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Member Since: 16 Jul 2011 01:10pm

Last Seen: 27 Dec 2011 04:33am

user id: 195454

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Hi! My name is not important right now, I do have a witty account, but that's not important either! I love writing, but the problem is I dunno if I am good. Right now I'm wrting a story called, Ella, its a modren day Cinderella, I know its been done before but, I will make this diffrent, promis. If this story works out, I will write more princesses!               Thanks for reading:)


  1. storyXofXus storyXofXus
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2011 8:31pm UTC

    "ELLAAA!!!" I rolled over and glanced at my clock, 5:30, "ELLL-AHH!" I sat up quickly "I'm UP!" I hollered, rubbing my eyes, a blurry verison of my step mother , Marnie,came. She had on a long pink robe, a nd a bright pink head band, pulling back her bleach blond hair. "Hey!" She snapped,"I am your mother now, DO NOT use THAT tone with me!" I mumbled under my breath, "STEP mother." She growled, then said, "Down. Stairs. Now." Then she whipped around and stomped down the stairs. I rolled my eyes, then slid into my jeans and a tee-shirt and skiped down the stairs, and into the kitchen, wher my delightful "mother" was waiting. She smiled and pointed her long fake finger nail at me to sit down. I did as told then asked, "WHY did you wake me up at 5:30 on a SATURDAY?!" Her glossed lips formed into a grin, and she pointed down in front of her to a list with the word CHORES written accross the top. I gasped, "You dont expect me to do all that? DO YOU?" I asked standing up from the kitchen table. She nodded then said, "I expect them done, by tonight." I gasped again, "But wont Vera and Elsa help?"Vera and Elsa came with my lovley step-mother. They where mini-Marnies, and I hated them as much as I hated her. Marnie slammed her hand down on the table, "No. Not my princesses. You will do it on your own.ARE WE CLEAR?" I nodded, holding back tears, then looked at number one:
    Make eggs for me, and my princesses
    I pulled out the frying pan, could this get worse? Then , it did.
    jayciecutie01's format.
    Hi, so if you read thisI love you. I love writing but I dunno if I'm good at it..? Leave me a comment? If this chapter works, I am going to write a story, like cinderella,but I promis I will keep it different. If this story works out, I might do other princesses? Feedback is AMAZING! Love you guys<3

  2. storyXofXus storyXofXus
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2011 12:52am UTC
    Chapter- 1
    May's POV
    "MAY! MAY WAIT! I PROMISE! I LOVE YOU!" Dylan screamed running up the beach to me.
    "SURE YOU DO DYLAN SURE!" I walked away faster yelling between my sobs, "IF YOU LOVED ME SO MUCH, WHY DID YOU MAKE OUT WITH KELSEY?! HUH TELL ME WHY?"
    "I don't know," He said catching up to me gasping, "I really don't but I love you. I know that." I sat down on the beach and covered up my face sobbing. Dylan sat down and ran his hands threw his hair, then put him arm around me trying to confort me, but I hit it off. "Leave me alone," I hissed and ran back to my house. I ran up to my room and threw my self down on my bed and cried some more. I felt like I had no more tears to cry so I turned over and looked at the clock. It read 2:15 AM. I thought about the party. It was such a blur I walked in to the room to see Dylan making out with Kelsey. My friend. My best friend. My phone buzzed, damn, I thought who would call at quater past 2? I looked at my phone. Kelsey.
    Should I keep writing..or is this dummbbb? Comment*Fave* Let me know what you think, thanks (:

  3. storyXofXus storyXofXus
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 10:00pm UTC
    Carlies's P.O.V.
    Look, I know I messed up, bad, really bad. I wake up every morning in boarding school. I see my family once a year, I have no more friends since it happened. I thought nothing could ever change the past I had made for my self, until I met Sharpey. She seemed diffrent, from the moment I met her. We quickly became best friend, but I never loved her more, then when the day she leaned in to me and wispered,
    "I can take you back to the day. The day you made you're mistake."
    Pretty Please let me know if I should ocntinue? Thankss!Not my format
    format by raeisawesome

  4. storyXofXus storyXofXus
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2011 9:21pm UTC
    Wild chapter 1
    Ayla's POV
    "Daddy!" I called "I'm going out to the stables!" My dad didnt reply. "Daddy? " I leaped out the back door and down to the stables. My dad was not there but his horse was gone. I walked over to my horse, Sunny, and climbed on. I kicked he sides and she ran out. Far into the woods, so thick you could not see 20 feet in front of you, but I knew exactly where I was going, and I knew exactly where my daddy was. I rode through the woods until I reached the bridge, I got off of Sunny and tied her sattle to a near by tree. Maybe I should explain a little, My name is Ayla. I have long black hair, high cheek bones, tanned skin, and bright blue eyes. I look exactly like my dad, except for my eyes. My eyes are from my mother, but she died when I was only 6, my dad doesnt like to talk about her. Anyways when my mommy passed me and daddy made a secret hideaway, where I used to pretend my mom lived. My dad was sitting in a tree in our hideaway. I climbed up the branches right to him and ask,"Daddy, What's wrong?" He kept on staring on into the distance, I wondered if he would answer, when he finally said, "Ay, I am not young," I nodded, my dad was 66, "And I am sick." I nodded at that too, because I knew it was true, tears rolled down my cheeks, "Ay, I dont have much longer until I join you're mother." More tears, I hated crying, but now daddy was crying too.I hugged him and he hugged me back, finally he pulled away and said," the horses!" I wiped away tears and walked with daddy to the horses. We climbed on and rode home.This was my last ride with daddy, he became to sick to do anything else besides lay in bed a few days later.
    -Two Weeks Later-
    Daddy passed this morning. He is now with mommy. I cried all day. An abluance came and took him away. I was walking back to the stables when a voice called me,"Uh, are you Ayla Ever?" I turned and nodded, wondering where this was going,a police officer stood behind me, "Kid, I gotta take you down to the station." I gasped then said, "But why?" He eyed me like I was joking, but when he realized I wasnt he said, "Cause! You have no one to take care of you! In the car, now." I wimpered and climbed in. On the ride over he eyed my feet, "Where are you're shoes?" I looked down and shrugged,"I dont have any." He rasied his eyebrows, but continued driving down me and daddy's long windy drive way. We finally reached the police station and he walked me in, then told me to sit on a cool, hard bench. The police man went up to the front desk and leaned in, "Uh, yeah kid lived in the woods with her old Dad for her whole life, no mom, no shoes, and uh never went to school." The secratery looked over his shoulder right at me with wide eyes then said,"I'll find her a nice foster home."And began clicking away on her computer. I single tear rolled down my cheek and I grasped my locket. It belonged to my mommy, then my daddy passed it down to me. I opened it to find a note, it read,
    Dont forget me, dont forget to be free. You're always my baby, my child, you will always be wild.
    Please tell me if you like it I know its a little boring but it will get better!
    Any suggestions? Thankyou♥

  5. storyXofXus storyXofXus
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 5:14pm UTC
    Wishes chapter 1
    Waverly's POV
    Me and Drew, my best friend since I was 4, walked home from school, it was a cold December day. My jeans and red sweater kept me slightly warm. but, My ears where frozen and I could not feel my toes through my uggs. I smiled at Drew, leaned on him and said, "Only ten more day to winter formal!" He smiled and nodded. "Arent you excited?!" He didnt answer, "Drew? I stoped him, arent you..?" He looked nervous, for whatever reason, then said, "Yeah Wave.." I looked at him again, why was he acting so weird? I hit him, "What's up?" He twisted his face, "Wave are you going to formal with anyone?" I shook my head and my curls got in my face, "Nope Wh-" My phone rang,"One sec.." I wispered to Drew as I brought the phone up to my face, "Hello?" I asked. "Hey Waverly, Its Kendal, I'm in your homeroom, and like every single class..." I gasped, why was Kendal calling me?! I have always had a huge crush on him, but I didnt think he even knew I was alive., "I was wondering, If you wanted to go to formal with me?" I gasped again, "What?!" Drew asked, I put my hand up."I would love too Kendal! Okay see you tomorrow!" I hung up and started hitting Drew and screaming. "WHAT?!" He asked smiling, "KENDAL ASKED ME TO FORMAL!" he laughed," Oh did you say yes?" I laughed, "Duh!" I replyed, "So what did you want to ask me?" Drew scrunched up his face then said," What time are we going dress shopping?" I thought , "Tonight!At 7!" I yelled as I ran up to my house. Drew waved and turned away, "DREW WAIT!" I called as I ran back to him ,"WHat?" I ran and hugged him, "You're then best best friend evverr!" And I went back up the walkway and into my house, thinking about how great formal will be.
    Drew's POV
    I watched Waverly skip into her house, her flowy brown hair, her bright blue eyes, I loved her. I continued my walk home. When I finally got to my house I went up to my room and turned on my xbox live. My friend Patrick and I where playing Call Of Duty togeather when he asked, "So you and Waverly going to formal togeather?" I laughed, "No, man, she's going with Kendal." Patrick didnt laugh, "Dude you promiced you would ask her out today, what happened? I meam, you love her.." I grited my teeth, "I was about to ask her and kendal called her, and she said yes, she would never say yes to me anyway. Plus, I'm totally in the friend zone, she said I was the best best friend ever." Patrick grouned, "Drew," He paused the game, "If you want something, you chase it. End of story." then he logged off.
    Please tell me if you like it? Any suggestions? Thankyou♥
    this was written by elizabethmariexo, but I am now going to be writing this for her, hope you enjoy.


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