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Member Since: 29 Aug 2010 05:26pm

Last Seen: 22 Oct 2013 03:21pm

user id: 123043

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  1. rottenapple15 rottenapple15
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2013 4:53pm UTC
    Thank you for nothing, cause there's nothing left to lose.

  2. rottenapple15 rottenapple15
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 4:49pm UTC
    You'll be my William
    I'll be your Kate
    Livin like a fairytale.
    - Bridget Mendler: Ready or not
    (not my format)

  3. rottenapple15 rottenapple15
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2012 4:39pm UTC
    She silently criesAs she slowly diesShe thinks why?They heard her cry, they heard her screamBut why was everyone so mean?They let him thrash her, they did nothingAs they carried on with their shoppingIt was in public, everyone could seeShe thought: then why did no one help me?She went numBut they just thought she was dumThe blood dripped down her headAs she wished she were in bedShe wishes none of this were realAnd that she could have her last mealShe lays on the floorTrying to reach the doorShe feels no painWhat a shameShe silently dies.This is for all the girls who have gone through any abuse.Stay strong <3

  4. rottenapple15 rottenapple15
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2011 4:54pm UTC
    Sometimes things aren't great.
    Sometimes you feel like giving up.
    But you know what?
    Pluck up the courage.
    Stand up straight and flash a smile.
    Because even in the darkest of places
    there is a small light called hope.

  5. rottenapple15 rottenapple15
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 3:11pm UTC
    Part 1
    I was heartbroken. My dad had just died and I had to move in with my Aunty. I completely hated her and I knew she hated me. It was time to go to my dad's funeral.
    I got in the car with my Aunty and Uncle. When we reached the churchyard. As soon as we got out of the car my Aunty sneered at me "Stand up straight!" I rolled my eyes. She wanted me to cry even if it wasn't for the right reason... A tear rolled down my cheek as we walked up to the grave. The one thing I didn't understand is how he died. The doctors say he had died from an overdose of medicine but my dad wasn't on any special medication. Anyway for the time I was at the funeral I let all that go. All I focused on was the heartbreak of losing my dad. As everybody was speaking tears were streaming down my face. My aunty noticed and she whispered to me "Suck it up."
    I was so annoyed at her. I mean how could she! She told me to suck it up at my Dad's funeral! How dare she! We were in the car going "home." I stepped inside. Their house was huge! I mean how did they afford all this?
    I asked my uncle " Can I go to my room?"
    "Right this way" He replied. He led me up the stairs into one of the spare rooms which was now going to be my room. I unpacked then suddenly I remembered I had promised my boyfriend (Lucas) that I was going to meet him in the park. I rummaged through my suitcase and found some clothes.
    I grabbed my phone and ran out the door.
    Finally I reached the park. There he was sitting on the bench. I walked up to Lucas and he swooped me off my feet as soon as he saw me. My best friend (Callie) had always said me and Lucas had a magical relationship. As soon as I saw Lucas all of my worries had gone. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.
    "Where have you been?" he asked. Then my face dropped. I hadn't told Lucas yet.
    "My dad died" I whispered trying to hold back my tears. He held me in his arms. I always felt so safe whenever he did that.
    For about an hour we just talked. I felt so good after that. While I was walking home I saw a gang of boys smoking. I walked alittle faster. Then I heard it.
    "Baby why don't you come here" One of them said. I just kept walking pretending like nothing was happening.
    "Hey I'm calling you!" one of them yelled. He started walking towards me. I was panicking like crazy. I started running. I heard some people running behind me. They were getting closer and I was losing my breath. I couldn't run any more. Then one of them grabbed my arm.
    My heart was pounding in my chest. I started yelling. I started squirming. He wouldn't let go. I screamed. Nobody heard me.
    I was trapped.
    Do you guys like it??
    Will it work??
    Any comments?

  6. rottenapple15 rottenapple15
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 2:45pm UTC
    A whole new year to screw up.
    A whole new time.
    A whole new drama scene
    A whole new chance.
    format credit to: tash

  7. rottenapple15 rottenapple15
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2010 2:18pm UTC
    Send me a dirty picture!
    *sends pictu re*
    What the f⚈⚈k is this?
    It's a picture of mud.

  8. rottenapple15 rottenapple15
    posted a quote
    October 17, 2010 3:34pm UTC
    In Ohio, it is against law to get a fish drunk.
    I wonder what idiot tried that?


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