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Member Since: 12 Dec 2011 04:20pm

Last Seen: 8 Jul 2012 11:52pm

user id: 249824

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your     still     thinking     of     me.
I just wanted to say that almost all my quotes are based off things that happen in my life.
& yeah.


  1. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 11:57pm UTC
    I know I have flaws,
    I know I'm not perfect.
    But that doesn't give you the right to make fun of me.

  2. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 10:31pm UTC
    I’m ugly because I don’t look like you?
    Because I don’t want to be called a fake?
    Because I don’t wear makeup?
    Last time I checked, I don’t have to look like
    to be beautiful.

  3. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2012 2:42pm UTC
    The last thing I want her to do is win. Because if she wins, she takes all thats left of me.
    & I will not let that happen.

  4. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2012 8:13pm UTC
    Fake smile,
    real tears.

  5. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2012 4:24pm UTC
    Don't worry about
    the mistakes you made
    in the past,
    for they help strengthen
    your future.

  6. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 10:10pm UTC

  7. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 9:17pm UTC
    Ilove♥the smellof rain.

  8. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 9:11pm UTC
    That epic moment when you find the other sock
    that goes with one that had no match for years.

  9. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 9:08pm UTC
    That awkward moment when
    your teacher starts talking about
    sports bras, & you & the rest of the class
    sit there awkwardly.

  10. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2012 5:26pm UTC
    This is just my opinion but,
    soccer players are far more attractive than
    hockey players..

  11. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2012 5:23pm UTC
    Okay. I'm seriously annoyed with people.
    At school, my best friends 'other' best friend hates me, so every time she sees me she starts talking about my best friend. Today she said "Oh yeah. Me & (name) are hanging out this weekend. Blah blah blah." She makes eye contact with me then says it really loud so she makes sure I hear, because she knows it annoys me so much.

  12. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2012 4:36pm UTC
    That weird face you make
    when your toothpaste
    is really minty.

  13. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 9:36pm UTC
    Why is it so much easier to
    fall asleep on a desk than in a bed?

  14. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2012 7:44pm UTC
    I'm falling apart. I can't even tell my best friend why.. :'(

  15. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2012 9:11pm UTC

  16. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2012 5:09pm UTC
    Today at lunch,
    An autistic girl at our school sat down at the "popular" table. As soon as she sat down,
    all the "populars" got up and moved to a different table. I couldn't believe it,
    what I just saw broke my heart. So I got most of my friends to come
    sit down with the girl to keep her company. When we sat down the "popular" people gave us
    dirty looks, I honestly didn't give a crap. All I'm trying to say is that just beacuse shes not "normal"
    doesn't mean shes not human. And really, theres no such thing as "normal".
    It's people like the "populars" that make me sick.
    True story..
    format by jimmy365

  17. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2012 4:06pm UTC
    My body may be in the classroom,
    but, my dear teacher,
    my head is in the clouds.

  18. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2012 4:03pm UTC
    "I'm not a word,
    I'm not a line,
    I'm just a girl,
    that can never be defined.
    -Nicki Minaj.

  19. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2012 4:26pm UTC
    Please read this.. I just need help..
    My best friend is the only one I can trust. I can tell her everything. Well almost everything. Lately shes been hanging out with her "other bestfriend" more than me, and I'm pretty sure her "other bestfriend" hates me and wants to take my bestfriend from me. Every time I get close to telling my bestfriend how I feel, I chicken out and tell her something else because I'm afraid to loose her. I want to tell her to get it off my mind, but I just cant bring myself to do it, and I wanted to tell some one else about it, but like I said, I can't trust anyone else but my bestfriend..
    Please tell me what I should do.. It will help so much. Thats all I'm asking for.. Thank you.

  20. ratuszniik10 ratuszniik10
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2012 3:09pm UTC
    Format by BrownEyedFormats
    I want to punch you so hard.
    Its not even funny.
    You should go.


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