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  1. slack026 slack026
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2009 5:55pm UTC
    everyone keeps asking if you'll be their everything,
    well baby there is know need to ask me,cuz you know you already are. (;
    for ohx0itslovexo 's contest i hope you like it (:

  2. slack026 slack026
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2009 4:32pm UTC
    twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twiligh
    what team are you on?
    team edward OR team jacob ?
    twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight

  3. slack026 slack026
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2009 5:49am UTC
    technology makes you >>lazy<<,
    so stop reading this quotes and get your butt outside.
    no need to thank me.just clapp for my smarticle mind :)

  4. slack026 slack026
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2009 5:32am UTC
    he makes my heart beat faster and louder.it sort of feels like i'm on a rollercoaster ride.but only my hand is inside his instead of in the air. <3

  5. slack026 slack026
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2009 5:09am UTC
    i went to sleep last night thinking of him,
    but when i woke up he called me and said "what were you doing in my dream last night?"
    me-i was thinking about you last night (;
    him-well that was a damn good dream.let's go to the movies tonight.
    me- yeahhh. i love you. byee
    him- i love you too, byee.
    it's true when you go to sleep thinking about someone,
    then they have a dream about you that same exact night.
    Scary right? :) also that is a true story.hehe i love that kid.

  6. slack026 slack026
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2009 4:49am UTC
    i miss school way to much,
    i miss seeing my friends 5 days a week,
    i miss the teachers yelling at me to get to class,
    i miss the poping chip bags during lunch and everyone freaking out over it,
    i miss the geeks,the preps,the odd balls,[ok well maybe not the preps so much]
    i miss the crazy old lunch lady, i miss my the school in genernal.
    yeah summer is nice but then you won't have this stuff,
    without school you would have few friends,
    you wouldn't have an education,which means you can't get a good job,
    and much more.so really why does everyone hate school?
    don't you?

  7. slack026 slack026
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2009 3:22am UTC
    love is a beautiful thing,
    [[until someone rips your heart out and jumps on it a 1,000,000 times]]

  8. slack026 slack026
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2009 12:37am UTC
    ( ')>
    all i can say is that this ducklin doesn't look very ugly to me,now does it? :)

  9. slack026 slack026
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2009 10:50pm UTC
    i'm known as the quiet girl during school hours,
    but after school i would like to be known as your girlfriend,
    well only if you don't mind :)

  10. slack026 slack026
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2009 12:58am UTC
    Friends will call your mom,miss or mrs.
    Best friends will call your mom, mom.
    Friends will go to wal-mart with you and buy stuff.
    Best friends will start a wrapping paper fight in the middle of wal-mart.
    Friends will call you when they want to hang out.
    Best friends will call you mom and say "mom can i sleep over tonight", without telling you.
    or at lest that's what my best friends do. (:


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