing me to drop the bottles on the floor.
    A loud crashing sound echoed in my house, as the glass shattered.
    I bit my lip, glancing over my mom.
    I let out a breath, knowning I didn't wake her up.
    Thank God she was a heavy sleeper.
    I tip toed to the front door, trying to avoid getting my foot cut.
    When I opened the door, Jesse stood there.
    "Why are you here?" I panicked.
    Jesse frowned, dusting the snow off of his black hoodie.
    "Hello to you, too." he sarcastically said.
    I bit my lower lip, looking behind me.
    My house was a mess! I couldn't let Jesse in, especially not now.
    I rolled my eyes at Jesse.
    "Hi, Jesse." I greeted. "Now what do you want?"
    Jesse seemed hurt for a second, but he replaced it with a smirk.
    "What? Is it so hard to believe that I came to visit you?" he asked.
    I hesitated. "Yes."
    Jesse placed his hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt. "Kendall, how could you?" he cried.
    I sighed. "It's a bad time now. Can you come over tomorrow?"
    Jesse seemed curious now.
    He peeked over my shoulder, but I blocked him.
    "What are you hiding from me? You're so mysterious, Kendall." he groaned.
    "Nothing, it's just... I'm studying." I snapped.
    Jesse raised an eyebrow. "Studying? Oh, I could study with you."
    I shook my head quickly. "No, no! I'm good. But thanks."
    Jesse grunted, with his expression turning angry now.
    "I'm tired of you making up excuses, Kendall. Why aren't you letting me in?" Jesse crossed his arms.
    I avoided the sharp look in his eyes.
    "Is it because Cole is in there?" Jesse coldly asked.
    My eyes widened.
    "He is? Isn't he?" Jesse angrily asked.
    Before I could stop the six foot figure, he pushed me over gently, entering my house.
    I shut my eyes tightly, as soon as I heard the footsteps stopping.
    Jesse thinks I'm psychotic now.
    I peeked out of my eyes, seeing Jesse standing, staring around my living room.
    It was now that I realized how messy and bad it looked.
    Broken shards of glass were everywhere, and it didn't help that my mother was passed out on the floor.
    Jesse slowly turned to me.
    "Kendall? What's going on?" he asked softly.
    I swallowed the lump in my throat, and sucked in the insides of my cheeks.
    I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.
    What was I going to say to Jesse?
    "Well, Cole's not here." I lamely said.
    I mentally slapped my self for even thinking of that.
    "Is there something you want to tell me?" Jesse asked lowly, trying not to wake up my mom.
    I shook my head.
    "Nope, not really."
    Jesse grunted at my stuborness.
    "That wasn't a question."
    I sighed, and sagged my shoulders.
    "Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked.

  14. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2011 8:54pm UTC
    t h ree strikes
    Chapter 23
    The weekend was over before I knew it, and I was already back in hell, school.
    Girls were gossiping in the school hallways about who they hooked up with after the winter formal, and guys were counting how many girls they got to grind with in one night.
    I rolled my eyes at the immaturity.
    Biting my lip, I saw Jesse leaning against a locker, talking to Jessica.
    He didn't look as flirtatious as usual.
    In fact, Jesse looked irritated.
    He rolled his eyes whenever Jessica giggled.
    He looked behind Jessica, and noticed me watching him.
    My eyes widened, as I blushed, quickly walking by him.
    "Wait, Kendall!" he called out.
    I stopped dead in my tracks, turning around weakly.
    Jesse had caught up with me, holding my arm, as Jessica glared at me with envy.
    "Jesse, we were talking." Jessica gritted through her perfect, white teeth.
    Jesse fegined a sorrowful face.
    "Oh, sorry, Jessica. I just need to talk to my girlfriend." Jesse smiled.
    I stopped breathing. Girlfriend?
    A growl escaped Jessica's perfect, pouty lips, as she stomped her feet.
    "Fine!" she gave up.
    She approached Jesse, holding the collar of his t-shirt.
    She narrowed her eyes, and planted a kiss on Jesse's soft cheek.
    "I'll see you later." she giggled, pushing past me.
    As soon as she was out of sight, I looked back up at Jesse.
    He was wiping his cheek with the back of his hand.
    I raised my eyebrow in amusement.
    "She left something gross and sticky on my cheek." Jesse groaned.
    He sniffed the back of his hand, making a face.
    "What the hell? It smells like cotton candy."
    I laughed, smacking the side of his arm.
    "That's because it's lip gloss." I explained.
    Jesse chuckled, walking down the hall with me to class.
    "Well, girls shouldn't use it. It's disgusting." Jesse grinned.
    "But, it's the thing that makes guys fall head over heels for them. Pouty, shiny lips." I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes.
    Jesse paused. "Well, I like natural girls."
    His gaze met mine, but he quickly looked away.
    I felt my heart beating.
    What was this feeling? It was weird.
    "L-like who?" I boldly asked.
    Jesse's lips curled as he stared off into space.
    "Someone like-"
    Before Jesse got to finish, someone called out my name.
    I sighed, turning around to see Scarlett waving me over.
    Why was it times like these when Jesse and I always got inturrupted?
    "You can go. Chemistry is just down the hall, anyway." Jesse assured, shoving his hands in his pockets.
    I bit my lip, and nodded. "I'll see you later."
    I caught up with Scarlett, as she raised an eyebrow with confusion.
    "What were you doing with the jerk?" she snarled.
    I rolled my eyes. "Jesse's not a jerk."
    Scarlett stopped in her tracks. "Why are you defending him?"
    "Because he's not a jerk. Honestly." I frowned.
    Scarlett smirked. "Oh, you are so falling for him." she muttered.
    11/11/11 :)
    HEEY GUYSS. So, like. I love you all for reading and stuff. lol.
    & if you have nothing nice to say about my writing, then don't comment.
    i dont appreciate people calling my characters and stories 'retarded'. it's a rude insult and an improper word. ;)

  15. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 10:21pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2011 9:24pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. DamnnTaylerx DamnnTaylerx
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 3:35pm UTC
    Sometimes, even the happiest people
    break down.

  18. notbeautifulnotbothered notbeautifulnotbothered
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 12:41pm UTC
    Guy: It's over between us.
    Girl: Your last name didn't go well with my first name anyway.

  19. An'* An'*
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 6:53pm UTC
    something he sAys to her
    could stay in her mind for days. ♥

  20. ForeverYounq_ ForeverYounq_
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 9:17pm UTC
    I can't regret my ex's,
    cause at that time, he was
    all i ever wanted.


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