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Member Since: 25 Nov 2011 10:54am

Last Seen: 26 May 2012 04:41pm

user id: 242791

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Hi. This is my secret witty account (: i wont give out my real name because i dont want my friends to find it. The stories I make are real stories that happened to me haha. Mostly my crushes but yeah. Ok enjoy :D
  1. secretstoriesx4 secretstoriesx4
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 5:58pm UTC
    The Boy I Can't Get Over
    Chapter three
    I spent the whole night texting Collin.
    The next day in school i could not wait for A+E.
    The bell finally rang. I took my seat and anxiously waited for Collin.
    "Hey Collin!" I shouted when he walked in.
    "Hi." He said.
    Umm ok i thought to myself. He sat like as far as he possibly could from me. Had I imagined all of last night up? What happened? We were texting all night!
    After school ended he texted me "Hey." I was so confused. Why was he acting weird earlier? Little did I know that is how he acts all the time...

  2. secretstoriesx4 secretstoriesx4
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 5:31pm UTC
    pleeeease go read my story :) its a true story..with me and my crush

  3. secretstoriesx4 secretstoriesx4
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 4:59pm UTC
    The Boy I Can't Get Over
    Chapter two
    I walked into the cafe where the dance was. I spotted Emmie and went over to her. I took a pack of glowsticks out of my pocket. Emmie and I put one on. We walked out of the cafe and of course, there was Collin sitting in a chair.
    "Can I have one?"
    Collin asked pointing to my glowstick.
    "Sure" I replied and handed him one.
    Within five minutes he broke it all over the floor and the fat kid licked it and made his tongue glow, so I got yelled at. Collin asked me for another one. I said no because he'd just broken my last one. So him and his friend Aaron stole me and Emmies. We spent the whole night chasing them trying to get them back. At the end Collin hugged me and I told him he was my new bestfriend and he laughed.
    As soon as I got home i turned on my phone and had a message from a number I didn't recognize..
    "Hey its ur bestfriend"
    Collin i smiled to myself.

  4. secretstoriesx4 secretstoriesx4
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2011 9:12pm UTC
    The Boy I Can't Get Over
    Chapter one
    The bell rang after math and it was time for A+E class. I walked in and sat next to Emmie. Sheila's crush Raegon was in this class and so Sheila sat next to him. Raegon was also sitting next to his crush Nicki. Raegon and Nicki always flirted but they couldn't go out because Raegon had a girlfriend, Julia. The other people in here were Collin Davidson, who i think is wicked cute, my friend Alex, Daltin, and Namoi. Namoi has anger problems and honestly nobody likes her.
    "Ok guys here are your books" Mrs Carleson said as she gave us each a book, "I need you to write your numbers down so I can keep track of who has which one." I was staring off into space when suddenly I heard..
    "Hey hey you-"
    "Me?" i replied.
    "Yes you ..nice um book you got there"
    I looked down at my book and saw that it was all bended and stuff. I just got insulted by Collin. I wasn't sure if it was a joke or not but something in his deep brown eyes made me like it.
    "ugh Finally school is over..so hey Jen are you going to the dance tonight?" Em said.
    "Um sure." I said.
    "Alright see ya there." Emily replied as she walked out the door.
    Sorry guys wicked a lot of names i know but it will get better i promise :)

  5. secretstoriesx4 secretstoriesx4
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2011 10:45am UTC
    The Boy I Can't Get Over
    Jenny's P.O.V.
    Hi I'm Jenny. I'm 12 years old and I'm in 6th grade at Newfoundland High. The school year is almost over. My bestfriends are Emmie and Sheila. We all got a new class called A+E. A+E for Emmie, Sheila, and I is a reading group. I'm really excited to see who else is in my class. I've never had a boyfriend before and I reeeaally want one. But there doesn't seem to be any boys interested in me at Newfoundland High. Sucks for me.
    if you're interested in reading the story please follow me? or fav this..it iwll get MUCH better (:


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