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Status: This is so hard for me...

Member Since: 6 Dec 2011 03:26pm

Last Seen: 31 May 2024 12:32am

Location: One Direction's Tour Bus ;)

Gender: F

user id: 247568

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141 Following
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STATUS: Once again a single pringle ready to mingle :3
Hai, I'm Kaitlyn :) I'm 14 years young, and I blow out the candles on October 1st (any twins!?!?). I'm going into my sophomore year of high school. WOOP. Not really. ANYWAYS, I'm a reeeeally shy person, but once you get to know me, BAM! Never mind. I am a socially awkward penguin too, so yeah, I'll kinda just sit here and be awkward...Music is basically my life, whenever I'm in doubt, I drown out the world with my favorite singers. Speaking of favorite singers, ONE DIRECTION ONE DIRECTION ONE DIRECTION!!!! Sorry, I had a One Direction fangirl spasm moment, but I really love them. Don't worry, I'm not of the freaky annoying weirdo fans that hurt other people if they don't like 1D, I respect everyone's opinion. Oh, and let's not forget about Tom Daley...King of Beautifulness...WOW. Let's see, I also loOoOoOove my friends, they mean the world to me! There are links to three of their wittys below. onedirection143 is probably like that best friend from the movies, we are sooo weird together, and we are inseparable. She's my SISTAH FROM ANOTHAH MISTAH :3 Oh yeshhhh. I also love to party, but I like to party my way, not anyone else's way. I love food, but I'm a picky eater, so I only eat a ton of my favorite food. I looooove summer a lot, because I hate school with a deep, burning passion and summer's fun anyways XD. So that's about it, I mean there's sooooo much more to me than just this paragraph thingy thqt I can't write it all here, so if you wanna get to know me, just comment on my profile, I'll answer at some point! So yeah, if you read all this, THANK YOU, please click that follow button, I do try hard on these quotes, if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here, all that mushy stuff, ♥ PEACEEEE ♥
AVA!!! TRAVIS!! TAYLOR! Layout Credit

Who's GORGEOUS beyond belief?
Mounting Bloggif

Alright, well that's it lovelies!!!
  1. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2012 3:17pm UTC
    format credit to: sophsunflower12

  2. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 12:48pm UTC
    I wish I was pretty .

  3. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2012 8:03pm UTC
    Stranger: Hiiiiiii stranger two!
    Stranger: I'm being attacked by butterflies. Oh my gooooood.
    Omegle moment!!! xD

  4. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2012 12:21am UTC
    Honey Badger don't care.
    Honey Badger don't give a sh*t.

  5. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2012 1:09pm UTC
    I fave every quote
    because every wittian deserves as many faves
    as they can get, no matter what the quote looks like

  6. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2012 8:07pm UTC
    *My dog barking*
    Dad: Shut upp!
    Dog: *Doesn't stop barking*
    Dad: Shut UP!!
    Dog: *Keeps barking*
    Dad: SHUT. UP.
    Mom: Don't say that to the dog!
    Dad: SHUT UP!
    My sister:
    My dog:
    Mom: *Glares*
    Dad: Oh. *Leaves room*
    mq/mf, true story, thought it was rather funny

  7. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2012 7:51pm UTC
    Too tough for me?
    That's downright ridiculous. I'll have you know i stubbed my toe last week while watering my spice garden
    and I only cried for 20 minutes.
    nmf/spongebob quote!

  8. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2012 3:07pm UTC
    *My dad changing the lyrics of 'Love Story' so they're about me*
    Dad: I'm 14 and a true directioner
    Dad: I eat my food cold...I'm a true directioner...
    Dad: I'm so fashionable...
    Dad: And I was at the airport
    Best Friend:
    One Direction:
    Me: I hate you...COME BACK 1D!!!!
    MQ/MF, True Story

  9. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2012 12:08pm UTC
    11:11, make a wish. ♥
    mexismoo's layout

  10. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 10:08pm UTC
    & You're just as useless
    as the 'ay' in 'okay'.
    Acadia - Marianas Trench

  11. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 9:57pm UTC
    What'cha doin'?
    Eatin' chocolate!
    Where'd ya get it?
    My doggie dropped it!
    Where's your doggie?
    Behind the door!
    What's he doin'?
    Makin' more!!!
    Here's to the kids who remember saying this with their friends when they were little

  12. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 8:09pm UTC
    Most people: I enjoy long, romantic walks to the beach with my boyfriend :)
    Me: I enjoy long, romantic walks to the fridge with my cat...

  13. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 7:55pm UTC
    Me: Okay, okay. I'm serious now...
    Friend: Okay.
    *Long pause*
    Everyone ever:
    *Bursts out laughing*

  14. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 5:06pm UTC
    Do you like,
    I need to know,
    --------------------------------------> what do you like? before you go. ∞

  15. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 4:38pm UTC
    Fill in the blank:
    Like a good neighbor,
    State Farm is there
    with a __________ .

  16. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 4:31pm UTC
    if i'm louder, would you see me?

  17. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 4:09pm UTC
    We use it every single day, yet we can never remember the order the colors go in . . .

  18. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2012 1:56pm UTC
    'Cause I'm just a summer girl
    i wear my flip flops
    And when I let my hair down
    that's when the party starts
    And who needs a boyfriend
    i've got my girlfriends
    And when we get together
    the summer never ends
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  19. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2012 1:12pm UTC
    Plot twist: We're all 50 year old pedophiles

  20. slowdance123 slowdance123
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2012 6:12pm UTC
    Format by Sandrasaurus
    "When you ignore someone, their quotes won't show up in the lists of quotes. So if there is someone whose quotes you really don't feellike seeing all the time *cough*1D*cough*, you can ignore them."
    I guess Steve got the message too.♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus


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