Witty Profiles

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  1. secretsummerlover secretsummerlover
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 11:47am UTC
    Somebody to love
    Justin and Kylie story
    I pulled into the parking lot of a cute little cafe, Justin riding shotgun.
    "Oh my god I LOVE this car!" I cried, stroking the leather steering wheel.
    Justin smiled. "I knew you would." He looked down at his phone and rapidly typed. Seconds later my phone lit up.
    Justins Twitter: breakfast with some of my favorite girls on the planet, @xokylieexoxo and @selenagomez. Going to enjoy the day off.
    I looked up and Justin winked. "lets go, sels waiting." I climbed out and hurried to Justins side. We found selena at a booth by the window. She looked so stunning, I had to turn my head. Justins face lit up. Was it possible for him to love both of us?? I doubted it.
    "Sel!" Justin waved, and walked over, a swagger to his step. I followed.
    "Justin!" She stood up and wrapped her arms around his waist. He folded his arms around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. I cringed.
    "This is Kylie." Justin said, pulling away. I smiled tentivley.
    "So nice to finally meet you!" Selena gave me a quick squeez and then looked me up and down. "Your so pretty!" My eyes widened and I laughed. She smiled. Justin looked uncomfertable. "So are you!" I said finally. We all sat down.
    "So, whats todays special?"
    After breakfast we decided to go for a walk on the beach, since it was so hot out. I felt bad for Justin, I really did, because he looked so awkward walking between us, not touching either of us. He kinda brought this on himself, I reminded myself.
    "It is SO warm out. The water feels great." Selena commented, stopping to wiggle her toes in the cool ocean.
    "We should go swimming!" Justin suggested, reaching down to splash us both. We shrieked and ran a little up the beach.
    "Thats actually a really good idea," Selena wrinkled her perfect brows, thinking.
    "I dont have my bathing suit..." I said, glancing at Justin, who was on his knees making a sandcastle.
    Selena waved her hand, dismissing my comment. "No problem. I know a store right up the street that sells the cutest bikinis. I need a new one anyway."
    I had to remember that I was dealing with celebrities here. If she forgot her phone for the day she would probably just buy a new one.
    "Hey babe?" Selena called, and Justin looked up from his pile of sand immiedtaly.
    "You like it?" He called back, wiggling his eyebrows at both of us. I smiled at him, but Selena rolled her eyes.
    "We are going shopping for bathing suits so we can go swimming. Wanna come?"Justin jogged up to us.
    "Cant you guys just strip? Your bras look like bikinis..." We both smacked him at the same time.
    "Ow!" He smiled. "I take that as a no. Sure I'll come. I need some new swim trunks anyway."
    "Lets go then." Selena slid on her designer sun glasses and reached for Justins hand. He casually fixed his hair at the same moment, so she missed. She frowned for a milli second, then brushed some sand off her legs and fixed her white jean mini skirt.
    I began walking. I did not belong here. Not between them. This was the most adorable couple in the U.S, was I tearing them apart? Maybe I should go home early..
    "Hey ladies, smile." Justin muttered. "here come the paps."
    sorry! slowslowslow. more soon! keep commenting! it makes my day(: but be creative! i need ideas! fav/follow <33

  2. secretsummerlover secretsummerlover
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 11:12am UTC
    Somebody to Love
    Justin and Kylie story
    Chapter 3
    "That cake was SO good."
    "Man I know. I think I ate too much..." Jaden frowned and rubbed his six pack.
    "Meee tooo." I replied, patting my flat stomach.
    Jaden, Justin and I were lounging on a big leather couch that faced a huge flat screen tv. Salt with Angelina Jolie was playing.
    "Dude shes so hot." Justin commented.
    "I know man.. Imagine getting some of that!?"
    "Ok guys really?" I made a face, and the boys laughed. I was sitting on the end next to Jaden, and his arm was slung over the back of the couch behind me. I yawned and leaned on his shoulder.
    "Tired?" Jaden asked.
    "Yea. Long day of travel and then the suprise.. Im like dead."
    "Get used to it." Jaden snorted. "Its called being famous."
    I elbowed him in the rib. "How'd they get that car all the way up here anyways?"
    "You mean YOUR car? And i dont know. They heard the name Justin Bieber and did what we asked."
    "A little cocky, arent we?" I teased, looking across Jaden to meet Justin's eyes. He stuck his tongue out at me. "Seriously though Kylie, its almost 1am. You should get some sleep."
    "I knoww. Show me where my room is." I held out my hands and Justin pulled me up off the couch. Jaden stayed seated. "I'm just ganna finish the movie. Cya in the morning."
    "Night." Me and Jutsin replied sleepily.
    "Sooo here it is." He opened the door to a huge room with a balcony, overlooking a beautiful California beach. "Do you like it? We could always switch rooms, mines right down the hall.."
    "No," I said, breathing in the warm, salty air, "its perfect. Thank you."
    Justin nodded. "You shud, uh, get some shut eye. I'll cya tomorrow."
    "Kay, goodnight." I sat on the edge of my bed and watched Justin close the door behind him. As soon as the lock clicked I fell backwards onto the fluffy matress and pulled my knees up to my chest. I went through the days activities slowly, starting with the tickle fight, then the mall, the kiss... The birthday party. It was hard to believe that I had only been in California one day.
    'i love Justin Drew Bieber." I whispered to myself, imagining a small for his age boy with an adorable smile who captured my heart on the soccer field in third grade. "and maybe, just maybe, he loves me back."
    I woke up to the blinding light shining in through the balcony windows. I groggily sat up and rubbed my eyes. I found myself still at the end of the huge bed, in the clothes that I had worn the day before. The clock read 7:45 am. I showered quickly and blew out my hair so it was straight and shiny. It fell to the middle of my back. I pulled on a cute matching bra and panties and opened the balcony door to feel the weather outside. The hot air immediately envoloped my body, making me smile. I went back inside and picked out white short-shorts and a flowy pink and light-blue tank top that cut down low in the back. Slipping on a pair of flipflops, i put on some silver hoop earings and one small diamond in my second peircing on my left ear.
    "Guess who! Jsmith and JB. Uh huh. I gotcha lil bro.. I can handle em, hold up, aight? I can handle em.." I rushed over to my bag and pulled out my cell. "Hello?"
    "Selena wants to meet us at a breakfest shop in 20 minutes, will you be ready? Sorry if I just woke you up."
    "Oh hey Justin. And no you didnt, Il be right down!"
    "K bye." He hung up. I rolled my eyes at how abrupt boys can be. It was so weird though, how we were acting like the kiss never happened. Was it just a dream? I shock my head. Definitley not...
    I did a check in the mirror, grabbed my light, faded pink bag, and hurried out of the bedroom and into the hallway. today will definitley be interesting.
    this parts slow but the day will be good, i promise ;) comment! i need some ideas asap!! and fav too. hehe oh and tell ur mommy happy mothers day! <33 (:

  3. secretsummerlover secretsummerlover
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2011 11:02pm UTC
    Somebody to Love
    Justin and Kylie story
    "Close your eyes."
    "Do i have to?"
    "Ugh fine."
    I heard the door to the 3rd floor suite open and voices being hushed. Justin pushed on my back gently, leading me into the room. There was a moment of complete silence.
    My eyes snapped open, a smile already taking up my entire face. Infront of me stood a beautiful blue car. (I have no idea what kind because i am not good with cars!) Around it was at least 50 people. I covered my mouth with my hands. Everyone was smiling at me. Pattie stepped foward.
    "Your birthday was, what, a month ago? This was long over due." She grinned and I pulled her into a hug. "It was not! But thank you, sooo much."
    "Of course sweetie. But you should really thank justin. He picked it out, and er, paid for it."
    Everyone laughed.
    I turned and stretched onto my tiptoes so I could wrap my arms around his neck. "Thank you Justin! This is the best birthday gift ever!"
    He laughed and gave me a quick squeeze in return. "Any time."
    Jaden sauntered through the crowd. "I have something for you too."
    "This is crazy." I insisted as he grabbed a big box and set it down very carefully infront of me.
    "Hes- I mean, Its from me too!" Willow yelled, pushing her way to me. Jaden rolled his eyes. "Go ahead and open it already."
    I got down on my knees and tore off the wrapping paper. Just as I was reaching for the lid, the box jiggled. I shrieked and fell back on my butt. Everyone laughed.Then the box barked, and it hit me."NO WAY!" I cried, pulling off the lid. The cutest golden retriever puppy EVER smiled up at me, its little pink tonge hanging out of the side of its mouth and its tail going a 1000 miles per hour. A big blue bow with glitter all over it was tied around its neck.
    "I did the glitter!" Willow announced.
    "Hes adorable! ahhh! I love him already!! Thank you SO much!!" I picked up the puppy and he went baserk, licking my face. "ewww!" I laughed.
    "Here, lemme help you." Jaden scooped the puppy up and then grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet. I hugged him tight. "Thank you both." I grabbed wilow and hugged her too.
    For a moment, I almost forgot about the kiss.
    sorry, slow. Just had to get this part over with. comment, fav... the norm :) sorryy im reallyy tired. hahhaha follow me! <33

  4. secretsummerlover secretsummerlover
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2011 7:30pm UTC
    Somebody to Love
    Justin and Kylie story
    This is way to cliche, a voice whispered in the back of my mind, but I was too shocked to listen to it. Did I hear correctly? Did Justin Bieber, JUSTIN BIEBER, just tell me that he loved me? My head was spinning.
    "Kylie? You okay?" Justin had his hand on my leg, and he was staring into my eyes. I turned my head. I wasn't ready to look at him.
    He sighed and turned his attention back to the road, where he took a few turns and then pulled into a parking spot infront of a huge, amazing hotel. The engine cut. We sat there in the still silence for what seemed like forever.
    Finally, he sighed. "I'm sorry. I really am. I shouldn't have told you... not then. I'm not even really positive, you know? Its just that when I saw you this morning for the first time in months, it was like this huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I could finally be myself around someone who has known me forever. I wasn't going to be judged or attacked by crazy fans..."
    "Just stop." I whispered, my head buried in my hands.
    "Hey." Justin said softly, gently pulling my hands away from my face. "Please listen. I need to explain."
    I just looked at him, and found myself staring at his lips.
    Justin didn't notice. "It's so hard to be yourself sometimes. With all the fame and money and "friends", I forget who I was, just a kid from Canada, you know?"
    I shook my head and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted. It was a little much, but I just had.. no idea.." I was staring down at my shoes, trying to make sense of all the emotions that were inside of me.
    I looked up to find Justins hat pulled over his eyes, his head leaning agaisnt the window.
    "What are we ganna do Kylie? I've screwed everything up." He whispered, his voice crackly with tears.
    I scootched over so our bodies were touching. My arms were immediatly around him, my head on his shoulder. "It'll be alright. " I soothed. "We'll figure something out."
    Justin turned his head to look at me, and I moved mine off his shoulder. His eyes were red. "You dont hate me?"
    "No." I said quietly, forcing myself to hold his gaze. "I love you."
    Justin pulled me close and kissed the top of my head, like he used to do. The action was so sweet and comforting and perfect, I closed my eyes.
    "Com'on." He said softly, opening his door and pulling me out behind him. "Pattie's got a suprise for you."
    i love writing this ;) but you have to let me know what you thinkk.. to intense? shes been in love with him for a while... idk lemme know! fav! <33

  5. secretsummerlover secretsummerlover
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2011 6:40pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. secretsummerlover secretsummerlover
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2011 4:03pm UTC
    Chapter Two
    justin and kylie storyy
    “Where are we going?” I asked, my brow creasing, “Didn’t we turn left here?”
    After we left the mall, Justin suggested heading into the studio so he could show me where he records some of his songs. It was pretty cool because he let me fool around with it, even though I’m not exactly the best singer in the world. I thought we would be heading back to the bus now.
    “Yeah but we are going back to the hotel now,” Justin glanced at me, “you didn’t think I was going to make you stay in tour trailer, did you?”
    I shrugged and Justin laughed. “Nahh, we got you a suite.”
    Before I had time to respond, Justin’s phone vibrated. He dug around in his pocket for it and then pulled it out. “Hey babe.”
    I looked out the window. Of course it was Selena.
    There was a pause, and Justin’s eyebrows creased in the middle.
    “Well actually Kylie is here for the week…” he blushed, “She’s good. Uhh I don’t know…” He sighed, “Yeah I’ll ask her.”
    I raised my eyebrows.
    “Kay, I’ll text you. Bye. Love you.”
    “Whats up?” I said casually.
    Justin slipped his iphone back into his pocket and subconsciously drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “Selena was wondering if she could, like, hang with us tomorrow. Is that ok?”
    I searched Justin’s face, and saw the pain in his eyes. I knew I couldn’t make him choose between his girlfriend and me. So I forced a smile. “Of course! I can’t wait to meet her.”
    Justin looked relieved. “I’ve told her all about you,” he admitted. “I guess that’s why she can sometimes acts jealous, but just ignore her. She’s actually really sweet and cool.”
    I nodded.
    “But we can do whatever you wanna do.” He added quickly.
    “I don’t really know what there is to do around here, so I’m cool with whatever.”
    sorry guys.. really slow. it picks up as it gets into the week!! ill be posting the next one soon,, i just have to do a lot of editingg. comment! fav! <33

  7. secretsummerlover secretsummerlover
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2011 6:17pm UTC
    Justin parked the car in a shaded, empty back lot. His security crew parked a few spots down, giving us our space. He took my hand, leading me towards a metal door.
    “What’s this?” I ask.
    “It’s my secret entrance!” He whisper-exclaimed. His gray hoodie was pulled up over his flat rimmed purple NY baseball hat. Sunglasses covered his eyes. I pulled my hood up as well and left my shades down. Being with Justin meant being as under cover as possible.
    Justin pulled two bandanas from the back pocket of his loose fitting skinny jeans. “Time to go ninja.”
    I grabbed one of them and stuffed it in my pocket as I tied Justin’s around his neck for him. He did the same for me. Once they were on, we pulled them up until they covered our noses, so none of our face was showing.
    Justin opened the door swiftly and made his hands into a gun. He pointed it around for a few seconds, and then motioned me inside. I giggled and moved past him through the door. Behind it was a long, dark hallway, and at the end another door. “That one opens up to the mall,” Justin clarified. I nodded and plastered my back to the cool wall, my hand-gun pressed to my chest. Justin ran down the hallway and then did a forward flip, barely making it back to his feet and landing with a loud thump. I lamely got down on my knees and awkwardly somersaulted. He was laughing by the time I reached him, and he helped me up. “Insane ninja,” he smiled.
    “You know it,” I smiled back.
    It was the middle of a school day, so the mall wasn’t very crowded. After about an hour of shoe shopping, (Justin insisted on buying me another pair of hightops, claimed mine were so last year. I smacked him on the shoulder but didn’t resist.) a group of girls surrounded us.
    “Ohemgeee its JUSTIN BIEBER!!” One of the girls shrieked, rapidly fanning her face with her hands.
    “Ehmagawd, can I ,like, get your autograph?!”
    Justin eyed me. I smiled and motioned for him to pay attention to them. I honestly didn’t care. He smiled back at me and said,
    That brought on another round of screams.
    “So, uh, shouldn't you guys be in school right now?” Justin asked while scrawling his perfect signature on the back of a girls phone.
    The girls looked puzzled for a moment, like Justin Bieber actually asking them a question just wasn’t realistic. Finally one of the girls spoke up.
    “Well, once a month.. If we like, don’t fail our classes, we get to ditch school for a day and goo shopinggg!! I just can’t believe that we picked today and we got to see you!!”
    I rolled my eyes.
    One tall girl with perfectly straitened hair and skin tight jeans on squinted her eyes at me. “Who are you.”
    It wasn’t a question. It was a what the hell is a ugly girl like you doing hanging out with Justin Bieber?
    Justin put his arm around me protectively. “She a good friend.”
    The brat raised her waxed eyebrows but didn’t push any further. Instead one of her overly-hyper friends cried, “A friend? COOL! Can I get my picture with both of you??!”
    Justin’s arm tightened immediately. He looked down at me. I shrugged. “Sure, why not?” Justin held open his other arm and four girls rushed under it. The tall blonde held up a camera and breathed “one, two, three.” It flashed. “Perfect,” she murmured under her breath, her glossed lips turning up into a sly smile.
    “Lemme see!” a short red head squealed, but made no effort to move out from under Justin’s arm.
    “Ahh lizz your eyes were closed! One more.” The blonde said hurriedly.
    “What? I was totally”-
    “One two three!” Miss. Perfect called, cutting her off.
    Justin’s arm slipped off the girls shoulders. “I gotta go, ladies. Hopefully I see you at my concert this Friday.”
    The girls nod-giggled, linked arms, and strutted away.
    I looked at Justin, smiling. “ehmagawwdd it justin biebberr!" I imitated their squels perfectly.
    Justin smiled. "Oh my god, hes like, the sexiest boy alive!" His girl voice cracked when he said alive. He blushed. I laughed out loud.
    Justin punched me lightly, then his smile faded. "It just gets annoying, you know? Like the first second you get here and I want to be with you, they surround us.”
    “Your fans?” I asked. He nodded sadly. “It’s fine!” I promised. “Really Justin, I don’t care.”
    He raised his eyebrows, unconvinced.
    “Its fun.” I added with a small smile.
    “Not when it seems like they totally forget that you have a life too.”
    I rolled my eyes and squeezed his hand. “C’mon. Let’s get outta here.”
    kindaa really long haha but worth the read if ur into the biebs!! ideas? comment and fav! <33

  8. secretsummerlover secretsummerlover
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2011 9:28am UTC
    Once everyone was finished with the hugs and catching up over cookies, pizza, and soda, Justin sort of cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows. Lets get ‘outta here, is what his face read. I replied with a small nod, and then stood slowly. I slid on my shades, indicating I was heading back outside. Justin did the same, and everyone stopped talking. He glanced at me. “Me and Kylie are gonna head out, kay?”
    Pattie smiled at us. “Sure. Be back by dinner. We have a surprise for Kylie.”
    “We will be.” I answered for Justin. “Bye guys!” I said to the rest of the crew.
    “Bye!” Everyone called after us. “Have fun!”
    I hopped off the steps and easily fell into step with Justin. He turned and smiled at me. I smiled back. I felt like I could fly. I loved this kid.
    Sensing my need to be close to him, Justin flung his arm over my shoulders and squeezed me in tight. I pretended to choke for air, loving every second. He looked down at me, playfulness in his eyes. “Am I hurting you?”
    Everytime you look at me, I thought. But instead I found his sides with my hands and tickle him. Immediately his arms are off my shoulders and he’s five feet away from me, looking like a ninja. I doubled over laughing.
    “So you wanna play the tickling game, do you?”
    “Bring it,” I challenged, holding up my hands and waving my fingers around. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten where your weak spot is.”
    A sly grin spread over his white teeth, and before I knew what was happening, he ran in, grabbed me around the waist, threw me over his shoulder and booked it to the car.
    “Heeellllppp!!” I shrieked, smacking him on the back.
    Justin laughed and continued running until we got to his huge car, where he pushed me into the back seat and tickled me until I couldn’t breathe.
    “I hate you!” I gasped when he finally pulled away, a satisfied look on his face. I climbed into the front seat wearily and mumbled, “Watch your back, boy.”
    He smoothly jumped into the driver’s side and flipped his tousled hair. Pushing on the gas, we swerved out of the near empty parking lot and onto the busy road. “Impressive, huh?” He motioned to the car that probably cost more than everything I owned combined.
    “What,” I teased, “The car or your insane driving skills?”
    “Both.” He grinned and shook the steering wheel, causing a passing car to honk.
    I giggled and gripped the sides of my seat. “So where to?”
    Justin’s eyes grew more serious. “Wherever you want, Ky. I want this week to be totally about you.” We stopped at a light and he turned to look at me. “I missed you so much.” He whispered.
    I looked back at him, glad that I still had my shades on so he couldn’t see the tears gathering in my eyes. “I missed you too.” He reached over and gently took my hand. My heart beat so hard in my chest I was afraid he could hear it. I learned a long time ago that gestures like these were only friendly; nothing more. But I could never stop my heart from pounding and butterflies from going crazy in my stomach. I sighed. The Biebs had that effect on every girl, no matter if she was his best friend or not.
    “Hows Selena?” I managed as the light turned green and the moment passed.
    “She’s good.” His face seemed troubled.
    “What’s wrong?”
    Justin fidgeted with his hands on the wheel. “I don’t know man.. I just haven’t seen that much of her lately…”
    I waited, knowing that he had more to say.
    “I just feel like maybe after all this time apart she might realize that I’m just a kid that falls for love too quickly and she’s…” He trailed off. I squeezed his hand. “I’m afraid it’s too good to be true, ya know?” Justin looked at me; his warm brown eyes that were usually playful and sweet were full of fear and innocence.
    “I totally understand.” That’s exactly what I worry about every time I think of you.
    “You do?”
    “Def.” I promised, looking straight ahead. “But don’t worry. You’re the man. She would be out of her mind to leave a boii with such swag.” I dragged out each word and popped the hood up on my sweatshirt for extra effect.
    He smiled at me. I could still see a hint of hurt in his eyes, and I knew we would be talking later.
    “So,” I said, looking around. “How about the mall?”
    Justin flicked out his gold credit card and wiggled his eyebrows. “Exactly what I was thinking.”
    sorry about the whole jaden thing in the last one- i made him 15 in this!! sorry bout the confusion :) comment!! and visit my profile for the whole story! i just started this so it wont take long to catch up :)

  9. secretsummerlover secretsummerlover
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2011 5:04pm UTC
    Chapter 1
    Where are you? Im waiting in the trailor with jaden. Leggo! I miss you.
    I smiled and flipped open my phone to answer Justin’s text.
    Chill. Im on my way. I miss u guys too dude. Save me some pizza.
    Whoops. Already ate it all J
    I hate u. turning around right now..
    JK!! Hurry
    Haha k J
    Leaning my head against the cool window of Mark’s car, I closed my eyes to calm the butterflies that were swarming in my stomach. Don’t take that the wrong way- me and Justin were bros, ever since 3rd grade when I beat him in soccer and his mom took us out to ice cream. It’s crazy how long ago that was. Now Justin just turned 17 and I’m still 16. I haven’t seen him in 5 months, which is insane compared to the weeks we would spend together before he turned into the HA-uge pop star he is today. 5 months. I took a deep shaky breath. It’s ok Kylie. I told myself. He didn’t forget about you. He has Selena but he still hasn’t forgotten about you. He said he missed you. He told you to hurry. You’re still important to him. “I’m still important to him” I murmured to myself.
    “What was that?” Mark asked, leaning toward me. Mark was one of Justin’s financial advisors and also a good friend. He has picked me up at the airport and driven me to see Justin the few times I’ve got to visit.
    “Oh, nevermind.” I said quickly, looking away.
    He nodded. “Five more minutes.”
    I took a shaky breath. 5 months is a long time. Enough time for a guy to change (besides his hair cut). What if we don’t have that great chemistry anymore? What if he finds me boring? What if he takes one look at me and thinks, damn, why did I ever want to hang out with her?
    My phone vibrated, pulling me away from those scary thoughts. Jaden’s name lit up the screen.
    Justins dying to see you. Hes been pacing around all day waiting for you. Don’t tell him I told u tho or else id b dead. Cya soon(:
    How did Jaden know that was exactly what I needed? I beamed and clutched my phone to my stomach, forgetting to reply. I suddenly remembered that after not seeing him for 5 months, I might as well look presentable. I flipped down the mirror and huffed. My wavy brown hair was knotted in a messy bun near my left ear, fly-aways everywhere. Small purple bags under my eyes peeked out from beneath my concealer. My slim pointed nose stuck out little, as always. Under it my fresh pink lips looked plump and shiny as I coated on a layer of lipliscious. I smiled to myself in the mirror, showing off white, straight teeth that felt naked without their braces. A small, red zit dared to show itself on my chin, which I quickly made invisible with my portable cover-up. I was about to fix my hair, but then decided against it, not wanting to look like I was trying to impress anybody. Not that they would think that anyway, due to my clothes. Comfy gray Babson sweats swallowed my tan, toned legs and sky blue hightops covered my feet, a Christmas gift from Justin last year. On top I wore a pink fitted holister Tee that cut down just enough to give the outfit a girly look, because over that was a black soccer warm up jacket that made me look 20 pounds heavier.
    Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Mark grinning at me. I quickly snapped the mirror shut and pulled my green checkered sunglasses over my eyes. “What?” I snapped. He just shook his head, that silly grin still plastered on his face.
    “We’re here,” he smiled.
    I took a deep breath as the car slowed to a stop and before I could stop myself, I was throwing open the door and running out. On the other side of the parking lot, I saw Justin coolly saunter down his trailor’s steps, a smile on his face and matching sunglasses over his eyes. I probably looked ridiculous sprinting into his open arms, but I couldn’t care less. They enveloped me in a huge warm embrace, and I realize just how much he’s filled out. His muscular arms tightened around me.
    “Hey,” he breathed into my ear.
    I didn’t let go of him. “Hey,” I mumbled into his shoulder. Damn, that boy smelled good.
    After a few more seconds of silence, he gently pulled away and help me at arms length, chuckling. “Look at you. You know we aren’t attending the Grammy’s right?”
    I rolled my eyes at his teasing comment about my sweats. Before I had time to really respond, Willow came shooting out of the trailer. “Kyylieee!!” She screeched, jumping into my arms.
    “Willow!” I laughed, hugging her tight and pulling her off the ground. “Whats up my girl?”
    “Not much, just touring the world,” she giggled, letting go and dropping to the ground.
    “Jeez, get a life,” I playfully ruffled her hair and looked around. “Wheres Jaden?”
    “Thought you had forgotten ‘bout me.”
    I turned around and there he was, coming around the side of the trailer, looking as cool as ever in silver skinnys and a black leather jacket. He flashed me a smile full of pearly white teeth that popped against his dark skin. I flashed one back.
    “No braces!” We both exclaim, and then laugh, just so happy to see each other. He held up his hand for a high five but I pulled him in for a hug instead, and realized just how tall he was. “Whoa. Your still fifteen, right?” I cry, realizing I had to look up to see the top of his head.
    “Yeah,” He smiled.
    I backed away and looked at all three of them, wondering how such big stars kept time in their life for me. I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I thought to myself.
    “Com’on, lets go inside,” Justin suggested, unconsciously putting a guiding hand on the small of my back. “My mom has been dying to see you.”
    do u like itt?? i dont mean to be copying the justin jessica story at ALL!!! they r just friends here :) dont hate. haters suck. hehe <33


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