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Last Seen: 24 Jun 2013 08:06pm

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I'm Nicole Marie, 17 years old(:
Junior in High School.
One Direction& Joe Brooks<33
"Swimming is a sport. Everything else is just a game." 
I love to write stories, you should read them!
*I'm the girl on the right in my profile picture. That's me and my best friend before prom! 

'Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?" 
-What a girl wants<33

  1. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 11:27pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 12
    We pulled apart and Tyler embraced me in his arms.
    "I'm sick of this. I hate fighting with you." he said, kissing the top of my head.
    "I know Ty. I don't know why I believed those stupid rumors. I just didn't know what to make of it all." I replied.
    "We're together now and that's all that matters." he said, hugging me tight. I hugged him back, glad that we weren't fighting anymore.
    "I'll pick you up for school tomorrow?" he asked, giving me one last kiss before he left. I shook my head yes, and smiled as he left. I was happy again, and it was about time. I went to sleep, glad everything was fine between Tyler and me.
    When I woke up the next morning, I threw on a blue top and a pair of white skinny jeans, with matching blue flats. I fishtailed my hair and grabbed my schoolbag, walking downstairs and out the door to Tyler's car.
    "Hey." I said, getting in the passenger's seat. He leaned over and grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers with mine. I smiled at this gestures, glad things were okay with us again.
    "You're beautiful." he said randomly. I was blushing, hard.
    "Thanks baby." I said, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek. He did that adorable half smile thing, and I was just so glad he was mine. After we got to school, I had to go to my locker, so I told him I would meet him at lunch.
    "Okay babe. Good luck on your psychology test!" he said, and I laughed because I wasn't taking psychology. It was sweet of him to remember I had a test today though. But in philosophy. I walked to my locker, and Luke gave me the usual hello. We walked to first period together and took our seats next to each other. Luke was really starting to become someone I could trust, even if Tyler didn't like it. After the first half of the day was done, I walked to my locker to get my lunch.
    "Hey Martinezzzzz!" I said, before Luke could greet me. I was in a good mood because Tyler and I were perfect again. Luke waited for me to get my lunch out of my locker, then we went to lunch. I couldn't find Tyler for a few minutes, so I sat with Luke. Shortly after, Tyler arrived. And didn't look too happy that I was sitting with Luke.
    "Hey Kourt. We're sitting over there." he said, pointing to a table full of jocks.
    "Oh, okay. Wanna come sit with us Luke?" I asked, even though Tyler wouldn't like it.
    "That's alright. I'm good here." he replied, and I gave him an apologetic look before following Tyler.
    "Wanna come over after school?" he asked me, and I shook my head yes. We've been dating for a few months and I still haven't met his parents.
    After school ended, I met Tyler at his truck. He drove to his house, and I couldn't help but stare at him for most of the ride there.
    "What?" he asked, looking self conscious.
    "Nothing. I just can't believe that I'm lucky enough to date a stud like you." I said, winking and giggling. He laughed, and pulled into his driveway.
    "Mom, Dad!" he called, and realized his parents were standing a few feet away.
    "And who's this?" his mother asked, walking over to us.
    "This is my gorgeous girlfriend Kourtney." he said, biting his lip to keep from smiling too much. His parents shook my hand and introduced themselves.
    "It's so nice to meet the girl we've been hearing so much about!" said his father, and I laughed, feeling glad that Tyler has told his parents about me.
    "She's great, trust me." Tyler said, pressing his lips against mine and throwing his arm around my back. I think, just maybe, I might be falling in love.
    sorry I haven't uploaded in like forever! I went on vacation for a few weeks to the dominican republic! but I'm back and will try to write more often!

  2. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2012 9:48pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 11
    I was so frustrated, I couldn't concentrate all day. The thought of Tyler cheating on me with Megan. Of all people. I don't understand why though. And if he didn't, why would people make that up? I left school early, walking home. I walked into the house and didn't even acknowledge Nick.
    "Hey, everything alright?" he asked.
    "Fine." I said, and walked up to my room. I spent all afternoon doing homework and studying, because it took my mind off Tyler. I got a text message from him around 6 o'clock.
    Tyler: Can we talk? Please?
    I didn't reply, because I was still upset with him. I don't know what to believe. I went back to my schoolwork and took a break at 7 for dinner. I walked into the kitchen and Nick was sitting at the table.
    "So you finally come out of your room." he said, laughing. I pretended to not hear him, and got myself something to eat.
    "So you skipped swim practice today?" he asked.
    "Yeah." I answered, really not in the mood to talk to him right now.
    "Are you gonna tell me why?" he asked, trying to get me to open up.
    "Because I have a bunch of homework and I'm really not feeling all that great." I said, which was the truth.
    "Is that all?" he asked, and I shook my head yes.
    "Okay, seriously. What's up?" he asked, sensing something was wrong.
    "I really don't want to talk about it right now Nick. Especially with you." I said, turning my back to him while searching through the cabinets.
    "Tyler called the house earlier. Are you gonna call him back?" he asked.
    "No." I said.
    "Are you two still together?" he asked.
    "Yeah. No offense, but I'm really not in the mood to talk right now." I said.
    "Okay. Well Marissa and I are going out tonight, just wake me up before you have to leave for school tomorrow." he said. I went back to my room and finished my homework at around 9 o'clock. I heard a knock on the double doors leading from my room to the patio. I looked through the curtains and saw Tyler standing out there in the pouring rain. With no umbrella. I unlocked the door and opened it. I didn't say hi to him or anything, just waited for him to speak.
    "I called and texted." he said. I just stared at the ground.
    "Kourt. You have to believe me. I would never cheat on you. Especially with Megan." he said, staring into my eyes.
    "Tyler, I really don't know what to believe." I said.
    "We're never going to get through this if we don't talk." he said, still standing in the rain.
    "Then talk." I said.
    "Can I come in?" he asked, gesturing to my dry bedroom. I opened the door wider and let him in.
    "Kourtney. Things are going so good for us. Why would i want to screw that up?" he asked.
    "I honestly don't know. But if you didn't cheat on me, why are people saying you hooked up with Megan?" I asked, frustrated.
    "I don't know!" he yelled.
    "Ty, I don't know if I can do this." I said.
    "What? You're gonna let this rumor tear us apart?" he said.
    "I just want you to tell me the truth!" I screamed.
    "I DIDN'T CHEAT ON YOU!" he hollered.
    "How can you prove it?" I asked, quieter.
    He didn't answer me with words, but his lips crushed into mine. And in that moment, it didn't matter whether or not he cheated on me, all that mattered was that we were together.

  3. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    June 4, 2012 9:51pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 10
    Tyler and I were going strong a month into our relationship. Luke and I were friends. Everything was going pretty good. Well, at least I thought it was.
    I woke up and took a quick shower. I braided my hair to the side while throwing on an off white shirt and a pair of jean capris. I laced up my pink nikes and grabbed my school stuff.
    "Nick, Tyler's giving me a ride today. I'll be home after school." I said, walking out the front door to greet my boyfriend. I got in his truck and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
    "Hey babe. You look cute today." he said, smiling at me. I buckeld my seatbelt, and he drove us to school.
    When we got to school, Tyler and I got out of the car and walked through the double doors hand in hand. People were staring at us, and I didn't know why.
    "Why is everyone looking at us?" I whispered as we continued to walk through the halls.
    "Probably just jealous cause my girlfriend's the most gorgeous girl ever." he said, flashing me a smile.
    I heard them whispering, and it was starting to get on my nerves. I caught part of a conversation going on between two sophmores.
    "Yeah, I heard he slept with Megan. Like yesterday." said one of the girls said.
    "What are they talking about?" I asked him, my tone suddenly serious.
    "I don't know." he said, scratching the back of his neck.
    "Tyler, seriously. Are they talking about you?" I asked, hoping they had just misheard something.
    "I have no idea." he said.
    "Fine." I said, walking off towards my locker. I felt like Tyler wasn't telling me something, but I ignored it.
    "Nice kicks Martin." Luke said as I walked to my locker.
    "Thanks Luke." I said, smiling. I just needed a friend right now.
    "So what's up? Everything alright?" he asked me.
    "Yeah. Actually, no." I said, and started to confide in him.
    "You haven't heard?" he asked, and a look of pain crossed his face.
    "What?" I asked, eager to know.
    "Apparently Megan and Tyler hooked up over the weekend." he said, staring at the ground while he said that.
    "What?" I asked, not wanting to believe it. He repeated himself, and I just walked off. I went to my first period class in a badn mood, and when the bell rang I went to find Tyler.
    "Tyler!" I called out his name when I spotted him coming out of the english classroom.
    "Hey babe." he said, wrapping his arms around me and giving me a hug.
    I didn't hug him back, and he must have sensed something was wrong.
    "Is it true?" I whispered, staring at the ground.
    "Is what true?" he asked back.
    "Don't lie to me. Did you kiss her?" I asked, looking up into his eyes.
    "Who? Megan? No! I didn't! I swear." he said, staring into my eyes. A part of me wanted to believe him, but I just turned my back on him and walked away.
    Is it true? Did he really cheat on me? With Megan of all people?
    sorry, short chapter! i feel bad for not writing, but it's the last week of school & i have finals! then summer(:

  4. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 7:58pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 9
    Luke walked away after he said that, and I was confused. I walked to my locker and grabbed my books for the next class. Tyler met me at my locker and walked me to english.
    "You coming to the game tonight?" he asked, with a winning smile.
    "I think so." I said, still not sure. I walked into my english class, and the class went by fast. I had chemistry afterwards, which went by fast because it was my best subject. I walked to my locker to grab my lunch, and saw Luke at his.
    "Hey." he said.
    "Hi." I replied, feeling awkward.
    "Look, just forget about what I said earlier." he said, shoving his hands in his pockets. I shut my locker and turned towards him.
    "Only if you tell me what you meant by it." I said, actually curious.
    "I just think a girl like you should be with someone better than Tyler." he said, looking at the ground.
    "Like who?" I asked, knowing what was coming next.
    "Like me." he said, looking into my eyes. His eyes were beautiful, and I had never noticed that before.
    "Luke, you're a good guy. But I really like Tyler. I feel like you and me are starting to become good friends." I said.
    "Friends. Okay." he said, walking past me. I walked next to him, and Megan walked by us. She gave me a dirty look. I just ignored it.
    "Luke, I'm serious. I really think of you as a friend." i said, meaning it.
    "Okay. I guess we can be friends." he said, cracking a smile. We walked into the lunch room together, and I saw Tyler sitting at his table. I remembered I told him I would sit with him today, so I said bye to Luke and walked over to where my boyfriend was sitting. I sat between him and Joey, a varsity soccer player, and my ex-boyfriend.
    "Just like old times." he whispered in my ear. I ignored his comment. Joey broke up with me in order to date Megan.
    Lunch was fun, and afterward I had an hour and a half of study hall, so I just went home.
    "Tyler, do you have class now?" I asked, hoping he would say no.
    "Spanish. Sorry babe." he said, and walked off to his class.
    "You need a ride? I have study hall this period." said a familiar voice. Luke.
    "Um.." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.
    "Come on, we're friends right?" he said, trying to convince me.
    "Well I really don't want to talk, so sure." I said, and followed him out to his car. The ride was kind of quiet, except for the music on the radio. I told him where I lived, which was near him. He pulled into my driveway, and for some reason, I invited him in.
    "You wanna hang out? I don't have homework, and it gets boring around here." I said, suprising myself.
    "Sure." he said, following me to the back patio. We just hung out and talked. I learned that he was going through a tough time right now, because his mom was just diagnosed with cancer. He had a lot of stuff going on in his life, but you would never be able to tell. About two hours later, I heard a car door shut. I thought it was just Nick, but realized I was wrong when I heard some guy call out my name. Tyler.
    "Uh oh. Tyler's here." I said, staying seated.
    He walked out back and saw Luke and I talking.
    "Kourtney? What are you doing?" he asked, looking confused.
    "Nick couldn't pick me up, so Luke gave me a ride home." I explained. He walked up to us, and I couldn't help but notice there was the slightest bit of pain in his eyes.
    "I should go." Luke said, standing up and leaving. I said bye, and he drove away.
    "What was that about?" he asked, looking jealous.
    "What? I can't be friends with him?" I asked.
    "Do you have feelings for him?" he asked, the words soft and quiet.
    "No." I said, even though I knew I was lying.
    feedback, please!

  5. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 6:44pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 8
    I went up to my room to change out of my bathing suit. I threw on a pair of white shorts and a black tshirt and walked back downstairs. I only imagined how awkward it was for Tyler to hang out with my brother while I got changed, knowing that he didn't like him.
    "I'm back!" I announced, walking into the kitchen. Marissa was cooking, which suprised me.
    "So how did you and Marissa meet?" I asked, actually curious. She looked like the kind of girl you would meet in a club, which is probably where Nick did meet her.
    "Through friends." he said vaguely, and I knew what that meant. The dinner wasn't as awkward as I had thought it was going to be. I was nice to Marissa, because I wanted Nick to be happy. He was civil with Tyler, which I appreciated. I couldn't see why he didn't like Tyler, because he's only met him once before. After Tyler left, Nick and Marissa went out for the night, leaving me home alone. I went up to my bedroom and logged into my Facebook account.
    RELATIONSHIP REQUEST FROM TYLER JOHNSON. I accepted, and saw that I had a new message. I clicked on the chat box and saw that Luke messaged me.
    Luke Martinez: Hey Martin. Sorry about last night. Megan was way out of line. I should have stood up for you.
    Kourtney Martin: Don't apologize, she's not your responsibility. And I can fight my own battles.
    Luke Martinez: Yeah, she is my responsibility. I'll make sure that doesn't happen again.
    Kourtney Martin: No offense, but she's kind of a jerk...
    Luke Martinez: Yeah, I know...
    Kourtney Martin: If you don't mind me asking, why are you dating her if you think she's a jerk?
    Luke Martinez: I honestly don't know..
    I didn't respond to this, already suprised that I had asked him that question. I went to bed, getting some well needed sleep.
    I woke up the next morning and jumped in the shower. When I got out, I threw my hair up into a messy bun and walked over to my closet. I picked a tribal print top and jean capris with my gladiator sandals as my outfit for the day. I grabbed my bookbag and put on my sunglasses, because it was bright out today.
    "Ready?" I asked Nick as I walked down the stairs, in a rush to get to school.
    "Sure." he said, sounding hungover. Shocker.
    "Thanks for the ride." I said, once he pulled into the school parking lot. I got out of the car and met up with my friend Carley.
    "Hey good lookin!" she said, giving me a hug. It's been weeks since I hung out with Carley, and it was nice to have someone new to talk to.
    "what's up girly?" I asked.
    "Word on the street is you bashed out Megan at Luke's party!" she said, waiting for the details.
    "Not really.." I said, trailing off. I walked to my locker, and she followed me.
    "Hey Martin." said Luke, and I just ignored him, while continuing my conversation with Carley. When Tyler walked up to my locker, she walked off.
    "Hey." I said, looking up at Tyler.
    "Hey cutie. I gotta go, but I just wanted to say hi. Sit with me at lunch today?' he asked with a hopeful smile. I said yes, and he walked off.
    "Honestly Lukey. Just move lockers. I don't want you haveing to be next to that every single day." I didn't even have to turn around to know who was talking. Megan.
    "Megan, stop." he said, seeming annoyed.
    "What?" she snapped, irritated.
    "You can't just talk about people like they're invisible." he said, sticking up for me. I thought I told him I could fight my own battles.
    "And you can't tell me what to do." she said.
    "Well, let me tell you this. We're over." he said, walking away after slamming his locker shut. She stood with her mouth open wide, then walked over to me.
    "Look, I don;t know what game you're trying to play here, but you will never get my boyfriend." she said.
    "I think you mean ex." I pointed out with a smirk on my face.
    "Whatever. You better watch out Kourtney. Or I'll make you regret it." she said, and stormed off. I walked to class, which was the same class I had with Luke. I walked in just as the bell rang, and took the seat closest to the door. Which also happened to be the seat closest to Luke.
    "Hey, are you okay?" I asked him, thinking he would be upset.
    "I'm actually kinda relieved." he said with a small smile.
    "You can do better than her." I said, offering him a smile.
    "Thanks Kourt." he said, calling my by my nickname, and not my last name.
    After class, Luke asked me to wait for him.
    "Look, I know we're not really good friends, but thanks for being there for me. It means a lot." he said.
    "Hey, no problem." I said, suprised that he was being this nice to me.
    "and when you said I could do better? I was thinking the exact same thing about you." he said.
    Did I hear him correctly?

  6. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 7:12pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 7
    I woke up the next morning at around ten o'clock. It was Sunday morning, and I didn't have any plans for today. I walked downstairs in my pajamas and sat down on the couch.
    "Morning sleepy head." Nick said, handing me a glass of water.
    "Thanks." I said, taking a sip.
    "So, how was your night?" he asked, and I went into detail. He said he wasn't suprised that I won homecoming queen, but I knew he was lying. You could tell by the look on his face.
    "I don't know about that Tyler kid..I think you're better off with Matt." he said seriously.
    "Yeah, well Matt and I are just friends. And I'm dating Tyler, not you, so you don't have to like him." I said, growing frustrated.
    "I'm your guardian, and if I don't want you hanging out with him, then you won't." he said.
    "Honeslty Nick? You've always been such a great brother, and once I'm finally happy, you have to go and screw up my life? You're not my father you know. So stop acting like it." I said, harsher than I intended to. He looked upset, but he just upset me, so he deserved it. I walked back up to my room and took a shower. I then threw on a gray tank top and my favorite pair of jean shorts, completing the outfit with my toms. I checked my phone and saw that I had a new text message from Tyler. He wanted to hang out today, so I texted him back, telling him to pick me up in five.
    I walked back downstairs and told Nick I was going out with Tyler.
    "Whatever. Just be careful." he said, not bothering to look at me. When Tyler pulled up, I walked out of the house and into his truck.
    "Hey there." he said, smiling at me.
    "Hi." I said, my voice dripping with attitude.
    "Whoa, what's up?" he asked, genuinely concerned.
    "What's up is I'm finally happy with my life, and my brother decides to go and mess it up. He doesn't like you. I have no idea why." I said, being straight up with him.
    "You like me right?" he asked, teasingly.
    "Yes, I do like you." I said, and he got me to smile. We drove to the beach, and luckily I had thought to put on my bikini beforehand.
    "I can't believe it's this hot in October." I said, fanning myself with my hand.
    "Well, we do live in Cali." he said, laughing. We walked out onto the white hot sand and set our towels down. I slipped my sunglasses over my eyes and grabbed Tyler's hand, making him come for a walk with me.
    "Let's get to know each other." I said, swinging out arms back and forth.
    "What do you want to know?" he asked.
    "Why me? Why did you make me your girlfriend?" I asked, actually curious.
    "There's just something about you. You don't care what people think. You're funny, outgoing, and smart. Not to mention beautiful." he said, shooting me a smile.
    "How many girls have you said that to?" I joked.
    "A lot." he confessed.
    "But I actually mean it when I say it to you." he said, which made my heart melt. We spent the rest of the day hanging out at the beach, occasionally playing volleyball or going for a swim.
    "You ready to go home?" he asked, as we were picking up our stuff.
    "Yeah." I answered, climbing into his truck. He drove me ack to my house, and I invited him to stay for dinner.
    "I don't think Nick would like that." he said.
    "I don't care what Nick thinks." I responded, and Tyler followed my into the house.
    "We're back." I hollered, and saw Nick walk down the stairs.
    "I didn't think you would be back so early." he said.
    "I invited Tyler for dinner." I said, and Nick glared at me.
    "Okay, well if Tyler's staying, then so is Marissa." he said, referring to the brunette coming down the stairs. She was fixing her shirt, and it was obvious that her and Nick were having 'fun' while I was gone. Ew.
    "Fine." I said, introducing myself and Tyler to Marissa. This was going to be an awkward dinner.
    sorry it's so short! feedback please?

  7. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2012 9:56pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 6
    "You do?" I asked.
    "Yeah. I really do." he said, his breath hot on my skin.
    He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the couch in the corner of his room.
    'Well, don't leave me hanging." he said, taking a seat while I stood in front of him.
    "I like you a lot Tyler Johnson." I said, blushing. I sat down next to him on the couch, resting my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me, and we just sat there like that for a few minutes.
    "So how about the dance?" he asked, pulling me up from the couch and getting his ipod.
    He plugged it into his computer, and a few seconds later, "Maybe I'm Amazed" by Paul McCarney was flooding through the speakers. we slow danced to the song, and I felt happy. I was glad that I finally knew Tyler liked me.
    "Hey, you wanna go to a party?" he asked, after the song ended.
    "Where?" I asked, not sure if I wanted to go to one of his friends parties.
    "Luke's." he said. Of course. Once things are going fine with Tyler, he brings Luke into the equation. I don't know what I waas thinking when I said yes. We got into his truck and he drove to Luke's. There were a lot of cars here already. We got out and walked up to the front door, and Luke opened it and greeted us when we got there.
    "Hey!" he said, his gaze meetig mine, locking eyes with me for a second. Tyler gave him a bro hug, or whatever they call it. We walked into the big house and Tyler led me into the kitchen. I took one look back at Luke, I don't even know why. But when I did, I saw him staring right back at me. Tyler started talking to some friends, and I thought for a minute that he was going to ditch me. But what happened next shocked me.
    "You guys know my girlfriend Kourtney, right?" he asked, winking at me.
    "Girlfriend?" I asked, eyebrows raised.
    "What do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, holding both of my hands in his.
    "Let me think about this.." I joked, pretending that I actually had to think it over.
    "Okay." I said, once I realized he was getting nervous. We walked out on the back patio where there weren't as many people.
    "Is that how you ask all girls out? Ambush them in front of the guys?" I teased.
    "I didn't mean to pressure you. I just couldn't wait any longer." he said, staring deeply into my eyes. I saw Anna and her friend walk out back, and I had so much to tell her.
    "Don't hate me, but I'm going to ditch you for Anna." I said, giving him a hopeful smile.
    "Go have fun. I'll be with the guys." he said, walking back in the house.
    "Hey girl!" Anna screamed when she saw me.
    "Hey you! I have so much to tell you!" I said, and we sat on the steps leading down to the lawn.
    "What?" she asked, desperate for gossip.
    "Well, first of all, Tyler and I are dating now." I said, my face lighting up with a smile when I said that.
    "Oh my gosh! Yay!" she said, obviously excited for me.
    "I'm really happy too. Hey, are Megan and Luke fighting?" I asked, casually trying to bring them into the conversation.
    "I think so. She's here tonight, but they're not hanging out." she said, and I got up to get a bottle of water. Anna went back to hang out with her friend, and I was left alone. I couldn't find Tyler when I walked back into the house, but I saw Luke in the kitchen when I went to get a drink.
    "Hey Martin." he said, greeting me with my last name, as usual.
    "Hi Luke." I said, trying to be nice.
    "So did you have fun at the dance tonight?" he asked, trying to make a conversation.
    "Yeah, it was pretty fun." I said, offering him a smile.
    "Especially that last dance, eh?" he said, biting his lip while smiling. Gosh, that was cute.
    "Where's Megan?" I asked, changing the subject.
    "I don't know. I don't care." he said.
    "Everything alright?" I asked, trying to figure out what happened between them.
    "I don't know. She's just being her normal superficial self." he said, rolling his eyes.
    We talked for a few more minutes, because it would be awkward if I sat at the party all by myself.
    "Trying to steal my boyfriend?" I heard Megan say when she walked into the kitchen.
    "No, I'm not. We're just talking." I said, already annoyed by this girl. A crowd had started to grow around us.
    "It sure looks like you were enjoying talking with MY boyfriend." she said.
    "Megan, I don't wanna cause any trouble. I'll leave." I offered, hoping she would just stop.
    "Too late." she said, throwing her hands on her hips.
    "You know Kourt, just because you don't have a boyfriend, doesn't mean you can steal mine. I mean, I know you're desperate and all, but it's pathetic." she said. I laughed in her face.
    "I don't know if you heard, but I DO have a boyfriend. Tyler Johnson. And you know what's pathetic? The fact that you think you can walk all over people just because you think you're popular. But guess what? Being popular isn't going to get you anywhere in life. And neither is being a jerk. So you should just stop." I said, suprised that I stood up to her. Tyler was smiling, and I walked over to him, told him I was ready to leave, and we went home.
    "Thanks for the ride. It's been a crazy night." I said, laughing.
    "Why were you talking to Luke?" he asked.
    "What do you mean?" I asked back.
    "I didn't think you two were friends." he said.
    "Well, I couldn't find you, and I didn't want to hang out by myself." I said.
    "So you don't like him?" he asked.
    "If I liked him, would I do this?" I leaned over in my seat and pulled Tyler's face towards mine. Our lips met, and it felt magical.
    "Goodnight Tyler." I whispered seductively while getting out of the car. He just smiled lazily at me before driving off.

  8. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2012 1:44pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 5
    "You look absolutely stunning." Tyler said, complimenting me again for the third time in two minutes.
    "Thanks." I said, biting my lip and blushing.
    "Hey Tyler." Matt walks up to us and shakes his hand, and even though Tyler knows matt and I are just friends, he looks upset that I'm here with another guy.
    "Wanna dance?" Matt asked me, a hopeful look on his face.
    "Absolutely!" I answered, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the dance floor. A fast beat song was just ending, and a slow sang began next.
    "May I have this dance?" Matt asked, goofind around.
    "I would be honored!" I replied, having a great time. We stayed on the dance floor for another two hours, having a blast with our friends. When I glanced towards Tyler, he looked like he was having a miserable time.
    "Ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of night! We will be announcing our homecoming king and queen!" said the principal.
    "Our king this year is a member of the varsity football team." he said, giving us a hint.
    "Congratulations, Luke Martinez! Your 2012 homecoming king!" Everyone erupted into applause, and Luke seemed shocked. He went up to get his crown and flashed a winning smile.
    "And for the first time ever, the homecoming queen is a member of the varsity swim team." My heart started racing at that point. Nobody on the swim team ever won. I wondered who it was.
    "Congrats to Kourtney Martin! Your homecoming queen 2012!" My jaw dropped, I was so shocked. I had never even thought of winnig this. Matt gaev me a push towards the stage, and I made my way up there, looking stunned.
    "Hey there gorgeous." Luke whispered to me when I got on the stage.
    "And now for the first dance." announced the principal.
    Luke offered me his hand to help me off of the stage, and I took it. He led me to the middle of the dance floor where a small circle was cleared for us. The dance was awkward, because I wasn't absolutely crazy about Luke. When it was almost over, he pulled me close and whispered in my ear.
    "I really mean it. You're gorgeous." he said, and I suddenly felt guilty.
    "Thanks for the dance, but I have to go." I said, backing away. I walked over to Matt and he told me that Tyler had elft.
    "I'm sorry girl. If I knew he was gonna ask you, I never would have." he said, feeling sympathetic.
    "No, it's not your fault. I had a really great time tonight." I said with a smile.
    "Alright, let's go." he said, and I was confused.
    "But the dance isn't over yet." I said.
    "You're going to Tyler's. I'm driving." he said, grabbing my jacket and his car keys. We drove to Tyler's, and he dropped me off.
    "Thanks again mattie!" I said, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek.
    I walked up to Tyler's front door and rang the doorbell. His mom answered the door.
    "Kourtney, hi sweetheart! Tyler's upstairs in his room." she said, pointing the way to his bedroom. I walked up to his room, and knocked on the door. He opened it, andhe looked really upset.
    "Hey." I said.
    "Hi." he said, opening his door so I could walk in.
    "Why did you leave so early? I went to ask you to dance, but you were gone." I said.
    "You looked pretty happy dancing with Matt and Luke all night." he said, obviously jealous.
    "I told you, Matt needs a friend right now. And it was one dance with Luke, which I left early to find you." I told him.
    "IThat's not my business." he said.
    "But it is! You're obviously upset over this, and I have no idea why!" I said, growing frustrated. He didn't respond, but he walked over to me an put his arms around my waist. He pulled me close, and kissed my lips. It felt like fireworks were exploding in my stomach.
    "That's why." said Tyler.
    "I really, really like you Kourtney."
    feedback please?(:

  9. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2012 4:25pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 4
    "Would you like to be my date to the homecoming dance?" he asked.
    "Tyler, I really would like to, but Matt already asked me." I said, feelig guilty.
    "Oh, that's cool. I didn't know you were into him." he said, trying to shake off my rejection like it was no big deal.
    "I'm not into him. He's my best friend, and he's going through a tough time right now. He really needs me, so we decided to go as friends." I explained.
    'So you don't mind if I go with someone else as friends?" he asked, and I felt jealous.
    "No, of course not." I lied. The rest of the car ride was silent and awkward, but I hoped we could put that past us and have fun hanging out this afternoon.
    We walked into his house, and his mother was in the kitchen, making some kind of casserole.
    "Hi kids! How was school?" she asked, as if we were life-long friends.
    "Good." answered Tyler.
    "This is my friend Kourtney. We're gonna hang out this afternoon." he said, introducing me to his mother.
    "Hi Kourtney, I'm Lisa. Let me know if there's anything I can get you." she said, with a smile. We walked to his back porch, and his backyard was huge. He had a swimming pool, a volleyball court, and a beautiful patio.
    'Wow, this is amazing." I said, admiring it.
    "Thanks. My dad's an architect. He built this house." he said, and the whole time I was thinking that this house should be on MTV cribs.
    'It's beautiful." I said, still in awe.
    We spent the afternoon goofing off, playing volleyball, badmitton, and air hockey.
    "You wanna go for a swim?" he asked me.
    "Yeah, it's so hot out." I replied, digging through my backpack for my swim team suit.
    Tyler went up to his room to change, and I used the bathroom to change. When I walked back out into his backyard, he was rubbing suntan lotion on his back. He turned around, and I had to admit, that guy kept himself in shape.
    "Sunblock?" he asked, offering me the bottle.
    'Can you get my back?" I asked, feeling flirty. He put his hand on the small of my back and kept it there for a second. I got butterflies, and I knew I was falling hard for Tyler.
    The next day was the homecoming game. Nick, Matt and I all went to watch it together. It took forever, but when it finally ended, my school had won 35-28. Everybody was in a good mood, which meant that the dance was going to be a lot of fun tonight.
    "Okay, so I'll be over to pick you up in about an hour." said Matt, who went back to his house to get ready after the game. I walked up to Tyler to congratulate him.
    'Great game!" I said, smiling when I saw him.
    "Thanks babe." he said, giving me a hug, even though he was all sweaty. I didn't mind. Wait, did he just call me babe? Could he get any cuter?
    "I have to go, but I guess I'll see you later tonight?" I asked, and he shook his head yes, and told me to save him a dance. I was about to say goodbye when Mandy walked up and asked him what time he was going to pick her up.
    "Let's just meet up here." he said, looking annoyed.
    "Oh. Okay. Well I can't wait baby!" she said, giving him a peck on the cheek. He wiped it off when she walked away and turned back to me.
    "You're going with Mandy, huh?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
    "You said you didn't care if I went with a friend." he said.
    "I don't. I gotta go, see you later." I told him, walking to Nick's car.
    When I got home, I went straight up to my room to find a dress to wear.
    I found the cream colored dress that I wore to my aunt's wedding. It was a solid cream colored bottom, and the top had gold sequins. I put it on, and it looked perfect against my tan skin. I slipped into my gold heels, and walked over to my jewelry box. My fingers glided over the gold locket that lay in there, uncertain as to whether or not I should wear it.
    "It would go great with the dress." said Nick. I got tears in my eyes when he said that, and a sad smile on my face.
    "Mom would want you to." he said, coming over to give me a hug.
    "I miss her." I said.
    "I know sweetie. I do too. But tonight's your night. And Matt's downstairs waiting for you." he said, helping me fasten the locket around my neck. I walked downstairs and Nick took pictures of Matt and I. It was awkward, and I knew Matt thought it was weird too, because his hands were tense around my waist.
    "That was awkward." I said, once we were in his car and on our way to the school.
    "Tell me about it." he said, laughing.
    When we got to the school, Matt came around to my door and opened it for me.
    "Aw, how sweet." I said, laughing. When he gave me his hand, I used it to get out of the car, and I saw Tyler staring at me, his jaw literally wide open. Matt and I walked in to the gymnasium, and he went over to talk to a few friends.
    "Hey you." he said, his eyes twinkling in the light.
    "Hi." I said, smiling.
    "You look beautiful." he said, which only made me blush harder.
    aww!(: feedback?

  10. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2012 2:12pm UTC
    taking chances
    Kourtney: http://weheartit.com/entry/13448217
    Tyler: http://weheartit.com/entry/14275772
    Luke: http://weheartit.com/entry/7543838
    Matt: http://weheartit.com/entry/12110475
    Megan: http://weheartit.com/entry/13163146
    Anna: http://weheartit.com/entry/18374847
    Joey: http://weheartit.com/entry/7880548
    some characters haven't been introduced yet, but they will be soon!

  11. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2012 1:58pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 3
    I went home and went straight to bed, exhausted from my swim meet. Once I turned off the lights, I saw my iPhone light up. I had a new text message from 'Coolest Guy Ever,' also known as Tyler.
    "Great job today. See you tomorrow(:" was what the message read. I do like Tyler, a lot. But I can't figure out why he likes me. Guys like him don't usually fall for girls like me, which is what confused me. I couldn't tell if I was being used, or if he actually liked me. So I decided I would talk to his brother Connor in school tomorrow.
    When I woke up, I quickly braided my hair to the side, threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a cute heart top, and laced up my black high top coverse. I threw on my glasses, too lazy to put in my contacts. I grabbed my school stuff and ran downstairs, rushing out to the car because otherwise I would e late for school.
    Nick dropped me off, as usual, and I made my way to my locker.
    "Good job at your meet yesterday. You're a really good swimmer." said Luke. Great. Now I had to talk to him.
    "Thanks. I didn't see you there." I replied.
    "Yeah, I left early, but I saw two of your races, and you're really good." he said, complimenting me. Luke was a nice guy, I just didn't like him because he was dating Megan. Although Luke was s jock, he didn't seem to be a jerk. I know, that's a bad stereotype, but for most of the guys in the school, it's true. In fact, Luke doesn't really hang out with the other populars. He's not that popular himself. To be honest, he's kind of shy. And he's sweet. I still can't figure out why he's dating Megan. When I saw Connor walking down the hallway, I walked over to him. Connor was a sophmore, and I wanted to see if he would tell me if Tyler liked me.
    "Hey Connor!" I called out, falling into step beside him.
    "Oh, hey. Kourtney right? You're one of Tyler's friends." he said. Friends. Of course. What was I thinking?
    "Yeah, that's me." I responded.
    "Did you want something?" he asked, and I debated whether or not I should ask him what I was going to.
    "Actually. Yeah. But can we keep this betweenn us?" I asked, and he shook his head yes.
    "Okay, uhm. Tyler and I have been talking for a few weeks, and I think I like him, but I don't want to flirt with him if he doesn't like me back." I said, sounding unsure of myself.
    "Go for it. Yesterday when he was texting you, he had this smile on his face. It's kind of obvious he's into you." he said, and I knew he wasn't lying.
    "Okay thanks Connor! And remember, this stays between me and you." I said, walking in Tyler's direction.
    "Hey Kourtney." he said when he saw me walking towards him.
    "Hi! How are you?" I asked, making conversation.
    "Pretty good. You look cute." he said, giving me a smile. I got butterflies whenever he told me thta.
    "Thanks." I said, biting my lip.
    "So do you wanna come over after school today?" he asked. Since it was a Friday, I didn't have swim practice.
    "Sure, that sounds like fun." I said. He stopped me in the hall and turned my head towards him. He stared into my eyes for a few seconds before speaking.
    "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." he said in a low voice, that was incredibly sexy.
    "Thanks." I sad, blushing and focusing my eyes on the white floor tiles.
    "I gotta get to class." I said, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
    "Let me walk you there." he said, and we walked to my english class.
    "Meet me at my truck after school." he said, flashing me a million dollar smile. The rest of the school day flew by, and before I knew it, school was over. I texted Nick to let him know I wasn't going to be home right after school, then went to my locker.
    "Hey Kourt! No swim today?" Matt walked up to my locker, striking a conversation.
    "Hey Matty! And yeah, since it's a Friday and we won yesterday, there's no practice today." I explained.
    "Kourt, I gotta talk to you for a minute." he said, suddenly sounding serious.
    "Sure, whats up?" I asked, curious as to what was going on.
    "Lizzie's moving." he said, referring to his girlfriend of two years. Lizzie and I got along okay, but I was better friends with Matt. Matt and I had been friends for the past seven years, and he was probably the best friend a girl could ask for.
    "To where?" I asked.
    "Virginia." he responded, looking extremely upset.
    "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry Matty." I said, giving him a big hug.
    "We broke up this morning." he said. I felt so bad for him.
    "Look, I'm gonna be here for you whenever you need me okay?" I said, comforting him. He looked oike he was about to cry, but he held the tears back.
    "Come over tomorrow, I'll find something fun for us to do!" I said, trying to cheer him up.
    "Tomorrow's homecoming." he said, talking about the dance that happened after the big football game.
    "I totally forgot about that! Does that mean you and Lizzie aren't going together?" I asked. He shook his head yes, then his eyes lit up a bit.
    "Are you going?" he asked, forming an idea in his mind.
    "I might." I answered, wondering where he was going with this.
    "Come with me! It will be fun! Two best friends, we'll have a blast!" he said, seeming excited. I didn't want to say no to him because he was going through some pretty hard times right now, so I smiled and told him to pick me up at 6 for pictures.
    I walked out to Tyler's truck, and he was talking to one of his friends before he noticed me.
    "You ready?" he asked, hopping in the driver's seat. I opened the passenger door and got in, buckling my seat belt.
    "So you coming to the homecoming game tomorrow?" asked Tyler.
    "Yeah, I think so." I said.
    "Would you like to be my date to the homecoming dance?" he asked.
    feedback please!

  12. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 4:04pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 2
    "Give me the chance to treat you right." said Tyler. I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just thanked him and his friends for coming to the meet. I walked to the locker room and quickly changed into a pair of shorts and an old swimming tshirt. I didn't really know what Tyler meant when he said that, and I felt kind of bad for ignoring him after that.
    "Hey Anna, wanna go get something to eat?" I asked, wanting to spend some girl time with one of my close friends.
    "Sure!" she said, and we walked out to her car. We went to the local pizzeria and and ordered, waiting for our pepperoni pizza to arrive.
    "So you and Tyler?" she asked me, taking a sip of her sprite.
    "I don't know. Right now, we're just friends." I answered, because that's what I thought we were.
    "Do yuo like him?" she asked me. Caught.
    "Honeslty? I do. He's just different than most guys." I said, playing with my straw wrapper. A few minutes later, I saw a few guys walk in the door.
    "Speaking of.." I said, and anna turned around and saw who I was talking about.
    "Go talk to him!" she said, and I shook my head no. When our pizza came, I dug in, starved from all the swimming I did today. I caught Tyler staring at me and laughing to himself, probably at how ridiculous I looked right now. A few minutes later, two girls from my school, Ally and Mandy walked in and sat down with Tyler and his two friends. Mandy sat down next to Tyler, obviously trying to flirt with him. She was practically on his lap, and I looked away, not wanting to see him flirting it up with another girl. Was I jealous? I think I was. When I finished my pizza, I told Anna I had to go, and I stormed out of the restaurant. I thought I saw Tyler get up when I walked out, but probably not. I started walking home, because I coudn't be in the same room as those two anymore.
    "Kourt! Kourtney, wait up!" I rolled my eyes when I heard his voice, and turned around, a fake smile on my face.
    "Is everything alright? You looked upset back there." he said, making sure I was okay.
    "No, everything's fine! I just have a lot of homework and my brother needs me home soon." I lied, trying not to make it obvious.
    "Oh, okay. I I knew you were gonna be here, I would have takne you with me." he said, his lips curving up into that ridiculously sexy half-smile.
    "Maybe next time." I said, turning around and walking away from him.
    "You need a ride?" he asked, grabbing his keys from his pocket.
    "Sure." I said, getting into his pickup truck. We rode in an awkward silence for a few minutes, when he finally spoke.
    "Nothing's going on between Mandy and me." he said.
    "That's none of my business." I responded.
    "I can;t figure you out Kourtney." he said, giving me a confused look.
    "What do you mean?" I asked, curious as to what he was talking about.
    "It seems like one minute you're into me, and the next you don't even want to be my friend." he said. I didn't respond. I didn't respond to a lot of things he said/
    "This is my house." I said, pointing to the white colonial house.
    "Give em your phone for a minute." he said, a mysterious glint in his eyes. I reluctantly handed him my iPhone, while he gave me his. He took a funny picture of himself, and set it as his contact number. I simply put my number in his phone as Kourtney. He handed me my phone back, and I thanked him for the ride. I walked into the house, my heart racing. I liked this guy, but for some reason, I wasn't completely ready to let him into my life.
    feedback please?

  13. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2012 9:06pm UTC
    taking chances
    Chapter 1
    The school day was going by so slow, and I honestly didn't know if I could handle another minute of pre-calc. I dropped my pencil on the floor, and when I went to pick it up, there was a note on the floor next to it. I picked both the note and the pencil up, curious as to what the note said.
    Somebody had written 'hey cutie' with a winky face on the piece of scrap paper. I looked to my left, and Tyler was smiling at me as I read it. I crumbled up the paper and walked to the recycling bin to throw it away. When I walked back to my seat, the bell rang. I collected my notebook and textbook and made my way to my locker, getting my stuff for the next class.
    "So you busy tonight?"
    I turned around and saw that Tyler was standing behind me.
    "Yeah, swim meet." I replied, grabbing my English Literature book and an extra pen.
    "Bummer. We could have hung out." he said, sounding a bit disappointed.
    "Come to the meet! It's gonna be a good one." I told him, secretly hoping he did come.
    "We'll see.." he said, with a wink. I walked off to my English, which flew by. Before I knew it, it was last period, which was my study hall. I left study hall early to go get warmed up for the swim meet, because I needed to bring my A game today. There was going to be scouts there, and if I swam good, there was a chance that one of them would want me on their swim team for college. I put on my team suit and my bathing cap, fastening my goggles once they were on my head. I grabbed my towel and when I walked out to the pool, my coach was already there.
    "Kourt! You ready for the meet today?" she asked, and I nodded my head yes. Once I got in the pool, time flew by. Eventually, it was time for the first event to start. My best stroke was butterfly, so I did all of those events. I was a pretty good swimmer for my age, and I really wanted to beat some of my old times today. The first race was the 200 medley, meaning I would have to do a 50 meter butterfly, which was easy. Right before I dove into the water, I saw Tyler walk in, with a sign in his hand. My teammate slapped the timer with her hand and I dove in. I swam as fast as I could, and when I made it back to the wall, I realized I hat beaten my time by 2.64 seconds. I was so proud of myself. I climbed out of the pool and saw that Tyler had brought ten of his friends. That made me smile, he was such a sweet guy. They all had signs, and when they held them up, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. All together, the signs read "I'm no Michael Phelps, but I can treat a girl right." He did this half smile thing when I saw what the posters said, and I laughed. He was such a cutie. After the meet, I walked over to him and his friends.
    "Great job Kourt! I had no idea you were so good!" said one of his friends, Mike.
    "Thanks!" I answered. After seeing the signs, I was in a good mood.
    "So did you like our signs?" asked another one of his friends.
    "I loved them Chris." I responded.
    "So give me the chance to treat you right." said Tyler.
    I wanted to re-write a few chapters, so here you go!
    I would love feedback, please!!

  14. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2012 10:36am UTC
    taking chances
    Kourtney is a smart, pretty girl with a few close friends. She has never really cared for popularity, but when she starts dating the captain of the football team and the school's favorite senior, she will become popular, whether she wants to or not. A story about boy troubles, finding her true friends, and finding herself. Please read!

  15. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2012 8:10pm UTC
    A One Direction Story
    Chapter 30
    "Oh my gosh, your hair looks beautiful!" said Kesley, as I looked in the mirror. I wanted to go for a simple, yet elegant look. So I chose a low side bun, which actually looked really good.
    "Thank you so much." I said, giving my hairdresser a hug. Once we left the hair salon, we went back to the hotel. Kyle was waiting in the lobby, talking to one of the girls at the desk about the reception. I walked up to him, knowing exactly what I was going to say.
    "Kyle, would you to come for a walk with me?" I asked, and he shook his head yes.
    "I still can't believe my baby sister is getting married." he said.
    "I always thought Dad would be here for this day." I said, getting tears in my eyes.
    "Don't cry. You'll mess up your make-up." he said, giving me a small smile.
    "Kyle, will you walk me down the aisle?" I asked, and he continued to smile.
    "I would be honored to." he responded, giving me a hug.
    "Now get back to your room, you have a wedding to get ready for!" he said, and I walked back to the hotel room.
    "You look gorgeous Harley!" all the girls squealed. I looked at myself in the full-length mirror and I did look beautiful.
    "I'm gonna go get married!" I said, walking out the hotel room door. We got in the limo and arrived at the church within ten minutes. The girls and I went into a back room while we waited for the ceremony to start. A few minutes later, I heard the organ start playing music, and one by one the bridesmaids went out. Gemma and Liam. Hannah and Zayn. Carla and Louis. Kelsey and Niall. Harry was standing at the alter, and Kyle was standing by my side. I looped my arm through his, and the music changed to a different tune, announcing my arrival. I took the first step onto the carpet, and saw everybody in the church rise. When I saw Harry, he was smiling, which made me smile too. When we reached the end of the aisle, Kyle gave me away to Harry. Harry took my hands and we stood on the alter completely in love. The vows went quickly, and before I knew it, I was wearing two rings on my left ring finger.
    "I now pronounce you husand and wife. You may kiss your bride." said the pastor, and Harry kissed me like it was the first time we ever did. I still felt the spark that was there between us and always would be.
    "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Styles!"
    We walked down the aisle with huge smiles on our face, confetti being thrown at us.
    At the reception, Kelsey made a toast that almost made me cry. She spoke about the first time we met, how we had won tickets to the One Direction concert, and how I didn't even know who Harry was before I went to that concert.
    "Cheers to Harry and Harley!" she ended her speech with, and I raised my glass. Harry and I were called to the dance floor after for our first dance, which was going to be so fun. The DJ played the beginning of "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You," then halfway through the song, it changed into "Time of My Life," Black Eyed Peas version.
    Harry and the boys got up on the stage and sand one of their songs, the one that everybody knew, What Makes You Beautiful. And at the end of the song, Harry smiled and his gaze met mine. And it felt like the first time I had seen him perform, and he still made my heart melt.
    "I love you so much Harley Styles." he said, kissing me.
    "Not as much as I love you, Harry Styles."
    did everybody like this story? please let me know! read my new story, taking chances!

  16. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2012 6:45pm UTC
    A One Direction Story
    Chapter 29
    "Kelsey, I can't believe you're actually here! Oh my gosh!" I squealed, as I greeted my best friend when her plane landed. I was at the airport picking up Kelsey before my bridesmaids and I went to our bachelorette party. Of course I said yes to Harry, why wouldn't I? And tomorrow, I would be his wife. Mrs. Styles. I really liked the sound of that.
    "You know, you wouldn't be in this position now if it weren't for me!" she responded, smiling and giving me a huge hug.
    "That's so true!" I replied, thinking back to the first time I met Harry. At the concert, which Kelsey and I had won tickets to. That seemed like a lifetime ago.
    "So you girls ready to par-tay?!" Kelsey screamed, and all my friends laugh. They all knew each other well, because we went on vacation with each other every summer. Hannah, Carla, Kelsey, and Gemma were my bridesmaids. Gemma was Harry's sister, and we had gotten really close over the years. Of course, Kelsey was my maid of honor. Even though we've only known each other for about five years, if I hadn't have met her, I probably would not be marrying Harry Styles. The wedding was tomorrow, and tonight I was ready to have some fun.
    The girls and I all went to a nightclub downtown and had a great time. I had a few too many drinks, but Kelsey stopped me before I went too far.
    "Big day tomorrow, remember that!" she said.
    I found myself grinding on some guy in the bar, and my vision was not very clear, so I didn't know who it was. Before I knew it, he was kissing me. I then realized that I was getting married, and can't be kissing another guy. When we pulled apart, I saw beautiful green eyes and brown, curly hair.
    "Harrrrryyy!" I slurred, obviously drunk.
    "Whoa there sweetheart! I don't want you getting sick on me at the alter tomorrow." he joked, giving me another kiss.
    "A TOAST TO MY GIRL HARLEY, WHO'S GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW!" screamed Gemma, and everybody put their drinks up to toast.
    "Okay Harley, we've partied too hard tonight babe!" Hannah screamed over the music. It was already midnight, and I needed to get rest for the most important day of my life tomorrow. I was so excited, I didn't think I would be able to sleep. But when I went to Kelsey's hotel, I fell asleep within five minutes.
    "Wake up Harley! It's your wedding day!" I was woken up by Kesley, Hannah, Carla, and Gemma jumping on my bed.
    "I'm awake!" I mumbled, still tired.
    "Let's go get our nails done girl!" said Hannah, and once I put on a pair of jeans and a tank top, we were on our way. When I walked out of the hotel room, I saw Kyle standing guard outside of Harry's room.
    "You're not allowed in there!" he said, and I walked up to him and gave him a hug.
    "Harley kid, I have to talk to you when you get back." he said, and I started to feel sad. I knew it was going to be aout my father, who had passed away two years back. I always thought he would be walking me down the aisle on my wedding day, but as of right now I was walking down that long aislbe with no one to lean on. We got manis pedis at the nail salon, and everybody at the salon was excited for me, and I was starting to get really excited. Because at the end of the day, I would be Mrs. Harley Styles. And I couldn't wait.
    next chapter is the last one! below is the link to Harley's wedding outfit! and what she looks like now(:

  17. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 9:08pm UTC
    taking chances
    "Kourt, hurry up. You're gonna be late for school!" screamed my older brother Nick.
    "I'll be right down!" I responded, lacing up my black high top converse. I looked in the mirror to see how I looked. I decided to wear jean shorts and a white tee. The shirt made me look tanner than I actually was, which is why I decided to wear it. I cleaned the lenses of my black-framed glasses and put them on my face. In the mirror, I saw a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at me. I inherited those from my father. And the blonde hair came from my mother. They weren't around anymore, which is why I lived with Nick. Nick was in college, but he was still semi-responsible. He drove me to and from school everyday. I'm a junior in high school. I'm not classified as popular, but I don't want to be. Sure, I'm a pretty girl, but I'm not stuck up and I don't think the world revolves around me, like every popular girl at Westwood High. I'm single, and perfectly happy with my life right now.
    I walked downstairs to see Nick waiting for me.
    "You ready to go?" he asked, grabbing his keys.
    "I can take the bus you know. I don't mind." I told him.
    "I go past the school anyways, don't be ridiculous." he replied. We got in the car and drove to the school in silence, except for the faint sound of the radio playing.
    "Have a good day at school." he said while I was getting out of the car. I shut the door and slung my backpack over my shoulder.
    "Kourtney! Wait up." I turned around to see my best guy friend, Matt, walking towards me.
    "Hey." I said, falling into step with him.
    "How are you?" he asked.
    "I'm okay. Not looking forward to an hour and a half of physics though." I said truthfully.
    "I know what you mean. Have you seen Lizzie?" he asked.
    "Not recently. Sorry." I said, as he walked off in search for his girlfriend. I continued to walk by myself to my locker. The lockers were in alphabetical order, which meant that Martin was next to Martinez. And I was not a big fan of Luke Martinez. He's one of the jocks, and an annoying one. We've never really gotten along.
    "Looking good Martin." he said as I walked by, like he always does. And I just ignored him, like I always do. A few of his friends started gathering around his locker, and I locked eyes with Tyler Johnson, the captain of the football team. He shot me a small smile, and I turned me head back to me locker at that time. I knew I was blushing, but I didn't want Tyler to know that. I grabbed the books I needed for the day and shut my locker, walking away. Tyler walked away from his friends too, and started walking with me.
    "You look good today." he said, checking me out.
    "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." I responded, which made him smile.
    "What are you doing after school today?" he asked me.
    "Hanging out with my brother, why?" I asked back.
    "You should come to my game. Be my good luck charm." he said with a wink.
    "We'll see." I replied, a small smile on my face. I liked Tyler, and he was definitely into me. But dating the captain of the football team, who is also a senior, comes with popularity. And I wasn't sure that I was ready for that right now. Little did I know, popularity was something I would be very familiar with in the near future.
    new story! I will still finish An Unexpected Love, don't worry! feedback please?
    Kourtney: http://weheartit.com/entry/3928917

  18. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 3:47pm UTC
    A One Direction Story
    Chapter 28
    Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. That's what was going through my mind as I walked down the aisle. I prayed that I wouldn't trip and fall. The band was playing pomp and circumstance in the background, and I can't believe that I am graduating college today. Once I reach the metal folding chairs that have been set up for us, I take my seat and watch as my other friends walk in. Once everybody is seated, the dean starts the ceremony.
    "I would like to welcome everybody.." started the dean, and he went into a speech about how he had seen each and every one of us students grow and make something of their lives. I spotted Harry in the crowd, and felt a smile make its way onto my face. I gave him a small wave and turned my attention back to the speaker. Harry and I were still going strong after four years. He was definitely the love of my life, and I was so glad that I was able to spend the last four years of my life with him. No, we are not married, just a happy couple in love.
    "It is with great honor that I present to you the class valedictorian, Miss Harley Williams." I was honestly shocked when he told me a few weeks ago that I was the valedictorian. I had worked hard, and apparently it all payed off. I launched into a speech about how the past four years at this college had made me a strong and independent woman. I mentioned that everybody I met had changed over the course of our college careers, and talked about everything else valedictorians did. Before I knew it, I was saying the last line of my speech.
    "So to my fellow classmates, remember that it's not the end. It's just the beginning." I finished, and was greeted with a huge round of applause and standing ovations from certain people. I walked back to my seat, and within the next hour, I had received my diploma and was grinning like a fool. I was so proud of myself today.
    "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the class of 2016!" We all threw our caps in the air, and I hugged my best friend I had met three years back, Hannah. I walked over to find my parents after we made our exit, and got a huge hug from my brother Kyle when I found them.
    "Congratulations sweetheart!" my parents said, and Harry walked over then. He picked me up, spun me around, and kissed me.
    "I'm so proud of you babe!" he said, and I could practically see myself blushing. Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn all walked up after Harry and gave me congratulatory hugs.
    "Thanks so much for coming guys!" I said.
    "Anything for the girl who is pretty much a sister to us!" Zayn said.
    "Do you mind if I steal Harley from you for a few moments?" Harry asked my parents, and they nodded, smiles on their face. Harry grabbed my hand and took me to the white gazebo in the back of the courtyard.
    "What are we doing here?" I asked, suddenyl realizing it was decorated like the one in the movie "A Cinderella Story."
    "Harry Styles, I honestly didn't think you'd remember." I said, smiling.
    "Hey, you gotta give me some credit!" he said, laughing. Instead of dancing, we just sat and talked. About life, about us.
    "The past four and a half years really have been amazing Harley. I remember the first time hearing you sing, even if it was on Youtube." he said, and started mocking me, putting on his best Christina Aguilera impression.
    "I was so much better than that!" I said.
    "I loved it." he said, and it just made me smile even more.
    "And I love you." he said, and stood up. But what he did next made my heart beat a thousand times faster. I saw him drop to one knee, and reach into his pocket.
    "Harley Williams. I've been in love with you since the moment I first laid eyes on you at the airport four years and six months ago. I want to be able to call you my girl for the rest of my life. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
    I sat there, waiting for what was coming next. He pulled out a dark blue box, and I could hear my heart beating in my chest.
    "Harley Williams, will you marry me?"
    ahh! sorry I haven't written in a while, busy with school and sports..I think this chapter makes up for it though...feedback please! Only two chapters left I think, read my new story Taking Chances!

  19. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2012 8:00pm UTC
    A One Direction Story
    Chapter 27
    It's been two weeks since I left England. I've been trying to put on a brave face, but it was hard sometimes. Harry was my first love, and he always would be. As hard as I tried, I just couldn't forget about him. And I didn't want to. I kept my promise to Zayn. We text a lot, and he's been helping me through this break-up, even though we live in different countries.
    Video message? That's weird..I opened it, not knowing what to expect. It wasn't really a video, more of a recording of somebody. Was it Harry?
    "She's beautiful and could have any guy she wanted......While she's living her life to the fullest, I don't want to be the reason that she can't." That was definitely Harry. Did he really think this? That I wouldn't be able to live my life to the fullest because of him? I needed to get some fresh air. I decided to go for a walk on the beach.
    Near the lifeguard chair, I lost my focus and ran into somebody.
    "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said.
    "No worries. Wait. Harley?" he asked, and I wondered how he knew my name. But the person started to look familiar.
    "Troy? What are you doing here?" I asked incredulously.
    "I'm uh..I'm..I'm performing here tonight with some of my boys. Yeah, that's what I'm doing." he said, and I got really suspicious. He was acting quite strange...
    "Okay, well I'll let you go." I said, while walking in the other direction. Something strange was going on, but I wasn't sure what. I decided to text Carla and tell her to meet me at the Snack Shack, the popular place on the beach. She replied that she would be here in five. I ordered a strawerry smoothie while waiting, and when she came, she was acting suspicious too.
    "So what do you want for your birthday?" she asked, and I had completely forgotten that tomorrow was my nineteenth birthday, and we were celebrating it tonight.
    "For the guy that I love to love me back." I responded, in a depressed tone.
    "Girl, let's go have some fun. People should be arriving at my place any time now!" she said, and we started walking back to her house. When we got there, all the lights were off.
    "Is anybody else home?" I asked, thinking that her brother or somebody would be home waiting for the guests.
    "No, Brandon went out to get food and my parents aren't home." she replied, and opened her front door. She kept the door unlocked? Something wasn't right here..
    "SUPRISE!" I was greeted by a bunch of my friends and familyin Carla's living room. I knew I was having a party, but I didn't think it would be a suprise one.
    "Can I give you my gift now?" Carla asked, her eyes eager.
    "Why not!" I said, and waited as she went to get it. Or should I say him. I saw a stunning guy walk towards me, with piercing green eyes and curly brown hair. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
    "Harry?" I whispered, not believing my eyes.
    "We need to talk darling." he said, with a slight smile on his face. I followed him into the den, where we sat down on the couch.
    "So I take it you heard why I broke things off." he started.
    "I don't understand. You're not going to bring me down if we date while in different countries." I said, hoping he would see things my way.
    "Look, I don't want to broken up anymore. It's been tearing me apart for days, and when I got the call about your party, I knew I couldn't pass up the offer. I hope you don't hate me. Because the truth is, I still love you. Very much." he said.
    "Harry, I love you too." I replied, and our lips were soon pressed together.
    "So how long are you out here for?" I asked, not wanting him to leave.
    "Well..." he started.
    "What?" I asked.
    "I'm going to be here for a while. I have family in California, and that's where I'll be staying." he said, but seemed upset that he would be so far away.
    "Harry, guess what? I got into UCLA." I said, and his face brightened.
    "You're joking?"
    "No, I'm going to Califronia too!" I responded, and gave him a huge hug. Who would have thought that after everything that has happened these past two weeks, I would be in Harry Styles' arms right now, talking about our future?

  20. storygirl2014 storygirl2014
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2012 4:56pm UTC
    A One Direction Story
    Chapter 26
    I just told Harley that I didn't want to be her boyfriend anymore. It's not that I didn't love her anymore. I'm more in love with her now than ever. But we were going to be living in different countries. And I couldn't let a beautiful girl tie herself to me while she should be having the time of her life.
    "You don't mean that Harry." she said. It was killing me to break up with her, so I told myself to make it quick.
    "Yes. I do. It was fun while it lasted. Have a good trip home." I said, and walked back to my hotel room, my heart on the verge of breaking.
    "You alrigt Harry?" asked Liam, and I just shook my head, putting in my headphones so I could drown out the world. A few minutes later, Zayn stormed in to the room.
    "Dude? What are you thinking?" he shouted, looking at me like I was crazy.
    "What?" I asked, trying to sound innocent.
    "How could you break up with Harley? You're crazy about her." he said, and soon all the boys were asking questions.
    "Guys, she's going back to America. I didn't want her to make a committment that we both know she won't be able to keep. We'll be thousands of miles away from each other, and I don't want her to feel like she has to be my girl. Because truth is, she's beautiful and could have any guy she wanted. So while she's living her life to the fullest, I don't want to be the reason that she can't." I said. I realized that I was going to miss Harley more than I thought I would.
    "You should go talk things through with her. Tell her why you broke up with her." Zayn said, after he told me she's been crying nonstop for the past ten minutes.
    Zayn gave me his hotel key, and I walked in the room, suprised to see that Harley wasn't there. And neither was her luggage.
    "She's gone." I whispered to myself.
    The next few days I moped around, more heartbroken than I imagined I would be.
    "Harry, let's go. We're going home." Liam said, and I grabed my luggage and walked to the cab that was taking us to the airport.
    "Everything's gonna be okay." Louis said, trying to reassure me. Why did I reak up with Harley? I was so upset. I hadn't talked to anyone that much for the past four days. Once I arrived back home, I was so happy to see my family again. I got sad when I remembered that Harley was supposed to meet them.
    "And where's the girl?" my mom asked, looking for Harley, the girl I had told her a lot about.
    "She's um..We're not..We broke up." I stuttered.
    "Well, welcome home sweetie! The rest of the family will be over in a half an hour, go shower and clean yourself up. You're a mess.
    So was my relationship with Harley. And it was tearing me apart.
    sorry it's short! and don't worry, things will get better, maybe in the next chapter! it's almost done..ish(:


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