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Member Since: 6 Mar 2011 06:44pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 156985

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I'm Sam. I'm quiet, shy, and very unoutgoing. But, when I'm around my friends, I'm completely different. I write a lot of things on Witty, and they're all true. This is my third account because I'm very forgetful, via passwords. There's not much to know, I'm a fourteen year old, I cheered for six years, and I love someone who doesn't love me back. The end. ;)
  1. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2011 5:29pm UTC
    &I O N C E
    in a category that had no relation to try to get alot of favorites because nobody ever wrote in that place<3

  2. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2011 4:48pm UTC
    I ' M N O
    i ' m j u s t b e a u t i f u l
    M E

  3. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2011 5:11pm UTC
    On Facebook, a status
    That I came to like,
    Was all about matches,
    I found the delight.
    I wished for your name
    To appear on my screen
    When it did I was happy,
    And I hoped that you'd see.
    Believing you'd like it,
    Like I did too,
    I saw that you commented.
    I cried when it said "ewh."

  4. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2011 9:36pm UTC
    Why is there...
    glass that can be glued back together
    pencil marks that can be erased
    words that can be backspaced
    hair that can grow back
    but why is there still no
    no cure for cancer?
    stay strong auntie merri<3
    favorite if your against cancer please.

  5. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2011 7:14pm UTC
    Am I the only one who...
    thinks my dolls come alive while i'm asleep

  6. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2011 2:57pm UTC
    Forever Alone
    Part Six
    "Beep, beep," my phone got a message. It read: Poor Andy, hope you enjoy your view. But please, take this picture, it will last longer... from, the unknown. I scrolled down, and it was a picture of Deliah and Tyler on the couch, with me in the background, staring at them. Who took this?! I looked back to them, and they were gone, and nobody was in sight with their phone out. Great, I wonder where they went. Jamie found a guy and they strolled away to dance, and then there was just me. I looked so dumb, I decided to look around for Deliah and Tyler. In the most nonchalant way, that is. I told everyone I was looking for the bathroom, and down the hall, there were six rooms. I figured they'd go upstairs if anything, so I ran up there. There were six more rooms, so I listened for people to be in one of them. I heard Tyler's voice in the last room. "Beep, beep," my phone rang again. It was from unknown saying: Deliah's downstairs sweetie. My heart dropped. There was someone else in the room with him, and it wasn't Deliah. I opened the door a crack. It was Heather... "HEATHER?!" I flung open the door. "Andy... Oh my gosh." she just stared at me blanky. "WHAT THE F**K. Are you kidding me right now, what happened to Luke?!" I screamed. "He left me, Andy I'm so sorry I can explain..." she said grabbing her clothes. "Oh my... you know what Heather- I can't. Don't be surprised when you get to our room." I said, and stormed out. "Beep, beep," I got another message: Andy, Andy poor you, I guess when Tyler has no Deliah, he picks your bestie over you. I started crying and left the party. When I got outside I looked up, and there was Deliah... hanging from the flagpole. By her neck and a rope. "Someone, call 911!" I screamed to the party. Luke whipped out his phone, and Farley ran outside. Then Maya, then Jamie, then Mike, and soon the whole party. Some of the guys tried to get her down, but they couldn't reach. I then saw Heather's face be pressed against an upstairs window, and watched it dramatically slide down, leaving a trail of blood.

  7. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2011 2:49pm UTC
    Forever Alone
    Part Five
    "Hey ladies!" Farley greeted us, and before we knew it, him and Maya were up the stairs. As soon as I stepped foot into the R House, I saw the worst possible person and the worst possible time. It was Deliah. Fury and anger raged inside of me... I hid behind Heather, and pointed. "Oh my gosh!" she gasped. I looked at her in shock. "Heather, what am I going to do! I can't talk Tyler because she is. She's probably telling him I asked about him to her! Oh no." I whimpered. As soon as I finished, Heather looked around, and saw Luke, and she went over to him. Then, I was there, still with Jamie. "What are you going to do, Andy?" she asked me, making no eye contact. I could tell she was looking for someone. And if she was, they'd spot her first. She has strawberry blonde hair, she was tan, and wearing a bright pink cocktail dress. She was always the fancy dressed type. I was wearing a tight, blue shirt with a white skirt and black heels. My shirt matched my eyes, and my boots matched my long, curly , black hair. Heather was dirty blonde, and tall. Maya was Spanish. Her hair was brown and wavy, and she had hazel eyes which were gorgeous. And then I compared myself to Deliah. She had short, dark hair with green eyes. She was wearing her uniform? Ew. How much grosser could she possibly get? I didn't see what Tyler saw in her. I looked back at them, hooking up on the couch. My highlight of the evening.

  8. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2011 4:46pm UTC
    Forever Alone
    Part Four
    "Deliah! Hey, what's up?" I asked, nonchalantly. "Um, hi Andy?" she asked. I felt like she didn't like me too much, but hey, who cares. "So... do you know Tyler James?" I wanted to get right to the point. "Yeah." she said. "Oh... interesting." I said. She looked at me and I felt like her eyes were saying,'Ewh why is she talking to me?' but I knew that wasn't true. I haven't had a full out conversation with her like this since two years ago. "It is, isn't it." she said. I could tell she didn't want to be bothered anymore, so I got up, said,'Goodbye!', and sat it my normal seat. "Andy, why were you talking to Deliah Dreau?!" Maya asked me. "Oh, it's a long story. No worries, I won't be talking to her anymore." I said with a vicious tone. "Okay, that's a little creepy. So I was talking to Farley today at the fence! He said he's going to talk to me through the window tonight, if that's okay?" Maya asked Heather and me. "Sure", I said. "No problem!" Heather added. Jamie butted in,"Can I stay with you guys tonight? It's a Friday, and the twins usually go to bed at eight thirty... on a Friday night. I want to go to the Gordon R House party!" Gordon Academy had six houses for the boys. G House, O House, R House, D House, O2 House, and the N House. The R House had Tyler James, Mike Done, and Farley Morris. It also had the jocks, Peter Wimball, Nick Logan, and Luke Travis. They were throwing a party tonight, like they did every Friday, and this time Jamie got invited by Nick Logan. He was tall, tan, muscular, and funny as anything. He was going to ask her to the spring formal tonight, and she was so eager to go. So, Maya, Heather, and I decided to let her stay in our room, but sneak out to the party tonight at nine. Ms. Georgia goes to bed at eight thirty, and it's against the teacher's code to scout the girls' bedrooms after that time. Even if there is a noise, Lulu, our floor advisor, checks on us. Lulu was chill though, and didn't mind anything. We even told her we were going out, and that she'd cover for us. Heather was supposed to get with Luke Travis, who was such a hottie. And me, Andy, was going to score Tyler James. That was the plan until I saw Deliah.

  9. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2011 4:26pm UTC
    Forever Alone
    Part Three
    I felt like it was my chance to impress him. If boys were going to ask the girls, I wanted Tyler to pick me, and not consider anyone else. "Hi!" I shouted across the fence, looking into my books. If you were caught talking through the fence, you'd get one demerit and I couldn't afford another one, so I laid low and played it cool. I couldn't see him from where I was sitting, and he couldn't see me. I was sure he didn't know who I was, but I didn't tell him. "Oh, hi. Are you at Mayflower Academy?" he asked, which was stupid because I was on their property. "Uh, yes. Ha ha, you're Tyler, right?" just to check. "Yeah, how'd you know?" he asked. "Just a guess. You're voice kind of gave it away..." I chuckled, and so did he. "So did you hear about the dance?" he asked. "Um, yes." I said very quickly, smiling into my book. "Who are you going with?" he asked. "Nobody... yet." I admitted. "Who are you going with?" I asked him. "I was going to ask this one girl at your school." he started. "Who? I probably know her." I said. Tyler and I only talked a little, but I knew it had to be me. When we did talk, he flirted mad hard. "Deliah. Deliah Dreau, do you know her?" my heart sank, and I became depressed. My voice decreased as I said,"Oh... her. Yeah I know her." I said. "James, Tyler James! Get inside now! It's six thirty!" Mr. Whimper called. He was Tyler's house father. I can't believe he was going with Deliah! I was so ruined at that point. Deliah was considered the prettiest girl at Mayflower. I never once saw her talk to Tyler James! How did I miss it? I knew I had to start talking to Deliah, talk her out of it... "Oh hey, by the way, what's your name?" he asked me. Did I really want him to know? I figured nothing more could be worse than telling him the truth. "Andy... Andy Hart." I confessed. "Oh sweet, nice talking to you. It was nice meeting you, Andy!" he said as I heard his footsteps follow his voice. Nice meeting you? I've already met him... It was six thirty, meaning it was time for dinner. I rushed to the dining area, just in time to spot an empty seat next to Deliah. I knew we'd have a lot to talk about.

  10. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 2:18pm UTC
    Forever Alone
    Part Two
    Old Mrs. Cornly went up to the podium and grabbed the microphone. Every night at Mayflower Academy, we'd be called to the auditorium for announcements. "Good evening girls." she said to us. Everyone responded,"Good evening Mrs. Cornly...". "On the agenda for tonight, there will be a spring formal here at Mayflower Academy. You will be asked by a Gordon Academy boy. Only boys can ask girls, that is this year's rules. It's theme is England, 1600's. Dress like royalty, ladies. Thank you, that will be all." she ended. I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted Tyler to ask me to this formal... I had to talk to him, get my girl flirt on. But... first me and the girls had some reconstructing to do. We went upstairs at seven-thirty. Lights go out at nine o'clock, so once Ms. Georgia checked on us, it was go time. Maya stood up and turned on her flashlight. I grabbed the screw driver, and Heather got the knife. Maya held the light on the boards, and Heather took the knife and cut the boards off. I grabbed the screwdriver to screw on the middle pieces of the boards. That way, when Ms. Georgia checked on us, it would look like they were never touched, but they would be easily removed for boy looking time. Smart, right? The next day, I did my daily routine. Wake up, take a shower. Blow dry, and brush hair. Brush teeth, change into clothes, go downstairs, have breakfast. Go to Geometry, then History. Then run track for an hour, then English. After that, lunch. Then, Bio and Chemistry. Then, at three, go back to room until four, doing homework. After that, go downstairs until six thirty for free time/activities. My activity was track, of course. I went until five thirty, and then had dinner at six thirty. Boarding school wasn't always wonderful, because you basically did the same thing every day. So today, at five thirty, I took a walk to the fence that separated the two schools. And just my luck, legit, Tyler was reading a book under the willow tree.

  11. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 1:39pm UTC
    The Witty Contract
    Upon signing, I hereby promise to post quotes & only quotes. I also promise to be supportive to every witty sister, and to not support jocking. I promise to keep witty the place where girls can help other girls with similar problems. I promise not to judge, criticize, or make fun.
    sign here;
    Theresa (filwbgf123)
    __sparksfly (:
    Derskysgirl ♥
    BeccaBum ♥
    snicole1127x ( :
    p.s. - sign your name & repost! <3

  12. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 1:35pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2011 6:34pm UTC
    The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye, but found by the heart.

  14. snicole1127x snicole1127x
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2011 6:28pm UTC
    & I'd like to know who created the heart... and why they made it so easy to break it...


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