Witty Profiles

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  1. ashleytalkstostrangers ashleytalkstostrangers
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 9:19pm UTC
    finally ungrounded!!!!!!!..........................still dont have my phone for another week tho.........

  2. girlwithdreams123 girlwithdreams123
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2010 12:59am UTC
    Am I the only girl who purposely makes up random interesting conversations with her friends around her crush, hoping he listens in?

  3. girlwithdreams123 girlwithdreams123
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 9:34pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. smk210xoxo smk210xoxo
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 6:13pm UTC
    You don't know how much tears I have cried over you, how much friendships I have broken over you, and how much times you have smashed my heart.

  5. lexindalex lexindalex
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 6:13pm UTC
    Tomorrow will be 1 year since the death of my grandmother... I would like to dedicate this page to her in her honor... I would like to have at least 74 people favorite this since she was 74 years old.

  6. Lost_Dreamer Lost_Dreamer
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2010 5:38pm UTC
    Poet Laureate
    Part 13
    "Channing. Who is this?" The woman said. "Mom, this is my girlfriend." By this time we were out of the car. I shook Channing's parents hands. "Hello. I'm Tatiana. But call me Teddy." I said giving them both a smile. "I'm Patrick." I flinched because of my dad's name. I guessed Patrick noticed because he looked a little worried. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "Oh um. Yeah it's just my dad left be years ago and he has the same name as you." I said looking down. He gave me a hug. I thought it was a little weird but really nice. "Well you can always come over here or our normal house. Oh I'm Cassidy." Channing's mom said. I smiled at her not sure what to say. "We are gonna go back inside to our little party." Channing said hugging his parents. We started walking off. "That was a little embarassing." I said a little loud. I think they heard it because they laughed a little. "They like you. I can tell." He said giving me a reassuring smile. "But I wanna make a good first impression and that wasn't pretty good." He laughed and rubbed my back. We walked in and Kat and Sade tackled me to the floor. "Are you okay?!" They both yelled. "Well I was until you guys yelled in my now deaf ear." I said laughing. They got off of me and I went upstairs to brush my hair, which was everywhere. I brushed my teeth and all that stuff. I walked downstairs and was pulled to a couch. I looked at who was pulling me and, no surprise, it was Channing. "You almost gave me a heart attack." I said shoving him lightly. "But I missed you." He said smiling. Now I was on top of him. "I was only gone for like 5 minutes." I said laughing a little. "Your point?" He said smiling. He took my neck and kissed me soft but sweet. "Big bro in the room." Nix said walking in. Most of the people were gone. Only Danny, Claire, Kat, Sade, Colin, Nix, Channing and I were left. "Nix, seriously." I said to him. "Yupp. I have to watch you two kids." He said smiling. I threw a pillow at him. He caught it easily though. "Nix. Come on."Channing said looking at Nix. "Finee." He stood up. "How come you listen to him?" I said to Nix. "He could kick me out." He said and walked away. I laughed. "Sorry-" I started to say but was interrupted by a kiss from Channing. It was soft and sweet at first but then it got stronger. We ended up making out. I even forgot we were with people until Danny spoke up. "Ehm." I pulled away blushing. "Every time." Channing mumbled. I laughed and got off of him. He pulled me back down. "You can atleast lay down with me." He said and I laughed and got comfortable. "Movie?" Colin said. "Scary one." Channing said winking at me. I laughed took a blanket that was on the floor. "Cold?" Channing asked me. I nodded and he got up. "Getting up won't help." I yell to him. He laughs and walks upstairs. I was talking with Danny and didn't notice that Channing came back with his school sport jacket thing. You know, when you're on the football team and the players get those cool jackets. His jacket had white sleeves and the base color was black. We went to Deerfield High. Our colors are black and red. (Real highschool. Not sure about the colors though. Probably wrong.) On the back of the jacket it said 'Deerfield' (Went down a line.) 'Channing Grey' (Went down another line.) '64' I smiled and put it on. It smelled just like him. He came back on the couch and I layed down with him again. I got very comfortable. During the movie, Channing would sneak a few kisses, and I would hide in his arm. Fairytale right? Not for long.
    Writer's Note: I know a few people are saying my stories are good, but I'm doubting this one especially. Not a lot of people are favoriting it. Is this story good. And I'm running out of ideas sorta. So if you guys want it to be as long as the others give me ideas. No matter what I'll continue but will add an ending soon. So yeah 2 things. Is THIS story good? and.. Ideas pleasee :) Thanks for readinggggg XD

  7. storiesleftunspoken storiesleftunspoken
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 2:37pm UTC
    Wishing on 11:11
    Chapter 2
    At 15, most people haveboygriends and say 'I love you' to their signifigant other. They go on dates and enjoy themselves. Its all great until they break up (which they eventually will). 95% of first relationships end in break up. Oh, and before you go thinking im a lonely bittter person and someone broke my heart-your wrong. I just never beleived in love. I havent found that person yet. To be completely honest, I dont even know if love exists. Do you know almost 50% of marriages fail nowadys? Or that the chances you end up with your high-school sweetheart are extremely slim. My names Scarlett. I', a cheerleader, I love life, and I'm popular. You could say I'm pretty-I guess. People tell me I'm "stunning" or "cute" but I dont see it. I guess I never heard it enough growing up. See, my dad left when I was 9. He broke my mom, and I was the only one there to pick up the pieces. What do you do when the one perosn you trusted to never leave-left? I'll tell you what you do, you pick up all the shattered specs and pieces of your heart, glue it back together the best you can (dont trust someone else to do the job for you, it might never get finished) you build a bridge, try to get over it and move on with your life the best that you can. Right now I'm a fresh,am and there is only 4 more years till I can leave this place. Beleive me, I cant wait.
    Comments are appreciated :)

  8. Lost_Dreamer Lost_Dreamer
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2010 8:24pm UTC
    Grin & Bear It
    Part 31
    I opened his door slowly and walked into the hallway. I heard Vee's scream so I ran down the stairs. "Neon?" She asked crying a little. "I thought this was from... you." She said, pointing to the blood and gave me a hug. I just hugged her back. I didn't want to tell her. I couldn't. She would cry. I would cry again. It would be depressing. But I had to. "Wait. Then whose is it?" She asked me wiping away her tears. I sighed and looked at her. "Hale came running infront of me." I said and she began to cry harder and louder. I slung her over my back and carried her upstairs. "His room or yours?" I asked her and she pointed to his room. I set her down on his bed. "What were you doing in here?" She asked me once she calmed down. "I was going to take some of his sweatshirts. Not a lot. I thought you would've wanted most of them." I said and she smiled. "Can I have his black and white tye-dyed one?" She asked me and I threw it at her. She slid it on. We went through all of his clothes and picked out what we wanted. I only took 3 sweats and 4 sweatshirts. Vee took the rest which was about 10 each. We also took some of his shirts. We left majority for Talen though. "I'm wearing some of these tomorrow for school." I said and Vee nodded in agreement. "We have some home movies. Want to watch?" She asked me and I nodded. I slipped on some of his sweats and jumped on his bed with Vee. She put in the home movies and we sat there, silent. The only sound was the sound of the movies.
    Writer's Note: Ehhh boringish chapter. I will explain the home movies. I have some funny ideas. Okayyyyy <33333 commentttt

  9. Lost_Dreamer Lost_Dreamer
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2010 10:54pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. jordo jordo
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2010 8:52pm UTC
    does anyone remember back in the day when we hated someone in our class
    wed just simply not invite them to our birthday party while the whole rest of the class was invited.
    well. i do.
    and i miss those times.
    because now when someone hates me.
    they curse me out.
    make out terrible rumors about me.
    talk trash about me with my friends, causing me to lose a few.
    then they also tell all my crushes lies about me. so i lose them too.
    hm.. yeah i think second graders have it good..

  11. jordo jordo
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2010 11:26pm UTC
    and am i the only one who actually gets mad
    when i get a bag of chips from the supermarket and when i get home to
    eat them i open the bag and all that's in there is Barley a half of a bag?

  12. xpolkadots3423x xpolkadots3423x
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2010 7:01pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. RandomDash555 RandomDash555
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2010 9:16pm UTC
    If ur a blonde girl please highlight thisÜ
    Favorite this if your not a blonde girl
    & you still highlighted it.ü

  14. SnowWhite SnowWhite
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2010 8:33pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. track_starr7 track_starr7
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 12:16am UTC
    My friend Paige and I's conversation:
    Paige: wheres your cat?
    Me: lily?
    Paige: yeah
    Me: idk.. why?
    Paige: i think she just walked pass my house..
    Me: no.
    Paige: yes.
    Me: shes downstairs.
    Paige: incorrect.
    Me: hey wanna see my sisters new cat?
    Paige: i dont care. do you want me to bring you your cat?
    Me: my cats not allowed to leave the house!
    Paige: WELL SHE DID
    Me: NOPE
    Paige: YES
    An arguement over my cat... Wow. hahaha (:
    P.S. Sorry if you think I'm annoying by posting this.. I just thought it was funny (:

  16. Lost_Dreamer Lost_Dreamer
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2010 12:45am UTC
    City Girl
    Part 4
    Autumn's POV
    I got to know Stark a lot more during the campfire. He played halfback in football on his school team. I found out his school was the rival of my school. Which means he doens't live to far away from me. As I got to know more about him, I started falling for him. I loved his laugh, his hair, his eyes, his smile, his personality, and his style. We ended up making smores. My favorite. I had 3. I knew I had chocolate over my face. so I went back to the cabin and wiped it off. When I walked out the door, Stark was there. I was surprised because I came to my cabin alone. "Oh hey. Do you want your sweatshirt. I can grab one I have." He shook his head no. "Keep it. I have a lot of sweatshirts." I smiled. "Thanks." He smelled amazing. The sweatshirt smelled just like him. We walked back to the fire slowly just talking when I felt something tickle my hand. I saw him trying to grab my hand. I laughed and took his hand since it seemed like he was scared. He smiled and I smiled back. We got back to the fire. "Oh Autumn. So you do have a face under the chocolate." Jon said. "Oh shut up. I love smores." I turned to the fire and saw the red-head camp counselour, Jake, walk backwards and was about to trip over a chair. If he tripped, he would land in the fire. I got up from my seat and ran over to where he was. I got to him right when he tripped over the chair. I grabbed his feet and pulled him back before he could touch the fire. He got up and looked at me shocked. "How did you know that would happen?" I smiled and answered. "I'm good at math. I know the angles." he smiled. "Thanks Autumn." I smiled and nodded. I went back over to everyone. "How did you do that?" Mickey asked. "I put my left foot infront of the other and-" He cut me off "I know how you ran. How did you know?" I said the same thing I said to Jake. Everyone nodded. "You're fast." Stark whispered. I smiled. "Thanks." He moved his chair closer to mine and took my hand and we interlocked fingers. I layed my head on his shoulder and smiled to myself. Phoebe nudged me but I ignored her. Then she nudged me again. "Yeah?" I asked. "Could you maybe hook me up with Travis?" I laughed. "Just start talking with him. I'll get you guys talking. Just let me see something." she nodded. "One second" I whispered to Stark. I walked over to Tammy. "Which guy do you like the best?" she thought. "Tristan." Perfect. Marina could switch spots with Tristan so she could be next to Travis. "Nat. Which guy do you like?" she didn't have to think. "Jon." I rearranged everyone and found two girls and paired them with Mikey and Nick. "Ahh. A matchmaker?" Stark said. "I guess you could say that." I laughed. "Maybe you could help me with this girl. I really like her and I need a matchmaker to help me. Her name is Autumn and she has beautiful brown hair and the brightest green eyes and a perfect smile." Then he leaned towards me. "And even better. She has an amazing personality." I smiled. " I think I could help you with that." With that he leaned in and kissed me. Sweetly and soft. When we pulled away all we said was 'Wow' He lifted me up and pulled me onto his lap. "I may be fast, but you are strong." I said as his forehead touched mine. "Or your just light." I laughed and kissed him again. Sparks flew everywhere. I almost felt like the sparks were too strong and I needed to pull away. Everything was perfect. But, perfect moments never last. A bucket of water was poured on me. It somehow missed Stark. I looked up and saw Jasmine glaring at us. Time to back fire. "Oh. Thanks. I was gonna jump in the lake soon anyways. I took off Stark's sweatshirt and my flip flops and jumped into the lake. Phoebe, Nat, Tammy, Stark, Travis, Tristian, Nick, Mikey and Jon jumped in too. Soon everyone was in except Jasmine and her 'crew'. I started swimming around until I felt arms grab my waist. I turned and saw Stark. "You definetly know how to backfire someone's plans." I laughed and poked his nose. "They plan on embarassing you so why not embarass them instead?" he laughed. He grabbed my neck and kissed me, rough this time. I didn't mind though. I liked the soft and rough ones. But he was like no other kiss before. He took control and that was very important to me. We ended up underwater kissing. It was pretty cool. We came up smiling and laughing. After awhile we all got out. Jake came over to me. "Autumn. You know how to make these things fun." I smiled. "Oh you can thank Jasmine for dumping water on me making me jump into the lake." He looked surprised. "You gave her the credit because...?" Stark asked. "Because Jake and I have become friends and he will yell at her just watch.'' Jake did just as I thought except he didn't yell loud. Just talked loudly. After a few hours of talking, Jake came on the microphone. "Ok. It's 12. Everyone go to their cabin and sleep well." We all got up and I took Stark's sweatshirt, which dried, and held it. Stark bent down and kissed me. "Night Autumn." I smiled. "Night Stark." I ran over to Jake to say goodnight. I gave him a hug. "Night Jake." I said. "Night Autumn." I ran back to Phoebe and everyone and we walked to the cabin. "Oh I have to show you guys the poctures I took tomorrow." they nodded. We all fell asleep for 2 hours. Phoebe and Nat couldn't sleep so they woke up Tammy and I so we talked about our night. I guess I had the best story because everyone kept saying 'tell more tell more'. We hardly even slept.

  17. loveetolaughh10 loveetolaughh10
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2010 8:33pm UTC
    Im sick of guys saying justin bieber Is Gay,Or he has a girly voice ! whos the one who won alll the awards he was suppose to be in 'yep thats righhhht so back off
    <3 always a jbieberFan

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. sensation sensation
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2010 3:48pm UTC
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  20. jdbieber24 jdbieber24
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2010 3:35pm UTC
    Everytime I look at your pictures, it;s like it's the very first time i met you. I just wish you felt the same way


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