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  1. samicrab samicrab
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2012 3:04pm UTC
    sorry this is long.... but it randomly came into my head
    i read on witty about so many people asking why they can't fit in, and why are they so different? well the answer is, you're all unique people who have the best qualities in life. you may say you're lonely, or in love with a guy who'll never go out with you, but you know what?! it doesn't matter, you're special, you mean a lot to a lot of people that you don't actually realise because you're so convinced that you're not a good person because you don't have any friends..... well you know what, the popular people can shove their make-up and push up bra's places that the sun don't shine, because us "un-popular" people...... we're REAL.

  2. samicrab samicrab
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2012 2:39pm UTC
    it breaks my heart knowing that you're totally over it and i get the pain that only hurts because i stupidly fell in love with you

  3. samicrab samicrab
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2012 2:35pm UTC
    when you lose that one thing that matters, your whole world falls apart....

  4. samicrab samicrab
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2012 5:14am UTC
    random adult: i'm sueing you!!
    girl: i'm a seven year old girl you can't sue me.....
    random adult: i don't care! i'm sueing you!
    girl: for what..... my frickin barbies?!?!
    ~~~not mine.... my friends.

  5. samicrab samicrab
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2012 5:11am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. samicrab samicrab
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2012 5:18am UTC
    that idiotic moment i had today when i said i drive a car...... and then said 'choo choo'

  7. samicrab samicrab
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2012 6:18am UTC
    Why tell you a secret that you're never gonna keep?
    Why tell you my dream if you're not gonna believe?
    Why tell you my story iof you're never gonna listen?
    Why tell you anything if i can't trust you a little?
    You're just another one of those guys who think i care,
    and you,
    never realise how much i want you to be there, for me,
    every time i cry, woah woah, every time i, know someone has just died.
    But you see, i don't care 'bout you.
    And that's just me......
    random lyrics from when i got bored.. please fav if you think they're ok....

  8. samicrab samicrab
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2012 7:20am UTC
    got this from a good tv show
    " we have nothing in common..... i wear knit hats when it's cold out, you wear knit hats cause of coldplay."
    fav if you know what tv show this came from, i'll follow you!!


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